Chapter 21 Injured?
"Master, be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, Huang Dashi pushed Huang Yu aside, but he had no time to dodge, and a dagger was inserted into his chest, right in the heart.


Huang Dashi slapped his palm violently, pouring out terrifying real power, and hit the sneak attacker heavily on the forehead, his brain burst suddenly, and he died beyond death.


After Huang Dashi killed the opponent, he staggered and crumbled.

Seeing this, Huang Yu quickly stepped forward and quickly supported him.

"Old Huang, how are you?" Seeing Huang Dashi's pale face and blood-stained chest, Huang Yu was heartbroken.

"Master, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Old Huang, don't lie to me. It's all my fault. If I hadn't been arrogant, such a thing would not have happened, and Mr. Huang would not have been injured." Huang Yu blamed himself very much.

"Master, I'm really fine. Although I'm injured, my life is not in danger." Huang Dashi leaned weakly on Huang Yu's wrist, with a gratified smile on his face, and whispered.

"Really?" Huang Yu was overjoyed when he heard that, as long as his life was not in danger.

"It's true, God knows that today is the day, so I let my heart of this old bone deviate a little bit, that knife didn't really stab my heart, it just passed by." Huang Dashi coughed out a mouthful of blood, slowly Said slowly.

"This is good, this is good." Huang Yu was very happy, supporting Huang Dashi, and suddenly remembered that he had obtained a set of healing medicine before.

You can use it yourself, but I don't know if it is useful for Mr. Huang. Thinking of Huang Yu, he greeted Lulu and said, "Lulu, come out, I have something to ask you."

"Master, what's the matter?" Lulu appeared sleepily in Huang Yu's mind.

"Lulu, Mr. Huang was injured, his heart was seriously injured, can this recovery potion be given to him?" Huang Yu pointed to Huang Dashi and said.

"Well, it's not allowed, because this potion is a low-level recovery potion. Unless the owner has a high-level recovery potion, it will have no effect. Moreover, even if the master has a high-level recovery potion, if it is given to other people to drink, the effect will be greatly improved. Lower." Lulu explained.

"Ah... Lulu, is there no other way to quickly recover Huang Lao?" Huang Yu was extremely disappointed when he heard this.

Therefore, in Liulin Town, neither the Su family nor the Chen family could reconcile with the Huang family.

"There is still a way." Lulu lowered her head, thought for a while, raised her head after a while, looked at Huang Yu and said.

"What way?" Huang Yu hurriedly asked after hearing the words.



"Yes, recovery pills, as long as the owner can get the recovery pills, it can be done. Compared with potions, pills are much better, and the effect is several times stronger, even for ordinary low-level recovery pills. The effect of medicine is much better than those high-level potions."

Huang Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words. Since the pill is so much more advanced and better than the potion, then the pill must be much rarer than the potion. Does this make any sense?
"Lulu, do you have a way for me to get the elixir?" Although depressed, Huang Yu still asked.

"Master, there are several ways to obtain the elixir. One is to become an alchemist. You can refine the elixir yourself. However, to become an alchemist, you need to trigger the task of apprenticeship. The second is to obtain the elixir through the task. The medicine-type rewards, but the pill-type tasks are not easy to complete." Lulu said with her beautiful eyes blinking.

"Then Lulu, is there any task to get the elixir?" Huang Yu thought for a while to see what the task was, and if it really didn't work, he would think of another way.

"Yes, there is a mission to explore the Black Cave. This is a C-level mission. The reward of the mission is a bottle of low-level healing pills. As long as the owner enters the Black Cave and explores it, he can get a A bottle of healing pill." Lulu said.

"Explore the black cave?" Huang Yu frowned.

Although Huang Yu came to this world not long ago, he still heard about Heiyan Cave.

This black rock cave is a dangerous place in the west of Liulin Town, even if it is a forbidden place, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are many dangers and there are many wild animals.

It is said that there are still powerful mysterious beasts haunting, many people have died near the Black Cave, even those who were consummate and consummate have died in it, which shows the horror of the Black Cave.

"Yes, there is only one mission, but the black cave is full of dangers, and the master is likely to encounter powerful wild beasts, even mysterious beasts. It's okay to encounter wild beasts. Once encountering mysterious beasts, the master has no way to fight back. strength, and even the chance of escaping is extremely small," Lulu said.

"Mysterious beast?"

"The so-called mysterious beasts are animals that are more powerful than wild beasts and have condensed mysterious beast pills in their bodies. High-level mysterious beasts can even transform into humans, with extremely high intelligence." Seeing Huang Yu's confused look, Lulu patiently explained .

"What is the strength of the lowest-level mysterious beast?" Huang Yu thought to himself, this mysterious beast is also a kind of creature, which is almost equivalent to the monster in the movies he watched on the earth.

"The lowest-level first-order profound beast is equivalent to a cultivator in the Yuandan realm, and its strength is terrifying. The profound beast is divided into seven ranks, and the highest-level seventh-rank profound beast is equivalent to a strong human cultivator in the Broken realm."

"It's so powerful, what level is the most powerful mysterious beast in the black cave?" Huang Yu asked again.

"This Lulu can't say anything else, it's against the rules of the system." Lulu shook her head violently, and disappeared into Huang Yu's mind with a flash.

Heiyan Cave, pills, it seems that Heiyan Cave must go there, maybe you will find adventures in Heiyan Cave?

Check out your character attributes.

Huang Yu.

Level: Level 10 (251/1000).

Cultivation level: Innate second floor.

HP: 100.

Attack: 92 (12+65+15).

Defense: 126 (12+64+50).

Dodge: 74 (13+59+2).

Lucky: 5.

School: None.

Life Energy: 554.

Weapons and equipment: Fruit Knife (Normal Grade), Wild Wolf Bracers (Mortal Grade Low Grade), Wild Wolf Soft Armor (Mortal Grade High Grade), Black Flame Armor (Human Grade Middle Grade).

Skills: Knife Flying Technique (lower human level can be upgraded), collection technique (lower level can be upgraded), exploration technique (lower level can be upgraded), golden ancient pupil technique (lower level of heaven).

His own level has reached level 10, which is not a small breakthrough.

However, looking at the system, it is a huge leap from level 10 to level 11. The required experience points have been doubled several times, from the original 100 to 1000 directly.

The biggest change is the attack and defense. The attack has changed because of the increase in the level of the fruit knife, and the defense has directly increased by more than 30 points because of the Black Flame Armor.

The most important thing is that he still has 554 points of life energy, which is enough to raise his cultivation to another level.

"Ding, has the player improved his cultivation?"


"Ding, congratulations, the player's cultivation has been upgraded to the third level of innate, consuming 300 points of life energy."

As soon as the system sound fell, Huang Yu felt that the true energy in his body was much thicker and purer again.

Now that my cultivation base has reached the third level of innate, the character attributes at this time are as follows.

Huang Yu.

Level: Level 10 (251/1000).

Cultivation: Innate three layers.

HP: 100.

Attack: 102 (12+75+15).

Defense: 136 (12+74+50).

Dodge: 84 (13+69+2).

Lucky: 5.

School: None.

Life Energy: 254.

Weapons and Equipment: Fruit Knife (Normal Grade), Wild Wolf Bracers (Mortal Grade), Wild Wolf Soft Armor (Mortal Grade), Black Flame Armor (Human Grade) Skills: Flying Knife (Human Grade) Can be upgraded), collection technique (upgradeable for low-level tier), exploration technique (upgradeable for low-tier tier), golden ancient pupil technique (low-tier tier).

The strength has improved a lot, but the real combat power has not improved much. The black flame armor can help oneself resist some attack power, but it is not omnipotent. If the opponent's cultivation level is too high, this armor will not be able to achieve much Effect.

Half an hour later, Huang Yu returned home with Huang Dashi.

"What's the matter, Mr. Huang is injured?" Seeing the blood on Huang Dashi's body and his appearance, Zhao Wan'er looked nervous, "Xiaoyu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but Mr. Huang is injured, please ask my aunt to find some healing pills." Seeing that Zhao Wan'er cared so much about him, Huang Yu said with warmth in his heart.

"I'll go right away." Zhao Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Huang Yu was fine, then followed Huang Yu's instructions and walked quickly towards the pharmacy.

"Young master, don't worry, the old slave is fine, it's just a little injury, and it won't kill the old slave, not to mention that the old slave wants to watch the young master revive the Huang family and restore the glory of the Huang family in the past."

"Old Huang, don't talk, rest and recuperate. As for other things, I have my own arrangements." As soon as Huang Yu finished speaking, Zhao Wan'er brought the elixir, one of which was a purple porcelain bottle with red paper on it. The word healing is written.

Huang Yu was surprised and asked, "Auntie, is this a healing pill?"

"Yes, this is the healing pill that our Huang family bought with a lot of money." Zhao Wan'er nodded, "There are only three pills. I used one before, but now I have two left."

"Great." Huang Yu was very pleasantly surprised. He thought he would be in serious trouble this time, and he still needed to go to the Black Cave for an adventure, but he didn't expect that there was a healing pill at home.

After taking the porcelain bottle, Huang Yu couldn't wait to open the porcelain bottle, and a strong medicinal fragrance came out from the bottle mouth, which made people feel refreshed.

"It's really good stuff."

"That's not true, this is not a real healing pill." Lulu did not know when it appeared in Huang Yu's mind.

"What do you mean?" Huang Yu asked.

"Master, this is not a real healing pill, it's just a defective product." Lulu said, "Although this pill can alleviate the injury, it can't completely heal Huang Dashi, at most it can restore [-]% of his injury. The real healing pill is enough to restore [-]% of his injuries, or even heal him." Lulu said.

Huang Yu was about to speak when he heard Lulu continue: "However, in such a remote place, it is not bad to have a defective healing pill. This pill is not very effective for warriors in the Yuandan realm, but It is still of great help to warriors under the Yuan Dan realm."

After listening to Lulu's words, Huang Yu heaved a sigh of relief, took out one, handed it to Huang Dashi and said, "Huang Lao, take this pill."

"Young master, this is absolutely impossible. This elixir was refined by an alchemist with great effort by the master. How can it be used by this old slave." Huang Dashi waved his hands again and again, refusing.

"Old Huang, do you know how important you are to the Huang family now? Once you fall, my Huang family will face disaster." Seeing Huang Dashi's refusal, Huang Yu straightened his face and spoke in a very serious tone. Said.

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Huang Dashi was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'm sorry, young master, it's the old slave who made a mistake."

After receiving the elixir, Huang Dashi swallowed it in one gulp, then sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the power of the medicine.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Now it seems that I still have to go to Heiyan Cave, otherwise Huang Dashi will not be able to recover from his injuries in a short time.

"Auntie, take care of Huang Lao, I'll go out for a while." Seeing Huang Dashi enter the state, Huang Yu stood up and said to Zhao Wan'er.

"Xiaoyu, it's so late, what are you doing out there?" Zhao Wan'er was taken aback when she heard this, and then said worriedly.

"Don't worry, auntie, I am no longer the original me." After finishing speaking, Huang Yu released his aura.

"Xiaoyu, have broken through the realm of Qi training?" Feeling Huang Yu's aura, Zhao Wan'er was overjoyed.

"So, auntie, don't worry about my safety. I'm going out this time to find some medicinal materials for Mr. Huang, and I'll be back soon." After speaking, Huang Yu walked outside without looking back.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and Huang Yu was walking quickly on the road alone, and the whistling wind came from his ears.

Heiyan Cave is on the west side of Liulin Town. Out of the town, there is a forest, and Heiyan Cave is on the other side of the forest. Almost few people come to this forest, so it can be said that it is inaccessible.

Huang Yu's speed was very fast, and the roar of wild animals could be heard from time to time.

Along the way, Huang Yu didn't encounter any obstacles, and passed through the forest very smoothly.

After passing through the woods, Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The black cave is not far ahead.

It looks quite empty here, but there are many thorns, and it is not easy for ordinary people to walk here.

With a long knife in his hand, he swept away the way.

Not far away, a dark and wide cave entrance was found, and there was a stone tablet far from the entrance.

There are words such as "Heiyan cave, dangerous, enter carefully".

It seems that this black cave is not as scary as I expected. I have not encountered any danger along the way. Could it be that the real danger is in this cave?
(End of this chapter)

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