Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 190 Entering the Demon Realm

Chapter 190 Entering the Demon Realm
"Let's go, let's go to Jiuyuanjian. If you don't want to go, you can go back to the sect." Naturally, Huang Yu would not force it. Everyone has his own ambitions, so there is no way to force them.

"I'll go too." Fang Zhiqing looked at Huang Yu with firm eyes and said.

"I'll go as well."

"I'll go as well."

When Huang Yu said this, most of the people nodded, and some who were reluctant still nodded.

Huang Yu smiled and said, "Senior sister, you and a few senior uncles don't need to go. In fact, it is enough for me and Hong to go."

"Do not……"

"That's it." Huang Yu jumped onto the Wyvern, and then pulled a handful of Hong Tianqiu, and the whole person flew into the sky in an instant.

"Old Hong, which direction is Jiuyuanjian?" Huang Yu asked.


Huang Yu nodded when he heard this, and let the Wyvern head southwest.

An hour later, we arrived at Jiuyuanjian.

This place is barren, uninhabited, and even some vegetation is extremely scarce.

Huang Yu and Hong Tianqiu fell down.

Because Huang Yu has already seen the people from Diwangfeng.

The two hurried over.

"Young Sect Master, Hong Lao." Di Wangfeng's disciples were a little surprised seeing Huang Yu's arrival.

"Where's your peak master?" Huang Yu said.

"Return to Young Sect Master, my uncle, he has already entered Jiuyuanjian, we... let us completely seal it off." The person who spoke was an elder from Diwang Peak, named Tuobahai, from Tuobaye Nephew, he has good talent, and now he has reached the Yin Yang realm.

Huang Yu frowned, this Jiuyuanjian was full of dangers, it was really not easy to enter rashly.

"Lulu, can you enter Jiuyuanjian to save people?" Huang Yu asked.

"It's ok, the master's skills are special, even if he enters Jiuyuanjian, it won't cause any serious problems, as long as he doesn't meet a super strong person, he will be fine." Lulu said.

Huang Yu nodded, so he was relieved.

For Huang Yu, today's super strong refers to the strong in the Broken Realm. Under the Broken Realm, he can still use Yuanling Talisman to resist it.

"Old Hong, you wait here, I will go into Jiuyuanjian to save people." Huang Yu thought for a while.

"No, no, this is absolutely not possible. I'll go in and save people, and you are here." Hong Tianchou refused again and again, jokingly, Huang Yu's cultivation base is not high, but he is only in the Thunder Tribulation Realm. Nothing will happen to the future of the door.

"Old Hong, don't worry, when will I act rashly? If I am not sure about something, I will not do it. If I do it, I must be more than 80.00% sure, because the exercises I practice are special. , just enough to restrain the demons, and I also have the pupil technique, which can check the surrounding situation, Hong Lao, you can't do it." Huang Yu explained, "The most important thing is, I also have the Yuanling Talisman body, so , Hong Lao, you don’t have to worry.”

"It still doesn't work, we have to go together." Hong Tianchou refused to agree to life and death.

Huang Yu was speechless when he heard the words. If he followed him, it would be a little troublesome. It can be said that the demonic energy inside is soaring to the sky. Hong Tianqiu can't exert his full strength when he enters it, but is restricted. If he is attacked by the demonic energy , if you fall into the devil way, then you will be in trouble.

"Master, there is no need to worry about this, as long as the master exchanges for a Purification Pill, it is enough to keep him from being attacked by the devil energy." Lulu said.

"It seems that there is only this way." If there is this way, it is okay, as long as Hong Tianchou is not affected by the devil energy, then it will be a great help. After all, Hong Tianchou is a fire attribute practitioner, and he is also a strong person in the realm of life and death , it is still very lethal to the demons.

"Well, old Hong, you have to be careful." Huang Yu said.

"Don't worry, I, Hong Tianchou, haven't experienced any storms, Xiaoyu, you don't have to worry, just protect yourself." Hongtianchou laughed loudly.

The two quickly entered Jiuyuanjian.

The more you go in, the more you find that the devilish energy inside is getting stronger.

It seems that this is likely to be an attack point for the demons to invade the human continent.

If this is the case, this place must be sealed, otherwise it will be a catastrophe for the human continent, and it must not be sloppy at all.

"Old Hong, take this qingshen pill first, it can prevent the invasion of evil energy." Huang Yu handed the qingshen pill to Hong Tianchou.

Hong Tianchou took it and swallowed it.

The two moved on.

The magic energy here has grown to an astonishing level.

It was about ten miles into it.

Huang Yu could see that there was a formation ahead.

With a wave of his hand, he stopped.

"I think this is the place we are looking for." Huang Yu pointed to the formation and said, "This should be the teleportation formation leading to the Demon Realm."

"Okay, just find the formation. We just need to destroy the formation after we rescue Tuobo boy and his daughter, then the demons will have nothing to do." Hong Tianchou said.

"No, it's definitely not that simple. This teleportation array is not the kind of large teleportation array. It can only transmit a small teleportation array of ten people at most. Therefore, if the demons want to invade, they will definitely not use such a teleportation array. I feel The space here is very weak, if the demons want to invade in an all-round way, it must not rely on such a teleportation array, if it is not relying on a large teleportation array, it will break the space barrier here and completely connect the demon world with this place." Huang Yu Shaking his head, Lulu told him all these things, the mighty one can still break through a space barrier.

Hong Tianchou's face changed when he heard the words: "That is to say, even if you destroy this teleportation array, it's useless?"

"Not necessarily. If my guess is correct, there should be more than one such teleportation array. It is not an easy task for them to break the space barrier. They have to do it on both sides at the same time, so they will do it here. Build an altar at the same time, rely on the power of the altar to move left and right at the same time, breaking the space barrier." Huang Yu explained.

Hong Tianchou looked at Huang Yu very curiously, and asked bluntly, "Xiao Yu, how do you know so much?"

Huang Yu smiled and threw out a book.

One records the history of the great war millions of years ago.

"This... this... turned out to be like this." After Hong Tianchou opened it, he couldn't believe it.

"Let's go, the matter is not as simple as we imagined. If we want to save someone this time, we may break into the devil world." Huang Yu frowned and said.

"Enter the Demon Realm?" Hong Tianchou swallowed his saliva, is it so easy to enter the Demon Realm?

A human cultivator enters the demon world.

Although, there are still many demon monks in the demon world.

However, if ordinary human beings enter the demon world, they must switch to the demonic way, otherwise they will not be able to absorb spiritual energy at all.

For a martial artist, there is no way to absorb spiritual energy from the outside, which is fatal.

"Xiaoyu, are you kidding?" Hong Tianqiu said.

"Of course I'm not joking. If you want to save people, you have to do this." Huang Yu has already seen the existence of Tuobaye through the golden ancient pupil technique. He is not far away from him at this time, but he is in the demon world. If you want to find him, you have to enter the teleportation array and go to the Demon Realm.

"It's too dangerous, I can go there alone." Hong Tianchou thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said.

"No." Huang Yu shook his head and said, "I'll go, Mr. Hong, you are here to meet him."

"It's too dangerous, I'll go." Hong Tianchou insisted.

"Old Hong, it's even more dangerous if you go, because your kung fu can't absorb the aura of heaven and earth in the devil world at all, but the kung fu I practice is different." Huang Yu said with a smile, "The kung fu I practice is heaven-level Gongfa, and it is extremely special, any spiritual energy can be absorbed."

After all, Huang Yu operated the Dragon Transformation Art, and those devilish energy was instantly transformed into the purest heaven and earth vitality, which was inhaled into his body.

"This...this...heaven-level kungfu?" Hong Tianchou was stunned. There are very few celestial-level kung fu techniques, and there are not even two in the entire Zhenwu Continent, but even the heaven-level kung fu techniques are not that powerful.

"That's right. This is the Dragon Transformation Jue of the Heaven Rank Kung Fu. I got it by accident. Unfortunately, this skill cannot be practiced by ordinary people. You must have the blood of a real dragon." Huang Yu knows the temptation of the Heaven Rank Kung Fu. , even Hong Tianchou may not be able to resist it, but the cultivation requirements of this Dragon Transformation Art are special, if not, Ling Batian would practice this Dragon Transformation Art.

"Dragon Transformation Art, True Dragon Bloodline, could it be... Could it be this..." Hong Tianchou suddenly stopped at this point.

"What's the matter, Old Hong?" Huang Yu was taken aback.

"Child of Destiny." Hong Tianchou looked at Huang Yu and said, "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the Child of Destiny in the prophecy would come to our Guiyuanzong. Admit it."

These words made Huang Yu a little dazed, and he is the child of destiny, the child of destiny in the prophecy, what kind of prophecy is that prophecy?Huang Yu was at a loss, but the current situation did not allow Huang Yu to think so much, because Tuobaye had already been discovered.

"Old Hong, I won't talk to you anymore. It's almost too late. Peak Lord Tuoba is in danger, so I have to go immediately." After Huang Yu finished speaking, without giving Hong Tianchou a chance to refute, his whole body crossed over. After entering the formation, and then playing a seal formula, the formation is activated instantly.

"This brat." Seeing Huang Yu disappear, Hong Tianchou was helpless. He knew nothing about this kind of teleportation formation, and he didn't dare to act rashly. If the formation was destroyed, Huang Yu and Tuobaye would not be able to come back. , then troublesome.

There is no way, only to stay here honestly and meet them.

After Huang Yu entered the Demon Realm, he felt the majestic demon energy here. Compared with Zhenwu Continent, the demon energy here was much stronger.

If ordinary people come in, they will definitely not be able to resist. Even the strong in the life and death state cannot resist for a long time. If they are strong in the broken state, they can still do it. However, the strength of the strong in the broken state will be suppressed to [-]% here.

Similarly, if a strong demon enters the human world, he will be suppressed, and his strength will be suppressed to [-]%. If it is not like that, the outcome of the battle millions of years ago will not be certain.

(End of this chapter)

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