Chapter 177 Son
"Xiao Yi, stop." Huang Yu frowned slightly when he heard this, and waved his hand to signal the Wyvern to stop, but think about it, although this guy can't make any waves, wouldn't it be too cheap for him to let him go like this, "Xiao Yi , destroy them."

The Wyvern was instructed to dive down, and a huge breath instantly shocked the two of them.

The dantians of the limbs were all abolished, and the two became useless people.

Even casual ordinary warriors can kill them.

However, Huang Yu was surprised by the wisdom of the Wyvern. He even understood the order when he opened his mouth. It seems that the Wyvern needed after transformation has changed amazingly.

"Tell me, what is the secret you are talking about? I will give you a minute?" Huang Yu looked at him coldly and said.

"Huang family, news about the hidden Huang family." The abolishment of his cultivation base and the severe pain made Chen Hongqiao's hatred for Huang Yu deepened again, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, because he knew that, Once it is revealed, then waiting for him will be a dead end, this point couldn't be more clear, "Ahem, I think this news is enough to redeem my life, right?"

"Hidden Huang's family?" Huang Yu shook his head and said, "This news is actually of no great use to me, so if you just tell this news, then you don't need to say any more."

I thought it was some big news. I have nothing to do with that Huang family now, so I don't need to know at all.

"you you……"

"Die." Without hesitation, Huang Yu stretched out his hand to grab it, and a branch fell into his hand.

"No... no... this has something to do with you, it has a lot to do with it, because... because they have already sent someone out to look for you." Seeing that Huang Yu was about to make a move, Chen Hongqiao hurriedly shouted.

"Thank you for your reminder." Huang Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth when he heard this, so what if he came to find himself?I am not afraid at all, I am full of confidence now, unless the other party is a strong person in the Broken Realm, otherwise, there is no way to do what I want to do to myself, "Now you can die."

Huang Yu was about to make a move, when Huang Dashi said: "Master, can I let the old slave do it?"

Huang Yu nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, then it's up to you."

It can be seen that Huang Dashi has a deep hatred in his heart, so let him come.

Huang Dashi walked over slowly, step by step, as if stepping on Chen Hongqiao's heart.

"Huang Yu, I curse you, I curse you to die a bad life, I cut off my children and grandchildren, I curse you, ah..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Dashi punched him severely in the heart, his heart veins ruptured, and he died instantly.

After Chen Hongqiao was beaten to death, only Su Guang was left. To Huang Yu's surprise, Su Guang hadn't begged for mercy yet, and there was still a smile on his lips.

Huang Yu was surprised.

"Kill him." After Huang Yu's voice fell, he turned around, seeing that it was meaningless, the matter finally came to an end, and the thorn of Chen Hongqiao and Su Guang was finally removed.

"Huang Yu, do you want to know the whereabouts of your son?" Su Guang spoke the moment Huang Yu turned around.

Son, Huang Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and smiled. How could he have any son? Moreover, even if he had a son, he would not be here, but would be in Guiyuanzong. Can Guiyuanzong be influenced by him?Just kidding, not to mention that I still have contact with Gui Yuanzong, if Fang Zhiqing was pregnant, she would have told herself a long time ago.

"My son, it's a joke. I don't know how to find a better reason for lying. Give him a good time." Huang Yu snorted coldly.

"Forget it, anyway, I, Su Guang, deserve to be buried with your son anyway." After speaking, Su Guang closed his eyes.

"Master forgot one person, and that is Su Guang's mother, Mrs. Han." Lulu said at this time, "If my guess is correct, Ms. Han may have really given birth to a son for the master."

When Huang Yu heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help remembering that when he went to Su's house, he went crazy.

Inadvertently had a relationship with the Han family, but later couldn't do anything.

If that's the case, it's really possible.

"Can you find it?" Huang Yu asked.


"That's good." All of a sudden, I had an extra son, and I felt weird, but Su Guang still couldn't stay, he had to be killed, otherwise staying would be a disaster, a time bomb. For Huang Yu, such a situation, Absolutely not, "Old Huang, kill him."

", Huang Yu, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, don't you want your son anymore?" Su Guangda shouted.

Huang Dashi also stopped. For him, Huang Yu's blood is the most important. Compared with it, Su Guang's life is worthless.

"Master, this..."

"Kill him." Huang Yu waved his hand, "I will handle this matter myself."

After dealing with Su Guang, Huang Yu still has to go to the Han family.

If it was true what Su Guang said, if he had a son, he would not be able to wander outside.

To be honest, when I heard that I had a son, I felt very weird. I didn't expect that I would become a father all of a sudden.

Then she thought that she was the life-and-death enemy of the Han family, and that she was the one who forced her, so she must hate herself to death. The important thing is that she has killed her son Su Guang now.

Headache, really headache.

Huang Yu rubbed his eyebrows.

No matter what, people still have to be found.

At this time, Zhao Wan'er ran out.

Seeing Huang Yu, tears fell down, and the whole person threw himself into Huang Yu's arms.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to make you worry about being wronged." Huang Yu patted Zhao Waner's back lightly and comforted her.

"I... woo... I thought I would never see you again." Zhao Wan'er said.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had come back earlier, such a thing would not have happened." Huang Yu blamed himself very much. He should have gone home a long time ago. If he came back earlier, so many things would not have happened. thing.

"Don't cry, auntie, it won't be pretty anymore." Huang Yu said.

"Hmph, you bad boy, you just came back and started teasing your aunt, you should hit me." Zhao Wan'er smiled sweetly when she heard this, and hit Huang Yu's chest with her small fist.

"Lulu, where is the Han family now?" After leaving the Huang family, she wanted to find her son whom she hadn't met.

"It's at Su's house."

Huang Yu was taken aback, didn't the Su family be destroyed by himself?

Thinking about it, it must be in the underground treasure room.

Moreover, the Su family seems to have been rebuilt.

After all, Su Guang's status in the Zhongyuan Sword Sect is not low, and it is not difficult to rebuild the Su family.

Soon came to Su's house.

After some investigation, Huang Yu found Han Shi, who was holding a baby.

Seeing the baby, Huang Yu immediately felt a sense of blood connection.

Yes, this child is his own son, yes, it is indeed his blood.

Unexpectedly, I did not expect that I would have a son.

For a moment, Huang Yu couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

"Master, little master has been poisoned." Lulu said.

"Poison?" Hearing this, Huang Yu's face darkened instantly. It seemed that Su Guang was really vicious, "Is there a way to detoxify?"

This is Huang Yu's concern.

After all, he is his own son.

"Don't worry, master, this little bit of poison can't trouble Lulu, but master needs to spend [-] top-grade spirit stones." Lulu said.


Huang Yu heaved a sigh of relief, it was only five thousand high-grade spirit stones, and he could still afford it.

Push the door to enter.

When Han heard the voice, she was immediately very nervous. She hurriedly hid her son behind her and stood up to protect her: "Su Guang, you bastard, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, don't try to hurt Xiaoan."

Hearing this, Huang Yu frowned, it seemed that Su Guang really deserved to die.

When Han Shi saw Huang Yu, his expression was complicated.

For Huang Yu, at this time, she no longer had the hatred she had at the beginning, and her thoughts were all on the son in her arms.

"It's you, what are you doing here?" Seeing Huang Yu approaching, Han looked at him very vigilantly, "You...don't come here."

Han knew that since Huang Yu appeared here, something might have happened to Su Guang.

"You... what did you do to Su Guang?"

Han's love for Su Guang has long since disappeared, and instead he has become very disgusted, because he is no longer the original Su Guang, and Han's mother's love has been transferred to the baby in his hands. However, knowing that something may happen to Su Guang After that, he was still a little concerned, after all, he was the son of the Han family.

Huang Yu didn't know what to say.

It took a long time before he said: "I killed him."

"" Hearing Huang Yu's words, Han almost fainted.

"Are you okay?" Huang Yu supported her.

"Let go of me, you devil." Han Shi pushed Huang Yu away violently.

Huang Yu didn't dare to fight back, he just said: "Give me the child, he's poisoned."

"You lied to me, you still want to kill Xiaoan." Han Shi looked at Huang Yu vigilantly at this time, with a complicated look on his face. On the one hand, he is the father of his son, on the other hand, he killed his husband own son.

"No, he is my son, how could I hurt him." Huang Yu said, "I tell you, the child is poisoned, and it will be too late if we don't treat him."

"You lied to me, how is it possible, how could Xiao An be poisoned." Han hugged the child tightly, and said in his mouth, "You lied to me, you want to take the child from me, don't even think about it, unless you kill me."

Seeing this situation, Huang Yu was also helpless, but after all, it was his own fault, and he was the one who was sorry for her, so he said: "If you don't believe it, you can bleed the child and see."

Seeing Huang Yu being so serious, Han Shi hesitated.

But Huang Yu was in a hurry: "You stupid woman, do you want to watch him die?"

At this time, when Han saw the child in her arms, her complexion was a little blue, and her face suddenly changed, and she was very nervous: " are telling the truth? must save Xiaoan, I...I can't live without him, can't live without him."

(End of this chapter)

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