Chapter 171
The power of faith, I didn't expect that there is such a thing as power of faith, which surprised Huang Yu.

However, as long as this thing is good for him and has no harm, Huang Yu is relieved.

I am afraid that these people are not themselves, but the so-called dragon god. As for whether the dragon god really exists, Huang Yu doesn't know.

In other words, will I become the so-called Dragon God in the future?This is also unknown, but for Huang Yu, he is himself, not some dragon god, let alone someone else.On this point, Huang Yu was extremely firm in his heart.

"Okay, everyone has also seen today that our Goddess and God Master have been born, that is to say, our Snake Sect will rise soon, and there is no need to hide and hide. Ten thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye, and we It has been tens of thousands of years to hide here, and now that the Lord God Lord has appeared, we finally don't need to hide here, this world will belong to us." Qing Yu is very good at instigating people's hearts, which surprised Huang Yu.

Powerful, really powerful, just a few words, and everyone was blown away.

Looking at those people, one by one seemed to have been drugged, and thought, these people seem to have no thinking of their own and obey blindly.

However, Huang Yu soon discovered that these people's mental power was very strong, and they were all very shrewd.

However, for the superiors, the belief in the dragon god is extremely firm, and it is almost said that if they are asked to die, they will not hesitate.

What a powerful brainwashing job.

No wonder, with only a few hundred people, I have gained a lot of power of faith.

In addition to making my spiritual power stronger and changing the dragon-shaped mark with these powers of faith, I feel comfortable all over.

Like a bath in the spring breeze, this feeling is really too comfortable.

"Next, please, Goddess, please speak." Huang Yu was originally scheduled to speak, but Huang Yu was not interested in this, and his own cultivation was not enough. Although Huang Yu wanted to master this power, Huang Yu I know, it's impossible, these people are still firmly in Yu Wan'er's hands, as the so-called goddess of the Snake Sect, her cultivation is as high as the sky, her means are extraordinary, and it doesn't make any sense to speak by herself, maybe according to what she said, wait until she If the strength exceeds her, maybe it's his turn to control everything. Before that, don't even think about it.

Yu Wan'er stood up.

Everyone immediately cheered.

Then Yu Wan'er smiled and pressed her hand.

Everyone fell silent in an instant, and a needle could be heard.

"I just want to say, in one word, our Snake Sect will rule the world again from today on."

Yu Wan'er's voice was not too loud, but everyone could hear it clearly, it was shocking, and it came from the confidence of the soul.

"The king is in the world!"

"The king is in the world!"

"The king is in the world!"

The scene suddenly boiled up, and the shouts were deafening.

Good spirit, really good spirit.

It made Huang Yu feel the urge to shout.

And at this moment, a person came in suddenly.

"Report to suzerain, something happened."

As soon as the man came in, he was out of breath and shouted with an extremely nervous expression.

"What's going on, you're in such a panic." Qing Yu looked a little unhappy, and said dissatisfiedly looking at the visitor.

"Sovereign, there are a lot of people coming outside, they are from the Spirit Snake Sect." The man said, "They are attacking the mountain gate formation, and they are about to enter."

"What?" Qing Yu's complexion changed drastically when he heard that, and he stood up.

"What's going on?" Seeing Qing Yu's solemn expression, Yu Wan'er couldn't help but slightly frowned at Qing Yu and said.

"Master Goddess, the Snake Sect is here to attack the mountain gate." Qing Yu hurriedly said.

"Spiritual Snake Sect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the traitor's power in the Spirit Snake Sect has not been destroyed, and it has survived to this day." Yu Wan'er's eyes were cold.

The Spirit Snake Sect was originally a part of the Snake Sect, it was just a branch.

The person who founded the Spirit Snake School was none other than Yu Wan'er's senior brother, Ling Haotian.

Ling Haotian is a person with a strong desire for power. He has been peeping at the position of the suzerain of the Snake Sect for a long time, but Yu Wan'er's master discovered his ambition and passed on the position of suzerain to Yu Wan'er.

Ling Haotian betrayed the Snake Sect in a fit of rage, and led his cronies to establish the Spirit Snake Sect to oppose the Snake Sect everywhere, becoming the deadly enemy of the Snake Sect.

If Ling Haotian hadn't betrayed the Snake Sect, how could the Snake Sect have fallen to such a state.

The Snake Sect back then was so powerful, it was a first-class existence in the entire continent.

"I hope Ling Haotian is still alive, otherwise it will be boring." Yu Wan'er said with a terrifying murderous intent, "Come here, let's fight and see what the traitors of the Spirit Snake Sect rely on."




When those people heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and the weapons in their hands were pulled out instantly.

For a time murderous.

Huang Yu looked at these people and was speechless. These people are all militants.

This battle is exciting to watch, and of course, it's time for him to earn experience points.

Wan Snake Cave doesn't need to think about it, so... isn't there a good opportunity to earn experience points right now?Naturally, Huang Yu would not let it go.

I am now level 39, only two levels away, that is to say, with only more than 8 experience points, I can cross the hurdle of level 41 and enter level [-]. The Tribulation Realm has entered the Yin-Yang Realm, and there is a huge watershed between the Yin-Yang Realm and the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

It can be said that the world is not too different.

For Huang Yu now, he is numb. He originally thought that after entering the Thunder Tribulation Realm, not to mention being unscrupulous, but life protection can always be guaranteed, but in fact, it was only after he entered the Thunder Tribulation Realm that he discovered the strong There are so many, this is still in Zhenwu Continent.

In this Zhenwu Continent, there are countless strong men who are hidden from the world.

As soon as the Snake Sect came out of the mountain, I don't know how many mysterious sects, hidden families are also coming out.

This world has really become chaotic.

However, that's fine too.

For me, the more chaotic it is, it is a good opportunity for my own development. If it is not chaotic, it is really not easy to develop.

At that time, when my strength has improved, I will integrate several sects.

Integrating the strengths of Guiyuanzong, Yaowanggu, and the Liu family, and adding more spiritual realm pills, it would be enough to cultivate a group of broken realm experts. It will be weaker than those ancient sects, such as Snake Sect.

Of course, if he could still control the power of the Snake Sect at that time, it would not be difficult to sweep the entire Zhenwu Continent.

A group of people killed in mighty force.

Everyone was excited.

As if this was not a killing.

It seems that it is not fighting, but hunting.

This feeling made Huang Yu completely speechless.

Autumn hunting?

Yes, this made Huang Yu feel like an autumn hunt.


These people may have been closed for too long, and they don't know the cruelty of war.

Perhaps, after facing it, you will not be happy.

A real war involves death and bloodshed.

Huang Yu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Closed too much.

Although it looked murderous on the surface, in fact, without experience, he no longer had the blood of killing.

Without the baptism of death, even though these people have a high level of cultivation, they are still far behind.

A life-and-death warrior who has not gone through life-and-death battles, and a life-and-death warrior who has grown up through countless life-and-death battles, even if they have the same cultivation level, once they fight, the result will be known without even thinking about it.

Huang Yu shook his head and sighed, but Yu Wan'er saw it.

She deliberately slowed down her pace and walked side by side with Huang Yu.

Looking at him, he said, "What's the matter, my little husband, why are you shaking your head and sighing?"

"Born in sorrow and died in peace!" Huang Yu said a word.

"Born in sorrow and died in peace?" Yu Wan'er frowned when she heard this, and fell into deep thought.

Looking at Huang Yu quickly: "You mean, these people have lost their blood?"

"No, no, it's not bloody. They still look so belligerent and like to kill so much, but in fact, have they really been killing life and death all the time? How many battles have they experienced? The battle of life and death?" Huang Yu looked at Yu Wan Er said, "If I'm not mistaken, these people seem to have a strong killing intent on the surface, but in fact, there are very few people who have killed a living recently. Let alone a life-and-death battle."

Yu Wan'er nodded.

Indeed, that is indeed the case.

However, this is also impossible.

These people, the older ones are only nearly a thousand years old, and they are the two old guys from the Broken Realm. Moreover, seeing that these two people are pampered, it is estimated that in a real fight, even the powerhouses at the peak of the Life and Death Realm may not be able to kill them. die.

"You are right. However, war is unavoidable. Troubled times are coming. Whether these people can pass the test of life and death depends on themselves. If they can pass the test, they will live. If they can't, they will die." Yu Wan'er's tone was cold, as if she had no emotion at all.

the reality is cruel.

Looking at these people in front of him, if the strength of the other party is the same, it is estimated that at least half of this group of people will die, and this needs to be under the condition that Yu Wan'er makes a move. If Yu Wan'er does not make a move, then more people will die.

Of course, Huang Yu knew that it was impossible for Yu Wan'er to look at these people, so if these people died, the whole snake sect would be considered over.

They are the foundation of the Snake Sect.

If these people were missing, it would take at least a hundred years for the Snake Sect to think about it.

Moreover, the resources needed to train so many people are an astonishing number.

Therefore, even if these people have not experienced the baptism of life and death, it is impossible to really say that they are sent to die.

Huang Yu still understood this point. Although Yu Wan'er said so, she would still do it at critical moments.

However, this is all Yu Wan'er's own business, and it doesn't have much to do with her. Besides, even if she wants to help, she can't do much, because her strength is too weak.

(End of this chapter)

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