Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 178 Flower Valley

178 - Hundred Flowers Valley

"Give me the child." Huang Yu took the child, and then exchanged for the antidote elixir. After taking it for the child, his complexion immediately changed a lot, and it was no longer a little blue, cold and trembling like before. .

Huang Yu was also relieved, after all, he was his own flesh and blood.

"Okay, come with me. If you want, I will give you a title." Huang Yu hugged the child, looked at Han Shi and said.

It has to be said that the Han family is also a beauty. Although she is nearly forty years old, for a warrior, as long as her cultivation level improves, age is not a problem at all.

When Han Shi heard this, she was startled, and looked at Huang Yu with some surprise. Because of the child, Han Shi's hatred for Huang Yu disappeared a lot. She herself is a woman with a soft heart and no opinions.

You must know that she is from the Su family, Su Tianhong's wife.

The Su family and the Huang family are deadly rivals. Huang Yu is so young and promising, and his cultivation is unpredictable. Originally, the Han family only wanted to be by their son's side and watch him grow up. This was enough. Unexpectedly, Huang Yu said With such words, why isn't Han Shi surprised?

"You... are you really willing to give me a title?" Han looked at Huang Yu and said.

"Of course, if you want, you are the mother of the child after all." Huang Yu looked at the child in his arms. This little guy was in his arms, with a relaxed expression on his face and a very happy look.

"But...but...I...I'm older than you, and...and...also Su Tianhong's former wife." Han lowered her head and whispered, "I...I'm afraid that others will gossip. "

"What are you afraid of? Just be yourself. In Liulin Town, who dares to gossip?" Huang Yu laughed when he heard the words. Now, with his own strength and status, who would dare to make irresponsible remarks in Liulin Town, "As long as you Promise, everything will be fine."

"I... I... I thank you." Han lowered her head.

Huang Yu could tell that the Han family was sincere, not the same as before, who hated him to the bone.

In fact, Huang Yu didn't know, it was mainly because of Huang Yu's own physique, and also, that the Han family had Huang Yu's child, which caused Han's mind to change continuously, to the point where it is today.

At first, the Han family thought about how to kill Huang Yu for revenge. Later, when they found out that they had a child, they planned to raise the child and let the child kill Huang Yu, but later on, their thoughts became more and more weak.

Huang Yu took Han Shi back to Huang's house.

On the contrary, Zhao Wan'er was very happy.

Very fond of children.

Having a child means that the Huang family has a descendant.

The child was named Huang An.

Time flies fast.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Most of his cultivation base has also recovered.

It's time to go to the Hundred Flowers Sect.

Huang Yu knew that Gu Xin was still in the Hundred Flowers Sect at this time.

Although the strength of Baihuazong is not bad, there is still a gap compared with Zhongyuan Jianzong.

Moreover, Baihuazong will not fight against Zhongyuan Jianzong for Gu Xin, after all, Baihuazong has its own difficulties.

After half a day.

Huang Yu came to Baihua Valley.

Looking at the flowers all over the mountain, the intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

Huang Yu was not in the mood to appreciate it.

"Stop, who is it?" Soon a female disciple of Hundred Flowers Sect saw Huang Yu and immediately stopped Huang Yu.

"My name is Huang Yu, I'm here to find Gu Xin." Huang Yu looked at the two female disciples and said his name and purpose.

"Are you Huang Yu?" One of the women in green clothes looked at Huang Yu and asked.

"Yes, I'm Huang Yu." Huang Yu was taken aback for a moment, but then he felt relieved, Gu Xin must have explained this long ago.

"Why did you come here?" Another woman in yellow shirt was a little dissatisfied, pouted and said, "If you come later, the senior sister will marry that scoundrel."

"Let's go, but with you like this, I'm afraid you can't change the situation by yourself." The woman in green clothes seemed to be more mature, and she spoke in a very orderly manner, "Those bastards from the Zhongyuan Sword Sect arrested Gu Uncle, using Uncle Gu to threaten Junior Sister, if Uncle Gu cannot be rescued, it will be useless."

"Don't worry, I will." Huang Yu nodded, and there was no problem in rescuing a person.

I have the invisibility talisman, and with the invisibility talisman in hand, and with the help of Lulu, it is not difficult to rescue a person from the Zhongyuan Sword Sect.

Huang Yu followed behind the two women and also learned their identities.

Both girls are disciples of the Hundred Flowers Sect, and they share the same master as Gu Xin. The girl in green is called Liu Feiyi, and the girl in yellow is called Chan Mu Qing.

And their master is Gu Xin, Gu Xin's sister-in-law.

Entering the Valley of Hundred Flowers, it is as if entering a big garden. The flowers inside are of all kinds and are extremely precious. There are countless spiritual flowers and grasses, which make people dizzy.

Soon came to Gu Xin's residence.

Qingxin Pavilion.

This is where the ancient heart is, and it is also the place where Gu Xin practiced.

"We're here, let's go in." Liu Feiyi said.

Huang Yu nodded.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister, look who's here." From afar, Huang Yu saw Gu Xin's figure, still so beautiful, but her face was full of sadness.

"Junior Sister." Gu Xin turned her head, and when she saw Huang Yu, she burst into tears.

"Xin'er, I'm here." Huang Yu looked at Gu Xin and said.

"Yu, you're finally here. I've been waiting so hard." Gu Xin threw herself into Huang Yu's arms, releasing the grievance in her heart, and leaned tightly into Huang Yu's arms.

"Don't look, let's go." Liu Feiyi looked at Chan Mu Qing, eyes unblinking, curious, annoyed and funny, pulled her up and said.

"I... Senior Sister, let me see, let me see what Senior Sister Gu Xin and Huang Yu will do, kiss, what else." Chan Mu Qing said.

"Xin'er, I'm sorry, I'm late." Huang Yu comforted softly, "I've already heard about the matter. That step of Sword Soul dared to play Xin'er's idea and arrested Uncle Gu. I will definitely let him go. They're pretty."

Huang Yu's face was livid, and his tone was murderous.

A woman who persecutes herself is too hateful.

The grievances between himself and Zhongyuan Jianzong have already been forged.

This time, we must let the Zhongyuan Sword Sect know how powerful it is, and those who dare to harm themselves will die.

"No, don't go." At this moment, Gu Xin pushed Huang Yu away, "I...I don't want anything to happen to you, I...I..."

"Don't worry, since I dare to come, I'm sure." Huang Yu smiled and said, "Zhongyuan Jianzong, I don't pay attention to it now."

Yes, for the current Huang Yu, the Zhongyuan Sword Sect is still sure, Xiaoyi alone is enough for them to have a pot, and in addition, he also brought some special products of the Snake Sect.

It is similar to Ten Thousand Snake Grass, which can summon countless poisonous snakes to attack.

And it's manageable.

If it still doesn't work, you can use the Yuanling Talisman yourself. If you have the Yuanling Talisman, you are completely sure. The red-tailed scorpion Yuanling Talisman in the late sixth order is no joke.

In the Zhongyuan Sword Sect, there was only one person who could bear it. The Yuanling Talisman held one person back, and Xiaoyi guarded it, and used the snake flute to drive the poisonous snake to attack.

Enough for the people of Zhongyuan Jianzong to drink a pot.

Of course, before that, I need to rescue Gu Tian first.


"No but, have you forgotten, I have an invisibility talisman, and, what do you think it is?" Huang Yu simply released Xiaoyi, and he was holding an Yuanling talisman in his hand.

" this your pet? And this is the Yuanling Talisman?" Looking at the thing in Huang Yu's hand, Gu Xin's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

She knew Yuanling Talisman, but she had seen that pair of winged dragons in ancient books, and this pair of wings was an ancient strange beast.

"That's right, don't worry about it now, this is Xiaoyi, and Xiaoyi is a sixth-order profound beast. As for this spirit talisman, it is also a late-stage sixth-order. Although the Zhongyuan Sword Sect is powerful, there are not many strong people in the life and death realm. The Yuan Ling Talisman of the late sixth stage is enough to sweep away, and before that, our purpose is to save people, after saving people, it will be much easier to clean up the Zhongyuan Sword Sect." Huang Yu said, "They dare to treat me like this Xin'er, you must make them look good, as for that sword soul who dares to set my mind on Xin'er, he will definitely die."

"Yu, thank you."

Huang Yu was happy, touched her Xiaoyao's nose and said, "Thank you for what we have to say."

"Yeah." Gu Xin moved her body and found a comfortable place

She was so tired during this period that she didn't even get a good night's sleep.

Seeing Gu Xin sleeping soundly, Huang Yu sighed.

Thinking of Zhongyuan Sword Sect, I feel uncomfortable. This Zhongyuan Sword Sect has been making trouble for me, it's too hateful.

Since I entered Qishui City, I have encountered Zhongyuan Jianzong, and I have never dealt with myself. Now I left Qishui City and came back again, and found that the one who opposed me was Zhongyuan Jianzong.

It seems that he and Zhongyuan Jianzong are at odds with each other, and their horoscopes are in conflict.

At this moment, Huang Yu felt that someone was coming from outside.

It's a woman with extremely high cultivation.

Early life and death.

"Are you Huang Yu?" The woman walked in, looked at Huang Yu holding Gu Xin, frowned slightly, and said.


Huang Yu raised a finger and said softly: "I'm sorry, you are Xin'er's sister-in-law, right? Xin'er just fell asleep, she is too tired."

Huang Yu picked up Gu Xin, put her on the bed, and walked out.

Seeing Huang Yu like this, Gu Xin sighed, he still has a little conscience.

But she was still worried.

The happiness of his niece rests on the boy in front of him.

However, it seems that his cultivation base is not high, and he is only in the primordial spirit state.

"What are you going to do?" As soon as he walked out, Gu Xin looked at Huang Yu and asked, "With your current cultivation, it may not be easy to save people in Zhongyuan Sword Sect."

Gu Xin is also helpless. Although she is in the life and death realm, she is only in the early stage of life and death realm, and she has just entered the life and death realm not long ago, her foundation is not stable. In fact, she is half a step into the life and death realm.Moreover, although she is the suzerain of the Hundred Flowers Sect, it is impossible for the Hundred Flowers Sect to fall into a quagmire, and even if she wanted to, the elders of the Hundred Flowers Sect would not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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