Chapter 165 Snake Cave
Looking at this battle, Huang Yu felt a little distressed.

In the end, the Wyvern and the fierce bird both fell down.

He fell to the ground.

But the fight doesn't stop.

Both lose.

In the end, the Wyvern won this battle by virtue of its tenacious resilience, but it also suffered losses for both sides.

To recover, I don't know how long it will take.

Huang Yu hurried over.

Just as he was about to bring it into the pet space to heal his wounds, he saw that the sharp claws of the Wyvern tore open the body of the ominous bird and pecked out something.

That's Beast Pill.

I saw it swallowed it in one gulp.

Followed by the continuous shaking of the body.


A strong light exploded all over his body.

Then it turned into a light curtain covering the whole body.

An oval cover was formed, like an egg, covering the Wyvern in it tightly.

Huang Yu was taken aback.


Could it be... Could this be a sign that he was going to advance to a sixth-order profound beast?

No, it's not possible.

This guy is just a fifth-order profound beast. It is not easy to be promoted to sixth-order.

Therefore, this should be a transformation, yes, it is just a transformation.

Perhaps, this guy can have some special abilities.

Huang Yu waited patiently.

However, I don't know how long it will take, simply, with a wave of his hand, he completely brought this guy into the pet space.

When the Wyvern comes out again, there should be quite a change in strength.

It's a pity that I still want to fly with this guy, but I can't do it right now, so I can only continue to walk.

"Master." After walking for about half an hour, Lulu flew out.

"Lulu, what's the matter?"

"Master, there is a powerful guy ahead." Lulu said.

"A powerful guy? Can you handle it?" For Huang Yu, his current strength is not weak anymore. If it is only a fifth-order profound beast, even if it is a later stage, he can still have a try.

Of course, if you want to use various special methods, you may still be able to destroy it.

"Yes, the one-horned bull in the middle of the fifth stage." Lulu said, "That big guy is a bit stupid, it is still very easy to kill that stupid guy, but be careful, this guy's one-horned bull is very powerful of."

"One-horned bull? What kind of mysterious beast?"

"Thunder is of the thunder attribute, and there is no great difficulty for the master."

There is really no need to worry too much about mysterious beasts with thunder attributes. They also have thunder attributes and are very resistant.

right up ahead.

Huang Yu activated the golden ancient pupil technique.

The one-horned bull was lying there basking in the sun, unaware that the danger had come.


Huang Yu used the invisibility talisman without hesitation.

Of course, the cheap ones are used.

This one-horned bull seemed very at ease.

near, near.

Huang Yu held his breath and clenched the long sword tightly in his hand.

One hit kills.


Attack range, optimal attack distance.

Huang Yu's eyes lit up.

Thunder Dragon is angry!
The long sword in his hand swung out instantly.

A purple thunder dragon charged past.

It pierced into the belly of the tall one-horned bull.


The bull jumped up instantly.

The huge body shook the entire ground.

Huang Yu quickly moved away.

This blow hit, but unexpectedly failed to kill with one blow.

Surprised, very surprised.

The strength of this big guy is beyond my imagination.

That one-horned bull was spurting blood.

The huge body made Huang Yu gasp.

I thought the one-horned ox was about to attack wildly, but Huang Yu was surprised by his actions.

Run wild.

Yes, running wildly, this guy actually rushed forward.

This is... is this the rhythm of escaping?

Only then did Huang Yu react.

It's all this step, how can I let it go away.

With the wind under his feet, his speed became astonishing.

The speed of the one-horned bull is really unbelievable, even though it was injured, its speed is still astonishing.

Huang Yu could barely keep up.

Too fast, too fast.

Follow the wind!
Take a breath.

Huang Yu speeded up again.

It would be great if the Wyverns were there.

There are two-winged dragons blocking in front, if they harass, it will take no effort to clean up this guy.

But now, it doesn't work.

The one-horned bull ran wildly all the way, and blood was everywhere.

And Huang Yu is chasing behind.

This guy, with so much blood, is still alive.

A few minutes passed.

The one-horned ox stopped bleeding, but its speed also slowed down.

Suddenly, the foot suddenly collapsed.


Huang Yu's eyes darkened.

Such bad luck.

The moment it fell.

Huang Yu's hairs stood on end.

In front of you is a huge snake cave.

The huge one-horned bull fell right in the middle.

Countless poisonous snakes wrapped it up, densely packed, tens of thousands.

In just a few breaths, the one-horned bull was swallowed up.

And Huang Yu was very lucky.

I am still some distance away from the snake cave.

If he got closer, he would probably end up in the same way.

Those poisonous snakes.

They are all fourth order.

Moreover, the toxicity is amazing.

The hissing sound gave Huang Yu goosebumps all over his body.

Terrible, really terrifying.

What the hell is this place?
Huang Yu took a deep breath to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

"Lulu, Lulu, what is this place?" Huang Yu used the golden ancient pupil technique to check, and found that he was now in a huge space, and there was a coercion above it. difficulty.

"What's going on, why are you here?" Lulu asked.

Huang Yu smiled wryly when he heard this, and told Lulu everything that happened before.

"What the hell is this place? How do I get out?" Looking at the snake cave in front of him, Huang Yu was very uncomfortable.

"It's not easy to get out from here." Lulu shook her head and said, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't gone to rest, Master wouldn't be trapped here."

"Lulu, don't worry, it's not your fault." Seeing Lulu blaming herself, Huang Yu couldn't help comforting him, "You'd better tell me where this place is first."

"This is the Snake Sect." Lulu said, "The Snake Sect is a strange sect, but its strength is terrifying. It is a sect inherited from ancient times, which is very strange. And this is the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, which is the forbidden area of ​​the Snake Sect. "

Snake Sect, Ten Thousand Snake Caves.

Zongmen forbidden area.

Huang Yu frowned, this is still a sect inherited from ancient times.

Then what is its strength going to be.

There are really few sects inherited from ancient times in Zhenwu Continent.

If there are any, they have all gone to the Central Continent, and they are extremely rare in the Zhenwu Continent, and have never even been heard of.

As for the name Snake Sect, Huang Yu had never heard of it.

But judging from Lulu's tone, this Snake Sect is very powerful and not easy to provoke.

"The Snake Sect was a difficult sect in ancient times. Basically, no one dared to provoke them, but they didn't take the initiative to provoke others, but because the Snake Sect's strength was too frightening, the Snake Sect was finally defeated by others. Siege, but the strength of the Snake Sect is beyond people's expectations. Although they were besieged by several big sects, they still broke through calmly and returned to their roots, in the Snake Cave, which is here." Lulu said, "If I didn't Guess wrong, this should be the foundation of the Snake Sect, and this is the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, the forbidden area of ​​the Snake Sect, only the Snake Sect master can enter, so it is safe for the time being."

"What is the strength of the Snake Sect now?" Huang Yu was concerned about this question, "Can I leave here with the invisibility talisman?"

"No, this won't work. Although the invisibility talisman can prevent the owner from being discovered, there is no way to leave here, because the forbidden area of ​​the Snake Sect has restrictions. To go out from here, you must open the restrictions."

"You can't open the restriction?" Huang Yu said.

"No, the restrictions here are extremely high-level, and even the strong in the Broken Realm can't break them. The only way is to wait for someone to come in." Lulu said.

"This... If no one comes in here, wouldn't it be a disaster?" Huang Yu exclaimed suddenly when he heard the words.

"No, this won't happen, the suzerain of the Snake Sect will come in once a year."

"One year?" Huang Yu was speechless when he heard the words, one year, if he came in after one year, wouldn't it be a disaster? "Lulu, this year is too long, the day lily is cold."

"Master, don't you think this is an excellent place to practice? Master can quickly improve your level here." Lulu pointed to Ten Thousand Snake Caves and said, "There are countless experience points here, and Master can use them to Come here to improve your cultivation.”

Look at the densely packed poisonous snakes.

Huang Yu thought about it too.

Although the level of the poisonous snakes here is slightly lower, due to the large number, it may be enough to raise one's level to level [-], or even higher.

"This is not just such a snake cave, but different snake caves have different levels. There are even sixth-level snake caves." Lulu said, "The sixth-level snake caves are full of sixth-level poisonous snakes." .”

Huang Yu swallowed his saliva when he heard the words, the sixth-order snake cave, then... that is simply unbelievable, it will be against the sky.

There are tens of thousands of poisonous snakes in this snake cave. If there are tens of thousands of sixth-level poisonous snakes, then... that would be extremely terrifying.

Even if it is a strong person in the Shattered Realm, there is only one way to die.

"Then Lulu, is there any way to kill these poisonous snakes?" Huang Yu asked.

Huang Yu didn't want to go near the snake cave and enter the snake cave.

so horrible.

As he approached, Huang Yu felt an astonishing threat.

Who knows, is it possible for these poisonous snakes to escape?Therefore, Huang Yu's heart has always been hanging, this place is too permeable.

"The owner just needs to freeze them. As long as the temperature is low, these poisonous snakes will enter a hibernation state. In that case, the owner does not need to worry about the threat of these guys at all, and can kill them at will." Lulu said with a smile .

Freezing, hibernating, I didn't expect this method, it's a good idea.

But after freezing, if you want to kill, you won't be able to kill much.

It is estimated that if you kill them softly, you will not be able to kill many poisonous snakes.

"Master, you don't have to worry. After freezing, you can use Thunderbolt bombs again. If you do that, countless poisonous snakes will be killed or injured. If hundreds of Thunderbolt bombs go down, a snake den will be blown up." Lulu said, " However, in that case, it will definitely attract the attention of the Snake Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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