Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 166 Cultivation Breakthrough, 9th Floor of Thunder Tribulation Realm

Chapter 166 Cultivation Breakthrough, Thunder Tribulation Realm Ninth Floor
"Get the attention of the Snake Sect? Isn't that better? In that case, I can go out by myself." Huang Yu said after hearing the words.

If people from the Snake Sect come in, then it's not exactly what I want. I want to go out, but I can't find a way. If they come in, then I can use the invisibility talisman and go out.

"However, in that case, it is still very dangerous, because there are restrictions." Lulu shook her head, "Once something happens here, they must first seal off all the spaces to get out."

"So what?"

"It can only be killed." Lulu said, "Or, the master uses kerosene, that's fine too."

"Fire oil?"

"Well, in fact, kerosene is cheaper, but it's not as powerful as Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt. Moreover, this kerosene can only deal with these third-level poisonous snakes at most. If it is fourth-level, fifth-level, or sixth-level, then Don't even think about it, fire oil has no possibility of causing harm to fifth-order profound beasts. These fourth-order poisonous snakes are very reluctant, and it is impossible to cause too much damage. Therefore, if the master uses fire oil, he has to go A third-tier poisonous snake cave."

The third-tier poisonous snake cave, that's fine too.

Safety comes first.

Huang Yu nodded.

Following Lulu's guidance, he walked towards the third-tier poisonous snake cave.

Forgive a few bends.

Along the way, there are many poisonous snakes.

It looked intimidating.

This place, to be honest, has been here once and never wants to come back again.

This was much more terrifying than when I used the Ten Thousand Snake Grass back then, and these poisonous snakes, so unexpectedly, stared at me with eyes and anger, which made people feel chills.

The third-tier poisonous snake cave.

Coming soon.

These third-order poisonous snakes are different from those fourth- and fifth-order snakes, and their color is much lighter.

The higher the grade, the darker its color.

These three levels are the shallowest.

To freeze it, he also needs to exchange for a talisman.

Suddenly Huang Yu was taken aback, couldn't he use talismans?Huohai Talisman, isn't that the best thing?
Although the Fire Sea Talisman is not very powerful, it is enough to deal with third-order profound beasts.

And the price is very reasonable.

Then, take a Frozen Talisman for yourself, and then use the Sea of ​​Fire Talisman.

It is enough to clean up these third-order poisonous snakes.

It's a pity that I can't find a more powerful large-scale fire attribute attack talisman.

If you are a talisman master, you can use this sea of ​​fire talisman to upgrade and make the sea of ​​fire talisman into a super powerful upgraded version.

Of course, it is not easy to become a talisman teacher.

In Zhenwu Continent, talisman masters, like alchemists and weapon refiners, belong to the category of people with high status.

Only a small number of people with special physiques can become talisman masters.

Therefore, a talisman teacher is the same as an alchemist.

Of course, it is still possible for Huang Yu to become a talisman teacher, but some special conditions are required.

"Ding, is the player exchanging the Frozen Talisman?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for consuming a thousand high-grade spirit stones and obtaining a Frozen Talisman."

"Ding, do you want to exchange the Fire Sea Talisman?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining a Fire Sea Talisman, which consumes [-] high-grade spirit stones."

Looking at the two talisman seals in his hand.

This is still considered cheap, and there shouldn't be any major problems in dealing with these third-tier poisonous snakes.

But what Huang Yu is worried about now is, once these poisonous snakes are killed by him, will there be any accidents?
In other words, will there be a super boss here? In this case, it is not impossible.

But Lulu is not sure, because she can't detect everything here. If the strength exceeds the powerhouse of the Broken Realm, Lulu has no way to explore it.

So, it's dangerous.

Still, the risk is worth it.

After all, the probability of encountering a strong person in the Broken Realm should be extremely small.

Even if there is, I probably won't care about this little person like myself.

He looked at the third-order snake cave densely packed with poisonous snakes in front of him.

The talisman in Huang Yu's hand was lightly crushed.

A huge white light rushed into the third-order snake cave.

The entire snake cave was frozen in an instant, and the poisonous snakes were completely frozen before they could move.

The entire snake cave instantly became an ice cave.

see this scene.

Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.



Then the next step is to use the Fire Sea Talisman.

Once the Fire Sea Talisman is used, the entire frozen snake cave will be burned by scorching heat.

As a modern person, Huang Yu is very clear in his heart that once the temperature is extremely low and suddenly encounters high temperature, no matter what it is, it will become brittle and shatter.

Even extremely high-strength steel, or even alloys, are difficult to withstand.

And these poisonous snakes are only third-order poisonous snakes, so it's strange that they can withstand them.

"Fire sea talisman, let me go." Looking at the snake cave, Huang Yu said in his heart, "Burn it! My experience points!"

In an instant, the entire frozen snake cave was enveloped in a sea of ​​flames.

Only a rattling sound was heard.

All of a sudden, countless poisonous snakes turned into powder.

Amazing, amazing.

And Huang Yu's ears kept ringing the system's reminder sound.

The experience value skyrocketed.

There are tens of thousands of poisonous snakes there.

Although it is only a third-tier poisonous snake, the experience value that one can provide is only three or four hundred.

But when added up, that's also amazing.

A total of 40 million.

After half an hour.

The sea of ​​flames disappeared, and in the huge snake cave, there were only ashes all over the ground.

All poisonous snakes were burned to death.

As for the equipment, nothing was dropped.

Of course, Huang Yu didn't care about this thing either.

After all, it is only a third-order poisonous snake, so what good things can come out of it.

"Ding, congratulations on the player level up, reaching level 30."

"Ding, congratulations on the player level up, reaching level 31."

"Ding, congratulations on the player level up, reaching level 32."

"Ding, congratulations player..."



"Ding, congratulations on the player level up, reaching level 39."

With more than 30 experience points, his level has been raised to level 39 at once. It's cool, it's really cool.

Huang Yu feels a little like in a dream.

In this way, if he wiped out all the Ten Thousand Snake Caves, wouldn't he break through the sixty or seventy levels?
However, that's just thinking about it, it's not that easy.

Now I have no way to find a fire attribute large-scale attack talisman that can deal with Tier [-], so I can't do it, even Tier [-], so what about Tier [-] and Tier [-]?Stop dreaming.

When Huang Yu swept his eyes, he was surprised to find that there was a passage in the snake cave.

However, why didn't those poisonous snakes enter the passage?
Golden ancient pupil technique.

Check it out.

In that channel, there is actually an invisible energy barrier that separates the snake cave from the inside.

What's in it?
Huang Yu was a little curious.

Is there a way out there?
"Lulu, Lulu, what's behind that passage? Can you find it?" Huang Yu called Lulu out and asked.

"I don't know, I can't detect it." Lulu shook her head.

Unable to detect, Huang Yu frowned slightly.

However, I have no other way, I can't just stay here and wait.

However, before that, he had to improve his strength first.

Now that I have reached level 39, I can use spirit stones to improve my cultivation.

"Ding, is the player using [-] high-grade spirit stones to break through the bottleneck of the Yuanshen Realm and enter the Thunder Tribulation Realm?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player who has made a breakthrough in cultivation, entered the Thunder Tribulation Realm, and consumed [-] top-grade spirit stones."

[-] top-grade spirit stones, Huang Yu is still a little bit pained, [-], if you count it like this, you will need a lot of spirit stones to improve yourself step by step.

However, even if it costs more, it must be exchanged.

"Ding, do players use spirit stones to improve their cultivation?"


"Ding, congratulations, the player's cultivation base has been upgraded to the first level of the Thunder Tribulation Realm, consuming [-] high-grade spirit stones."

"Ding, may I ask if the player uses the spirit stone to improve his cultivation?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player who has upgraded to the second level of the Thunder Tribulation Realm and consumed [-] high-grade spirit stones."

Raise, raise.

Crazy boost.

Huang Yu began to improve crazily.

From the first level of the Thunder Tribulation Realm to the peak level, [-] high-grade spirit stones are needed.

And from the second floor of the Thunder Tribulation Realm, [-] high-grade spirit stones are needed to reach the peak of the second floor.

In other words, from the first floor to the second floor, [-] high-grade spirit stones are needed.

Upgrading from the second floor to the third floor requires [-] high-grade spirit stones.

But Huang Yu didn't hesitate at all, and immediately raised his cultivation base crazily until he reached the ninth level of the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

Consuming a total of spirit stones is terrifying.

Reaching the completion of the ninth level of the Thunder Tribulation Realm is a total of 100 million top-grade spirit stones, that is, [-] top-grade spirit stones.


"Ding, congratulations to the player who has reached the ninth level of Thunder Tribulation Realm."

Huang Yu took a deep breath, and his strength became several times stronger.

At this time, Huang Yu felt that he could easily shred a mysterious beast in the middle of the fifth rank, and even a mysterious beast in the late fifth rank could be easily killed by himself.

Huang Yu checked his attributes.

Huang Yu
Level: Level 39 (5000/40000)

Cultivation: Thunder Tribulation Realm Ninth Floor (Consummation)
Blood volume: 3900
Attack: 999999
Defense: 999999
Dodge: 999999
Lucky: 5
School: Guiyuanzong, Medicine King Valley
Title: Killing a Thousand People
Kung Fu: Five Elements Yulongjue (upper-level kung fu method, cultivated to the fourth level) Spiritual Mimic Jue (lower-level kung fu method of the heavenly level, cultivated to the first stage) Tiger Roar Jue (high-level kung fu method of the earth level)
Life energy: 581000
Lingshi: 12000 middle-grade spirit stones, 1300 top-grade spirit stones, 71000 top-grade spirit stones
Weapons and equipment: Fruit Knife (Normal Grade), Wild Wolf Bracers (Mortal Grade), Wild Wolf Soft Armor (Mortal Grade), Black Flame Armor (Human Grade), Shadow Dagger (Human Grade), Purple Light Ring (storage ring, attribute unknown) Ziji Sword (lower ground level) Wulong Ding (higher level ground tool)
Skills: Knife Flying Technique (lower human level can be upgraded), collection technique (lower level of human level can be upgraded), ancient golden pupil technique (middle level of heaven level), chasing wind (lower level of earth level) earth escape technique (highest level of human level) ) Thunder Dragon Fury (lower level of earth level) Remnants of sword power (such as mountain sword power, angry wave sword power, middle level of ground level), Fufeng swordsmanship (higher level of human level) Golden sword energy (unknown level) Wanjian Guizong (earth level High-level medicine discrimination (high-level human level can be upgraded) alchemy (lower-level ground level can be upgraded) wood spirit space (fourth level) snow lotus swordsmanship (top-level ground level)

(End of this chapter)

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