Chapter 22

Seen from the entrance, this black cave has traces of artificial carving, but Huang Yu really doesn't know whether it was formed naturally or the result of manpower.


Before Huang Yu approached, he heard the sound of a branch being broken.

Immediately became vigilant and searched around.



Huang Yu gasped. It turned out that there was a leopard hidden on the edge of the cave.

This leopard looks like a fox, but it is taller and more ferocious than a fox. Its claws are especially sharp. Its combat power is several times stronger than that of ordinary leopards, and it is also extremely intelligent.

Ordinary hunters are not enough to see it in front of it. Compared with leopards, they are much stronger, and what is terrible is that this kind of cheetah is extremely intelligent. Not only is it powerful in combat, but it also knows how to use tactics.

Although this kind of fox and leopard is not a mysterious beast, it is already somewhere between a mysterious beast and a wild beast.

And there is a great possibility to grow into a mysterious beast.

The leopard in front of him was about one meter and four feet long, with sharp teeth, a pair of eyes flashing blue light, and an open mouth. The sharp fangs were especially penetrating under the moonlight.

Mutant Leopard.

Level: 26.

HP: 1260.

Attack Power: 146.

Defense: 74.

Agility: 112.

After checking the attributes, Huang Yu was even more surprised. The level has reached level 26, and its attack power is extremely high. This is a mutant cheetah. Generally speaking, although a cheetah is powerful, its attack power is only around one hundred and one. And the attack power of this leopard actually reached 146, nearly 150.

If it is the kind of cheetah that has reached the level of a mysterious beast, it will naturally be different. This cheetah obviously has not reached the level of a mysterious beast, but its attack power is amazing. The cheetah is too strong.

I really encountered a problem this time. This fox and leopard has strong attack power and is extremely agile. If I hadn't obtained the Black Flame Armor given to me by Sima Yan, I guess this time it would be a tough fight. But now, even With armor, it is not so easy to take care of this cheetah. This guy's agility is a big problem.

Huang Yu's mind was spinning rapidly, looking for a way to deal with this fox and leopard.

This cheetah is extremely powerful and well-balanced in all aspects, but it has a weakness, that is the eyes of the cheetah. Once the eyes of the cheetah are pierced, then this cheetah is nothing to be afraid of.

Fruit knife in hand.

His eyes are fixed on the leopard, ready to attack at any time.


The leopard bared its teeth, shook its fur, and swung its forelegs violently, pushing away the thorns in front of it, and confronted Huang Yu face to face.

Looking at the fruit knife in Huang Yu's hand, he made a judgment on the enemy in front of him. This guy is not easy to provoke, but this fox and leopard does not want to give up easily, and seems to be looking for Huang Yu's flaws.

The front paws of the leopard are down, the eyes are slightly narrowed, and the whole body is arched.

This is the prelude to attack.

Huang Yu didn't dare to be careless, this fox and leopard is extremely agile, although it may not be able to break through its own defense, but that is when the attack is on the body armor, if it is to attack its own head, the danger is still great of.


The sound of majestic blowing leaves kept ringing in my ears.

I don't have so much time to stay with this beast, what's wrong with me, facing a mere beast, I am actually timid, and I have to go forward bravely in my practice, so looking forward and backward, what can I achieve?
Huang Yu suddenly had a realization in his heart, his whole temperament changed again, and the true energy in his body suddenly became pure.Mental power has increased by almost one-third.


Huang Yu moves, but if he doesn't move, he's done. If he moves, he's like a rabbit.

fruit knife.

Throwing Knife.

A white awn is particularly conspicuous at night.



The flying knife pierced the hubao's right eye, and a shrill scream came.


The leopard was blind in one eye, and this attack worked, but it was not so easy to kill this leopard.

Although one of the cheetah's eyes was knocked out, this cheetah is a mutant cheetah with strong attack power. The most important thing is that this cheetah has even more HP, more than 1000.

Although this blow hit a vital point, the cheetah did not lose much blood.

It's only 168, which is just over one-tenth of the blood volume of the leopard.

I thought that the cheetah would be irritated by him and attack him crazily, but the result was beyond Huang Yu's expectation. After howling, the cheetah sank into the jungle and disappeared in front of his eyes. .

Huang Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, his mental strength was highly concentrated. For Huang Yu, the pressure was also great.

Although if I continue, I may be able to kill this cheetah, but that will consume too much for me, so I just brought the defective healing pill and the set of healing pills I got before. It's just medicine.

Take a deep breath and move on.

Black Cave, worthy of the name.

The entrance of the cave and the stone walls inside are all made of black rock. This black rock is extremely solid, much stronger than those marbles.Huang Yu tried to scratch on it with a fruit knife, but it only made a shallow scratch. You must know that his fruit knife is the best weapon of ordinary rank. It can be said to cut iron like mud, but in this black rock On it, there is only a shallow scratch, which shows how hard this black rock is.

"Idiot master, restrain your breath and move forward quickly."

Suddenly Lulu's voice rang in my ears again.

Huang Yu was taken aback.

He patted his chest, slightly dissatisfied.

"Lulu, you frightened me to death with such a shock."

"Master, get out of here quickly, restrain your breath, don't make a sound, use stealth, and leave quickly." Lulu hurriedly urged, as if she didn't hear her words.

Seeing that Lulu was so nervous, no matter how stupid Huang Yu was, he knew that something had happened. Thinking of the horror of this black cave, Huang Yu broke out in a cold sweat and didn't say much. Stealth rushed forward.

Stealth is a skill that Huang Yu exploded after killing the killer. The stealth time is 3 minutes and the cooldown time is 10 minutes. This is the first time he has learned to use stealth. The whole person seems to disappear, disappearing in place.

After sneaking for more than ten meters, Huang Yu felt a powerful aura rushing over from outside.

Huang Yu held his breath, and secretly rejoiced that if Lulu hadn't reminded him, he might have been in trouble. This aura is too strong and very violent. This is definitely a mysterious beast. Once he is entangled by this mysterious beast, Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

After walking for a while, Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief after feeling the violent and terrifying aura disappear.

"Lulu, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid Master would be in trouble."

"This is what Lulu should do. This is a black cave, and it is extremely dangerous. The master must be extremely careful and not be careless." Lulu's tone was a little complacent at first, but then she was very worried.

"I know, but with Lulu's help, it will be fine." Huang Yu praised.

"That's natural. With Lulu here, these little things are of course no problem." Hearing what Huang Yu said, Lulu couldn't help raising her little head, as if I was very powerful, and that appearance was so cute .

"Well, I know, our Lulu is the most powerful, I will definitely listen to Lulu." Huang Yu secretly smiled.

If she asked Lulu to help her, it might not be so easy, but if she praised her, before she could react, she would have no way to refuse. Huang Yu knew that Lulu was not that simple.

"Hmph, the master is necrotic." Knowing that she had been duped, Lulu pouted slightly dissatisfied.

Huang Yu laughed secretly in his heart when he heard the words, and said in his mouth: "Lulu, my Lulu is the best and the most powerful. Without Lulu's help, my life will definitely be accounted for here. I want Lulu, but I don't want to let her Your master, am I going to die here?"

"Well, for the sake of the sincerity of the master, as long as one hundred beautiful clothes, Lulu doesn't care."

Huang Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this: "One hundred pieces is one hundred pieces, not to mention one hundred pieces, one thousand pieces of beautiful clothes, I am also willing, as long as Lulu is willing to help."

"Master said, one thousand pieces." Lulu smiled when she heard this.


"Lulu, how do I go next?" After walking a certain distance, they came to a fork in the road.

Along the way, there are so many dead bones, Huang Yu's scalp is numb. If Huang Yu hadn't had the Almighty Immortal Cultivation System and Lulu, which made Huang Yu full of confidence, he would have given up. The dry bones, can't help but make people shudder.

"Entrance on the right."

Huang Yu obeyed Lulu's words and didn't ask any more questions, because Huang Yu knew that it was unnecessary to ask.

"There is a ground cat beast here, the master should be careful. Although the ground cat beast is not a mysterious beast, its strength is stronger than ordinary mysterious beasts. However, the ground cat beast has a weakness, that is, it is afraid of light. The torch in the master's hand must be Do not extinguish it, or you will be in trouble." Lulu carefully reminded.


In the cave, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the torch was carefully protected by Huang Yu. The torch was about to go out, but after hearing Lulu's reminder, Huang Yu became more careful.

It would not be a good thing to meet a ground cat beast that was comparable to a mysterious beast.

The gust of wind howling in the ear seemed to be deliberately testing Huang Yu.

The light of the torch in his hand kept shaking, and the flickering shadows on the wall made people tremble a little.


"No, master, be careful, it's a blind snake." As soon as Lulu's voice fell, Huang Yu felt his right foot was bitten by something, and it immediately began to go numb, and his blood began to coagulate... "Damn it." Huang Yu was annoyed, he gathered his true energy suddenly, and shot out the throwing knife.

With a ding, the flying knife was ejected, splashing sparks on the wall.


There seemed to be more than one blind snake, Huang Yu felt a little dizzy.

"Master, hurry up and take the healing pill." Lulu said anxiously.

Hearing this, Huang Yu hurriedly took out the healing pill and threw it into his mouth. When the pill entered, it turned into a surge of warm current, reaching all four bodies.

The numb feeling was instantly dispelled.

Being attacked, angry, Huang Yu was completely irritated. He had never encountered such a suffocating situation. A few reptiles dared to tease him.

The flying knives shot out without mercy.

Blind snakes were nailed to the ground.

"Master, don't worry about these blind snakes. Hurry up and light the torch, or you will be in trouble." Because of the blind snake, the torch in his hand has been extinguished at this moment.


Huang Yu's heart trembled, something bad happened, this is - the ground cat beast!

(End of this chapter)

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