Chapter 170 Ninth Grade Artifact Refiner

"Tianmo Xingjing, it really is Tianmo Xingjing, a good thing, really a good thing." Looking at the Tianmo Xingjing handed over by Huang Yu, Yu Wan'er's eyes lit up.

"Great, I just need this." Yu Wan'er played with the Tianmo Xingjing in her hand and couldn't put it down, "Thank you, my husband, today, Tianmo Xingjing, I can just make a handy weapon Woolen cloth."

Huang Yu was a little surprised when he heard that, he looked at her and said, "Are you a craftsman?"

You must know that it is not an easy task to use Tianmo star crystals to create weapons, at least you need to be a ninth-grade craftsman, otherwise you will not be able to melt Tianmo star crystals, let alone forge weapons.

"Well, if my lord needs any weapons, just tell me, I can build them for free." Yu Wan'er giggled.

Ninth grade refining master.

Huang Yu was surprised. Looking at her, he never expected that she was actually a ninth-rank weapon refiner. In Zhenwu Continent, he had never heard of a ninth-rank weapon refiner.

Even in the Artifact Refining Sect, there is only a seventh-rank artisan, and a ninth-rank artisan.

Incredible, really incredible.

Of course, Huang Yu is not envious. The ninth-rank craftsman is indeed powerful, but if he only needs enough spirit stones, he can't get any weapons, even the legendary spiritual weapons above the heavenly rank, and even the immortals. He can redeem any magic weapon by himself, and Huang Yu is very confident about the system.

However, I don't know how long it will take to wait for myself to exchange for a spiritual weapon or a fairy weapon.

His own strength is still far behind.

Of course, the current me, even if I have a spiritual weapon, there is no way to exert its power, the one that suits me is the best, and now my Ziji Sword is the best weapon, just suitable for my cultivation Of course, my main skill now is the Five Elements Yulong Jue. If I can get a sword with five elements attributes, it would be great.

However, it is not so easy to obtain a sword with the attributes of the five elements.

If you build it yourself, you need excellent materials, which you don't have at all.

"Okay, I don't have the materials right now. When I have the materials, you can make me a five-element sword." Of course, since Yu Wan'er said so, she doesn't need to be polite. It is not difficult for a craftsman to refine a heavenly weapon.

After she has collected enough materials, let her build a suitable weapon for herself first. If she needs a better one in the future, she will change it when she becomes stronger.

Although it is said that one can also become a craftsman, in that case, it will take a long time, and if it is exchanged, it is not very cost-effective.

Therefore, letting Yu Wan'er build it for herself is also an extremely good choice.

"Five elements attribute?" Yu Wan'er heard this and looked at Huang Yu, she was extremely surprised. The five elements attribute is extremely rare, and she didn't expect Huang Yu to be a person with the five elements attribute.

If such a person grows up, it will be absolutely terrifying.

The attributes of the five elements are not simply one plus one.

The five elements complement each other, and their power will become extremely terrifying.

However, it is often extremely difficult for people with the attributes of the five elements to cultivate.

The speed and difficulty of cultivating a five-element martial artist is five times that of ordinary single-attribute cultivators, not only that, the speed is very slow, but once they grow up, their combat power is astonishing.

It's normal for one to fight five, or to challenge a higher level.

There are pros and cons.

It is difficult to advance, but once promoted, the strength will skyrocket.

"Five elements attribute, no wonder your cultivation speed is so slow, and now you are only at the Thunder Tribulation Realm." Yu Wan'er looked at Huang Yu and said.

Huang Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

This is still called slow, how long have I practiced by myself, if it is still slow, countless people will hit the wall.

Of course, there is no need to say it.

I only heard Yu Wan'er say: "However, my little husband, you don't have to worry, I have a lot of five-element elixir here, and when you find a ninth-rank alchemist to refine some elixir for you, there will be no problem in improving it." gone."

Huang Yu couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard this, it would be great if the pill could help him improve his cultivation.

For me, the elixir has no effect at all, it can only help me recover my cultivation base, and the others, as for improving my cultivation base, have no effect at all.

Therefore, the elixir is really dispensable to Huang Yu.

Of course, except in terms of mental power.

Huang Yu shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, I am an alchemist myself, but now my level is relatively low. Moreover, my cultivation base cannot be improved by relying on pills. For a warrior, I rely too much on pills And weapons, it’s not good, these things are foreign objects after all.”

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Yu Wan'er was stunned for a moment, and Qing Yu who was beside her was also stunned, and the two fell into deep thought.

It took a long time for Yu Wan'er to sigh quietly, and said: "So, so it is. It seems that I used to rely too much on these external things. If it wasn't like this, I wouldn't have fallen to this point."

"However, it's not too late now." Yu Wan'er looked at Huang Yu, "Thank you, my little husband."

"You don't need to thank me. If you really want to thank me, then give all those foreign things to me." Huang Yu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Hehe, my little husband, you think it's beautiful, but you can't do it now, but if you can beat me one day, then everything about me is yours, and you can use it however you want." Yu Wan Hearing this, Er gave Huang Yu a charming look, giggled, and walked forward.

Huang Yu shook his head and followed.

The entire Snake Sect is vast.

In a different space.

It is almost isolated from the outside world.

Except for special methods, outsiders cannot enter it.

Of course, it is not easy for members of the Snake Sect to go out, they must have the approval of the elders.

There are not many people in the Snake Sect today.

But the strength is indeed very strong.

As the Lord and Goddess of the Snake Sect, Huang Yu and Yu Wan'er's status is extremely high.

The Snake Sect has a strict hierarchy.

Each level has strict requirements.

Unconditional obedience to orders from superiors.

Of course, the Snake Sect also respects strength.

A person with strong strength naturally has a high status.

But Huang Yu is an exception.

Because of the dragon-shaped imprint on Huang Yu's eyebrows.

This is a symbol of status, moreover, the dragon-shaped mark, for the members of the Snake Sect, has a kind of coercion from the depths of the soul, making them surrender involuntarily.

As for Yu Wan'er, needless to say, she is a strong person in the Shattered Realm, and she is also a strong person at the peak of the Shattered Realm. Although her strength is sealed, everyone can feel the terrifying aura of a strong person coming from her.

For the Snake Sect, the descending of the Goddess and the recovery of the Goddess are definitely top priorities. The entire Snake Sect is boiling and mobilized.

The number of the Snake Sect is not large, and there are only about 500 people in total.

Still, it's all elite.

The weakest one has also reached the primordial spirit state.

Without Yuanshen Realm, it is impossible to enter the interior of the Snake Sect.

Soon, all the members of the Snake Sect were gathered.

Most of the Snake Sect are women, more than [-]% of them are women.

The typical yin is prosperous and yang is weak, and women are generally stronger than men.

A group of people, Yingying and Yanyan, seem to have entered the country of daughters.

"Sovereign Lord, Lord Goddess, Lord Goddess, the numbers are all here."

Everyone in the Snake Sect looked at Huang Yu, Yu Wan'er, and Qing Yu who were above the main seat.

There was no disrespect in those people.

It's all worship and respect.

This surprised Huang Yu.

None of these people felt dissatisfied at all.

This sect is too powerful, the brainwashing technique is so powerful?

Huang Yu was horrified. There are five or six hundred people in a sect, and none of them has a different heart. It is simply too difficult to do this.

People, no matter what kind of person they are, are actually selfish, especially the stronger their strength, the more selfish they are.

The Snake School is very good, but there are two more people, two more high-ranking people.

It's okay for Yu Wan'er to say that her strength lies there, but her current strength is only the completion of the Thunder Tribulation Realm, which is too far away.

However, the way these people looked at themselves was even more respectful than when they looked at Yu Wan'er.

Could it be... is this the power of faith?


Thinking of this, Huang Yu felt a sudden understanding in his mind.

There is something more in my mind.

Between the eyebrows, inside the dragon-shaped imprint.

A little bit of white spots were absorbed and condensed continuously.

little by little.

The number is increasing.

what is this?
Huang Yu was very surprised.

Looking at these white ones, it seems that this is a unique energy.

Could it be... Could this be the legendary power of faith?

With the condensation of those white spots, the dragon-shaped mark between the eyebrows seemed to come alive.

It turned into a small golden dragon and kept swimming.

Keep absorbing those white spots and slowly become stronger.

Although the speed was slow, Huang Yu could clearly feel that the little golden dragon was constantly growing.

This... What the hell is going on?

"Lulu, what...what's my situation now?" Huang Yu said, "What are those little white spots? Will it be dangerous?"

"Master, congratulations master, I didn't expect the master to understand the method of absorbing the power of faith at this time. This power of faith can enhance the master's spiritual power, change the master's physique, and improve the master's cultivation. Moreover, faith The power of faith does not have any side effects, as long as the master has enough endurance, no matter how much power of faith is absorbed, it will not be damaged." Lulu explained, "As for the specific effect of the power of faith, it will have to wait for the master's strength to improve. When you can master the power of faith, you will know it by experiencing it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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