Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 167 The Sleeping Beauty in the Snake Cave

Chapter 167 The Sleeping Beauty in the Snake Cave

The level has been raised to level 39 in an instant, and the combat power has been directly increased by ten times. Now my combat power has increased from the original 99, which is nearly [-], to the current [-], which is nearly a million combat power.Strength can be regarded as a huge leap forward.

The increase in strength made Huang Yu feel very comforted. With strong strength, he would not be so worried, and his heart would relax a lot.

The body jumped and entered the snake cave.

Before that, of course, Huang Yu didn't dare to be careless, and sprayed some snake repelling medicine on his body, just in case, if there were countless poisonous snakes inside, it would be a disaster. For safety, it is better to be careful.

When Huang Yu came to the passage in the snake cave, he was surprised to find that this layer of restriction didn't seem to have any effect on him, it just stopped those poisonous snakes, he was so surprised, this method was too amazing.

Overcome the ban.

Huang Yu entered a deep but not spacious passage, like a tunnel, with layers of steps.

Going down, yes, this step is going down.

What's hiding under here?
Huang Yu became more and more curious.

The golden ancient pupil technique is activated. Although it cannot detect the things inside, it can still see the things within the three-meter range, and all hidden dangers.

In such a weird place, Huang Yu dared not be careless.

The ghost knows what danger is here. If one is not careful and falls into the trick, wouldn't it be miserable?Maybe Xiao Ming will explain it here, that's not what Huang Yu wants to see.

All the way down.

There are nearly a hundred steps.

After walking, came to a stone room.

In the middle of this stone chamber is a pair of crystal coffins.

Huang Yu's eyes widened.

Inside the coffin was a lifelike person.

The skin is rosy.

The facial features are exquisite to the extreme.

Difficult to describe in words.

If you really want to say a word to describe it, then it can only be the word "perfect".

This woman is so beautiful.

Although she was lying in the coffin with her eyes closed, she still felt a little, yes, charming and seductive.

It makes people feel impulsive.

Hardly dare to look directly.

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

Step by step.

Huang Yu moved a little closer.

After approaching, what shocked Huang Yu even more was that this woman's vitality has not been cut off.

Her heart was still beating, yes, it was still beating, although it was very weak, but... it was really beating.

On the woman's forehead, there was a snake-shaped mark.

Golden serpentine mark.

This woman, lying here, has a snake-shaped mark between her eyebrows.

Is she a strong person from the Snake Sect?

Or... Or, an extremely important person from the Snake Sect?

All this confuses Huang Yu more and more.

But no matter what, this woman must be very important to the Snake Sect.

Speaking of it, this woman is guarded by countless poisonous snakes. If it weren't for my special means, it would be very difficult for someone to drive in.

Perhaps Lulu would know something.

Regarding this woman, Huang Yu really didn't dare to act rashly.

"Lulu, wake up."

"What's the matter, Master, have you encountered any problems?" Lulu said.

"Look." Huang Yu pointed to the crystal coffin.

"Hey, this woman is so beautiful!" Lulu exclaimed when she saw the woman. She had to admit that the woman was even more beautiful than Lulu.

Huang Yu's head was full of black lines: "Lulu, I didn't ask you to see if this woman is beautiful or not. This place is very strange. There is only this crystal coffin, and the woman in this crystal coffin seems to be still alive. The heart is still beating weakly."

"She is not human." Lulu said.

Huang Yu was taken aback by these words, looked at Lulu for a while and said, "What do you mean?"

"I said, this woman is not human." Lulu said.

"Not human?" Huang Yu was startled, not human, could it be a mysterious beast?
"Well, the body of this woman should be a white snake." Lulu said.

"White snake? Snake?" Huang Yu was taken aback, this was a bit mysterious.

"Yes, no matter what kind of mysterious beast, as long as it reaches the seventh level, it can actually take the form of a human, and this woman is a seventh-level mysterious beast. No, she is not actually a mysterious beast. She has the blood of the white dragon and has already It has reached the category of a monster," Lulu said.

"Monster, white dragon bloodline?" Huang Yu muttered in his heart, looked at the seductive woman in front of him, and said, "Lulu, what happened to this woman? Seriously injured? Or something?"

"This woman's cultivation has reached an extremely terrifying level, and now she has sealed herself up, probably to avoid the catastrophe." Lulu thought for a while and said.

"The cultivation base has reached an extremely terrifying state. Is it to hide or to avoid the catastrophe?" Huang Yu was startled, which means that this woman's cultivation base has reached the ultimate broken state. In this Zhenwu Continent, no, even In the Central Continent, they are all peak existences.

It's terrible, this person is really terrible.

Huang Yu was very lucky, fortunately he didn't mess around, otherwise if he woke up the woman, he would be in big trouble.

A hundred of them are not enough for others to clean up.

It's better to leave here as soon as possible, this place is too weird, Huang Yu doesn't feel safe, as if his life is in the hands of others, this feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

"Come on, let's get out of here, okay? This woman is too weird. If she wakes up, I will be in trouble." After hearing Lulu's words, Huang Yu didn't want to stay here for a moment, even though This woman, no, this snake demon is extremely beautiful, but she is not what Huang Yu wants to see. After all, she is a snake demon, and she is also a snake demon with a terrifying cultivation base. There is no way for him to subdue her with his current strength.

She is not Bai Suzhen, nor is she Xu Xian.

Huang Yu turned around and walked towards the staircase passage.

Just came to the entrance of the passage.


A huge stone door fell down in an instant.

A loud noise sealed the entire space.

Huang Yu was stunned.

Damn, could it be... Could it be that this woman woke up?
Huang Yu's heart trembled.

damn it.

Cursing secretly, he pulled out the long sword in his hand instantly.

"Thunder Dragon Fury!"

The whole body is full of energy, and the strongest blow is launched.

A frightening thunder dragon slammed into the stone gate fiercely.

"Bang bang bang!"

The impact of terrifying power made a loud noise.

But Huang Yu's whole body was shocked.

A sweet throat.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Looking at the stone gate in front of him.

Huang Yu couldn't help cursing secretly, how could he be so unlucky.

Can't get out.

I attacked with all my strength, but I couldn't even file a mark on the stone gate.


Huang Yu had a flash of inspiration.

Don't you still have the earth escape technique?

Since the stone door can't be opened, can't I use the earth escape technique?

Earth escape technique.

I escape!I escape!I escape!escape!escape!


However, the result made Huang Yu smile bitterly.

There seems to be some special restriction below, and there is no way for him to escape into it.

It's miserable, it's really miserable this time.

locked up here.

Could it be... Could it be that he was going to be devoured by this woman?

"Master, don't waste your time. This place should be restricted by the snake demon. You can't get out. The master is only in the Thunder Tribulation Realm. Even if you are in the Life and Death Realm, you can't get out," Lulu said.

"Then what should we do now?" Huang Yu asked.

Now it's troublesome, if this snake monster is not good for him, then there is really only a dead end, whether it is a blessing or a curse, he can only resign himself to fate.

"Master, don't worry, I don't think this snake demon is malicious." Lulu said.

"No malice, if there is no malice, then that's fine!" Hearing Lulu's words, Huang Yu heaved a sigh of relief. Since Lulu said so, there must be no danger to his life. To be honest, although he has died It's time to die, but Huang Yu is still very afraid of death.

If he died like this, it would be too aggrieved and not worth it.

As a time traveler, a time traveler with a golden finger, if he died so easily, it would be too shameful.

"Lulu, this woman, what does this snake demon want to do?" Huang Yu frowned. Since he had no way to go out, he had to see what this snake demon wanted to do and figure out her intentions.

"I don't know." Lulu shook her head. Although she is a system elf, she is not omnipotent, nor does she know everything. In addition, Lulu still has a lot of memories that have not been awakened, so she naturally has no way to know too many things.

"Simply, open this crystal coffin and see what this woman wants to do." After staying for a while, Huang Yu also became a little impatient, he couldn't be trapped here forever.

Lulu did not stop, but nodded.

This woman has no malicious intentions, so could it be that she wants the master to save her?
Or is this woman actually trying to use Huang Yu to avoid the catastrophe, or to say, to survive the catastrophe?
Think about it, it's really possible.

Why couldn't those poisonous snakes get in before, but Huang Yu could easily get in?
If this is the case, it can be explained.

Huang Yu stepped forward.

Come to the crystal coffin.

Looking at the woman's face, he was a little dazed.

Immediately afterwards, a cool breath came from the system, which woke Huang Yu up.

This woman, it's amazing, I just looked at her for a while, and I almost got lost.

so horrible.

This woman is more terrifying than that bone demon.

However, no matter what, what is the purpose of this woman trapping herself here?This still needs to be clarified.

Huang Yu put his hands on the crystal coffin.

With a hard push, the crystal coffin was immediately pushed away.

The woman was exposed to the air.

A faint fragrance came to the nostrils.

Although it is very light, it is very fragrant, and people can't help but take a deep breath.

After the crystal coffin was opened, the woman's heart beat faster and more intensely.

Is this woman waking up?
Huang Yu took a few steps back and stared at the woman closely.

(End of this chapter)

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