Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 191 Soul Searching Technique

Chapter 191 Soul Searching Technique

Huang Yu crushed an invisibility talisman.

Instantly entered the stealth state.

This invisibility talisman is amazingly effective, and it is also practical in the devil world.

After entering the invisible state, Huang Yu hurried over to where Tuobaye was.

It took a few minutes to reach Tuobaye.

At this time, Tuobaye had already fought with several demons.

Three demon masters.

They are all in the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

At this time, Tuo Boye was retreating steadily.

After all, here, his strength has been suppressed, otherwise, with his cultivation at the peak of the Yin-Yang realm, it would be more than enough to deal with these three people.

Huang Yu knew that it was time for him to show up.

However, before it appears, it must be a sneak attack. If you can easily kill one and fight head-on, you are a fool.

Throwing Knife.

Huang Yufei's knife instantly turned into a purple glow, and shot towards one of the demons.

This knife was different from before, Huang Yu tried to integrate the real fire of the soul into it. The real fire of the soul would do great harm to the demons, especially the souls of the strong demons, and it would be a fatal blow.

With a "stab", the flying knife sank into the back of the opponent's head.


With a scream, the demon warrior died instantly.


The remaining two demons were shocked, they didn't expect Tuobaye to have a helper.



Seeing that the situation was not good, the two immediately wanted to escape.

Tuobaye was very surprised, who can help him?

However, the weapon in his hand did not stop: "I want to leave, but there is no way, where is my daughter?"

Tuobaye blocked one person.

Huang Yu appeared instantly and blocked the other person.

"Young Sect Master?"

"You are their young suzerain Huang Yu? It seems that it will be easy, you dare to break into our demon world, you really cast yourself into a trap." The demon clan was about to run away, but when they saw Huang Yu, they were determined. "As long as I catch you, I'm not afraid that they won't submit obediently."

"Joke, this is really a big joke, just because you still want to catch me?" Huang Yu couldn't help sneering at the ugly demon man with pockmarked face in front of him.

"Boy, you're crazy, it's just a tribulation. Let's see how I, Huyanyu, can catch you alive." After speaking, the demon turned into a black shadow and attacked Huang Yu at a faster speed than before. double.

However, Huang Yu didn't care. This guy was only at the late stage of the Yin-Yang Realm. Now he is at the peak of the Thunder Tribulation Realm, and his experience value is about to reach the peak. Killing this guy should be enough to raise his level to a higher level. Entering the 41st level, in that case, you can break through the barrier of the Thunder Tribulation Realm and enter the Yin-Yang Realm.

Once he entered the Yin-Yang realm, he would no longer be afraid of the strong in the realm of life and death. Even if he didn't rely on Yuanling Talisman, he could still fight without worrying about his life being in danger.

"Thunder Dragon is angry, attack and kill."

Huang Yu shouted loudly, and with a wave of the Ziji Sword in his hand, purple thunder dragons danced in an instant.

He rushed towards the Huyan fish with its teeth and claws open.

Seeing the purple brontosaurus, Huyanyu was frightened to death.

The purple Thunder Dragon, Thunder and Lightning is his nemesis, isn't he looking for death by rushing up like this?
back, back.

Hu Yanhu felt bitter in his heart. He thought that the guy he met would be easy to deal with, but he didn't expect that this so-called young suzerain was even more difficult to deal with than Tuo Boye, and his strength was even more terrifying.

"I want to escape, but I'm dreaming." Huang Yu saw that Huyan Yu was about to retreat, how could he let it go, his whole body turned into a big bird, chasing Thunder Dragon and rushed up.

Incarnated as a thunder dragon, human and sword become one.

The speed suddenly increased, and Jing Jing merged with the previous Thunder Dragon.

Form a more solid purple thunder dragon, more powerful and powerful.


"Damn it, I will fight with you, devour the palm, kill! Kill! Kill!" A black palm appeared in front of him, and a black vortex in the palm continued to grow, creating a powerful attraction, as if to push the purple thunder The dragon absorbs it in general.

Huang Yu sneered.

Just looking for death.

Without hesitation, Huang Yu's incarnation Thunder Dragon rushed over.

It suddenly hit the black vortex and exploded instantly.

The giant palm was blown to pieces, but the thunder dragon remained unabated.

The huge dragon's head opened fiercely and bit the demon's body, biting off his head.

Then the whole person exploded and turned into powder.

Huang Yu fell.

At this time, a system prompt sound came from the ear.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing Huyanyu in the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm, gaining [-] experience points and [-] life energy."

"Ding, congratulations on the player level up, reaching level 41."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting a map of the Demon Realm."

The level has been improved, reaching level 41, and a map has also been obtained.

This is a big advantage for Huang Yu. He originally planned to exchange for a map of the devil world, but it seems that the price is not cheap, and it needs a hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones. Therefore, Huang Yu did not exchange it. Unexpectedly, this guy A copy unexpectedly popped up.

However, it is a pity that this guy was killed by himself, and there is no way to find out where Tsing Yi is from him.

But luckily there is one more.

After the battle on Huang Yu's side was over, Tuo Boye had also ended the battle on the other side.

The demon clan had his dantian abolished, and he lay limp on the ground.

"Say, tell me quickly, where did you catch my daughter?" Tuo Boye kicked him hard, and said coldly.

"You kill me, I won't say it."

"Don't say it." Tuo Boye stepped on the arm of the demon, one arm was crushed, and bright red blood flowed out.


Huang Yu frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Huang Yu doesn't have any affection for the demons, so it doesn't matter if they are killed.

"Speak or not?"

"You kill me, kill me, you will never find your daughter, haha, haha, never even try to find it." The demons laughed wildly, which surprised Huang Yu. I'm afraid I have already said it, how can I hold on.

"Don't say it, I think if you say it or not, I will make your life worse than death." Tuobaye said with a ferocious face.

And Huang Yu shook his head, I'm afraid he won't be able to ask anything like this. It can be seen that this demon is not an ordinary demon. He may have cut off his own nerves, and he doesn't know the pain at all. What he did before was just a show .

Such a person is ruthless enough to completely cut off his pain nerves.

For a martial artist, although this method can save him from pain, he loses an important perception. Above martial arts, he will not achieve much.

Moreover, it is not easy to cut off one's pain nerves, and there are only a handful of people who can do this.

The demon clan in front of him actually used such a method. It can be seen that the status of this demon clan is not low, and its status is much higher than that of the Huyanyu who he killed before.

"Tuobo Peak Master, let me come." Seeing this, Huang Yu said.

"Okay." Tuo Boye nodded, and he knew in his heart that if he asked such a question, it might not be effective. The perseverance of this demon clan exceeded his imagination.

"Lu **** asked this guy, what can I do?" Huang Yu actually had no way, but just because he didn't, doesn't mean that Lulu didn't either.

"Of course there are, the master can use the soul search technique."

"Soul search?"

"That's right, the soul search technique, you can use the soul search technique to search this guy's soul. In that case, the master can know whatever he wants to know." Lulu nodded and said.

A secret technique such as the soul search technique, once you hear it, you will know that it is extraordinary, and I am afraid that the price it needs to spend is not small. However, apart from this method, I am afraid that there is no other method, so I nodded and said: "Okay , I will use the soul search technique, Lulu, exchange it for the cultivation secret method of the soul search technique."

"Master, although this secret method is powerful, the price it needs to consume is not small. It needs to consume a full [-] top-grade spirit stones from the master. Master should think about it." Lulu said.

Ten thousand top grade spirit stones.

Huang Yu's heart is bleeding, it's too expensive, if he doesn't get something from the devil world this time, he will be at a big loss.


"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the soul search technique, which consumes [-] top-quality spirit stones."

"Ding, does the player practice soul searching?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for comprehending the soul search technique."

After learning the soul search technique, Huang Yu felt that his understanding of the power of the soul had deepened a lot, and even his understanding and control of the real fire of the soul was more than doubled.

This... This surprised Huang Yu very much.

Is this the unexpected joy brought by the soul search technique?

After checking the soul search technique, Huang Yu found that this soul search technique is really not ordinary powerful.

As long as the opponent's soul power or spiritual will is not stronger than your own, you can search for it, and you can read the opponent's soul memory information at will.

However, in this case, it is likely to turn the other party into an idiot.

Moreover, there is also a danger. If the opponent's soul power or spiritual will is too firm, it is easy to cause backlash.

Once backfired, the consequences would be disastrous.

Huang Yu took a deep breath.

It is better to use this kind of secret method sparingly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Of course, it is not difficult to deal with this guy in front of him.

Although this guy's mental will is very firm, but his cultivation base has been abolished and his dantian has been broken. At this time, he is already at the end of his battle, and his spiritual will is far worse than his own.

Not to mention the power of the soul, it can kill him in seconds.

Therefore, when searching for this guy's soul, Huang Yu was not at all worried that he would encounter backlash.

He grabbed the opponent's head with one hand.

A strange purple light flashed in Huang Yu's eyes.

"Soul search, soul search."

A purple lightning flashed into the opponent's eyes.

Huang Yu's powerful mental power rushed into the opponent's mind, and began to read the opponent's memory in an incomparably domineering way.

After a few minutes, Huang Yu let go of the guy.

After searching the soul, I found out that this guy's name is Huyanhen, he is a member of the Huyan clan in the demon world, and his status is not low. He is one of the three major demon generals in the demon world, the son of Huyan Wubian.

(End of this chapter)

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