Chapter 169
Huang Yu and Yu Wan'er walked out of the basement.

The poisonous snake in the snake cave, seeing Huang Yu and Yu Wan'er coming out, seemed to feel something, everything was in order, as if worshiping, it climbed down, with its head facing Huang Yu and the two of them, and stretched into a long line strip.

This surprised Huang Yu.

"You are so ruthless that you killed so many poisonous snakes." Seeing that there was no poisonous snake in the third-order snake cave in front of her, Yu Wan'er rolled her eyes and said.

"I broke in. If I don't kill them, I will die." Huang Yu said.

Yu Wan'er paused slightly when she heard the words, and then said: "That's right, you didn't activate the Dragon God's blood before, if you got close, you might be swallowed by this poisonous snake, and there won't be any scum left behind."

The two quickly arrived at the exit.

Everything here is forbidden.

However, these restrictions are not worth mentioning to Yu Wan'er, besides, these restrictions were originally arranged by her, even if they were not, as a strong person at the peak of the Shattered Realm, she could easily break them.

Of course, she will not use her own powerful strength. Once her power is unsealed, it will definitely attract catastrophe. Then, she will have to break through the void and ascend to the upper realm. This is not what she wants Yes, therefore, she sealed part of her cultivation, suppressing her own strength in the early stage of Broken Realm.

But it was only in the early days, and there were not many opponents in the entire Zhenwu Continent.

However, if this woman really helps him, then he can really go sideways in this continent, and even go to the Central Continent, and he can also flourish.

But at this time, the restriction was actually opened.

Come in alone.

a woman.

Enchanting figure.

Red fitted dress.

Slender beautiful legs.

Pretty buttocks.

A pair of eyes, lightning flashes.

It makes people a little addicted.

Huang Yu whispered secretly, another goblin level.

This woman must be the Suzerain of the Snake Sect, otherwise it would be impossible for her to be able to afford the restrictions here.


As soon as the woman came in and saw the two of them, she felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy. Someone was actually inside the forbidden area of ​​the Snake Sect.

How can she not be surprised.

"You are the current suzerain of the Snake Sect? What's your name?" Yu Wan'er looked at the woman who came in, and said in a flat tone, the golden snake-shaped imprint on her forehead kept shining.

" are the Goddess, you...are you awake?" Looking at Yu Wan'er, the woman stammered a bit.

"I'm awake, this is Lord God Master." Yu Wan'er pointed to Huang Yu beside her.

"My lord." The woman saluted respectfully.

"What's your name?" Yu Wan'er looked at this woman, her cultivation was not bad, she was at the peak of Life and Death Realm, half-step Broken Realm, and she was not very old, only in her thirties.

Huang Yu looked at this woman and was shocked. It turns out that this woman is so young, a half-step broken strong in her 30s, such aptitude is simply against the sky.

"Master Hui Goddess, my subordinate is called Qing Yu."

"Qing Yu, right? How is the Snake Sect doing now?" Yu Wan'er asked.

"My lord, the Snake Sect is now... not as brilliant as it used to be." Qing Yu said weakly, for fear that Yu Wan'er would get angry.

"Tell me, what is your strength now?" Yu Wan'er looked at her and asked.

She had already expected the decline of the Snake Sect.

However, now that he has awakened, and Huang Yu, the Lord God, it will be easy for the Snake Sect to restore its former glory.

"Goddess Hui, now our Snake Sect has two Supreme Elders in the Shattering Realm, two strong people at the peak of the Life and Death Realm, three people in the late Life and Death Realm, ten people in the middle stage of Life and Death Realm, 30 people in the early stage, and 80 people in the Yin Yang Realm."

Huang Yu couldn't help but gasped when he heard the words.

What is this concept.

There are two people in Broken Realm, a total of 45 people in Life and Death Realm, and 80 people in Yin Yang Realm. Such a huge force is too terrifying. In Zhenwu Continent, it is undoubtedly the number one sect.

"Yeah." Yu Wan'er nodded, "It's still a little weak. There are too few strong people in the Shattered Realm. Compared with back then, their strength is less than one percent."

Less than one percent of the strength.

When Huang Yu heard this, he was speechless.

This kind of strength is only one percent, that is to say, at the peak of the Snake Sect, there were two hundred Broken Realm experts.

What a concept that is.

What's more, the strongest thing in the Snake Sect is not only that, but driving snakes.

That's what's really great.

If a strong man in the realm of life and death faced thousands of fifth-level poisonous snakes, he would have no power to fight back.

In the snake cave, Huang Yu was very clear about the huge number of poisonous snakes. If these poisonous snakes were driven out, it would probably be enough to sweep the entire Zhenwu Continent.

Huang Yu doesn't know the strength of the strongest Ling Yunfeng, but there is absolutely no way to resist other places and other sects.

"Goddess please punish!" Qing Yu lowered her head.

"Forget it, it's not your fault, it's not your fault. You are not very old, but your cultivation has already reached half-step broken, which is already very rare." Yu Wan'er said, "Here is a Broken Pill, you Take it, practice hard, and you can enter the Broken Realm."

Yu Wan'er took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Qing Yu.

Huang Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Broken Pill, that is the best pill among the nine pills.

It can make people break through to Broken Realm without any sequelae.

Much better than the Spirit Realm Pill.

After taking the Spirit Realm Pill, although one can break through to the Broken Realm, the cultivation level will not be very stable and it will take time to adjust, but the Broken Pill does not have this shortcoming at all.

Broken Dan.

Huang Yu checked and found that the price of this Shattered Pill is not low, and it needs a hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones.

That's one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, it's amazing.

One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones in one shot, which is really generous.

Seeing Huang Yu swallowing her saliva, Yu Wan'er smiled and said, "Why does my Lord God Master also want this Broken Pill?"

Huang Yu nodded.

"Unfortunately, I only have this one in my hand, hehe."

Huang Yu rolled his eyes, this woman was clearly teasing him, depressed, but there was nothing he could do about her, her strength was far behind her, with her cultivation, she could poke herself over with just one finger .

Helpless, extremely helpless.

And Qing Yu looked at Huang Yu, the divine lord, and was full of doubts in his heart. Why is the strength of this divine lord so weak?

It's far worse than myself.

However, she could only think about it.

The strength of the goddess in front of her is astonishingly powerful.

She can feel it.

Perhaps it was because of the hidden cultivation of the Lord God Master, so she thought, after all, the golden dragon-shaped imprint on the center of Huang Yu's eyebrows is not fake.

It can be clearly felt that the terrifying coercion in the dragon-shaped imprint and the coercion from the soul cannot be faked. Therefore, this Lord God Lord is indeed true, but as for The reason why the cultivation base is like this may be because it hides the cultivation base, or it may be due to other reasons.

"It's fine if you don't give it. If you don't give it to me, there is a way to get it. I forgot to tell you, I am an alchemist. Although my level is not high now, within three years, there is absolutely no problem in refining a few broken pills." Huang Yuwen Yan pouted.

Just kidding, although I want it, if I really need it, I can still get it.

Anyway, I have the system in my hand, as long as I have enough spirit stones, I can exchange one, no matter how bad it is, I can improve my alchemy, and I can refine it naturally, and I can have as many as I want at that time.

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Yu Wan'er looked at Huang Yu, very surprised.

Seeing that Huang Yu was very confident in his words, he didn't look like he was lying.

He is also an alchemist, and the people behind him seem to be quite good at alchemy.

" are an alchemist?" Yu Wan'er said, "Aren't you lying to me?"

Seeing the conversation between the two of them, Qing Yu was a little puzzled, and became more and more confused. Could it be... the God Master and the Goddess are not familiar with each other, isn't it a husband and wife relationship?

"Cheat you? Whatever you think, if you think it's a lie to you, then lie to you." Huang Yu smiled and said nonchalantly.

"I'm wrong." Hearing what Huang Yu said, Yu Wan'er quickly put on a pitiful look, looked at Huang Yu, and said in a pitiful tone, "My lord husband, if you really want to If I want the Shattering Pill, I really don’t have one, but I do have a Shattering Pill.”

"Broken God Pill?" Huang Yu's eyes lit up when he heard it. This Poshen Pill is also a ninth-grade pill, and it is also a top-grade pill. Speaking of which, this Poshen Pill is even rarer than Broken Pill. As the name suggests, this is of great help to the improvement of mental power.

For Huang Yu, this Breaking God Pill is much more useful than the Broken Pill.

Although I can't use it for the time being, but when my spiritual strength is improved again, and the Spiritual Mimic Art reaches the peak of the third level, then this God-breaking Pill is completely tailor-made for me, and it can help me Promoted to the fourth level.

Huang Yu's heart was moved by this God-breaking pill, indeed, his heart was moved.

Looking at Yu Wan'er, he said, "Tell me, what conditions do you want?"

"My Lord Husband, what do you mean by that? Isn't mine yours?" Yu Wan'er took out another porcelain vase, stretched out her white jade hand, and placed it in Huang Yu's. In his hand, he did not forget to pinch Huang Yu's palm lightly, "Good husband, now you are satisfied, don't you want to be angry with me again?"

Huang Yu saw that this woman was really willing to give away two ninth-grade pills so casually, which was equivalent to a full 20 top-grade spirit stones.

As for the Breaking God Pill, Huang Yu checked it out, and it was indeed true.

With the Poshen Pill in hand, Huang Yu's attitude towards Yu Wan'er has also changed a lot.

"Thank you very much. If you need anything, just say it. As long as I have it, I can give it to you." Huang Yu thought for a while, and he still has a piece of Tianmo Star Crystal, which is useless in his hands. If it is given to her, maybe She would have a solution, so she took it out, "I have a piece of Tianmo Star Crystal here, it is not very useful to me, if you can use it, then take it."

(End of this chapter)

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