Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 5 Am I a Playboy?

Chapter 5 Am I a Playboy?

"Are you calling me?" Huang Yu looked at the three of them wonderingly. The three of them were all about 27 or [-] years old, and the oldest looked to be in his early thirties, with an honest and honest face.

"Master, don't you know me now? I'm Ah Zhong." The oldest man looked at Huang Yu and said.

Huang Yu is still a little puzzled, but he has probing skills, so if he checks some, he should be able to get some information.

"Exploration technique."

Lin Fu (Huang Family Nursing Home, Liulin Township).

Level: 12.

Cultivation level: three levels of Qi training.

Attack: 12.

Defense: 8.

Liu San (Huang Family Nursing Home, Liulin Township).

Level: 12.

Cultivation level: four levels of Qi training.

Attack: 16.

Defense: 11.

Zheng Zhong (instructor of the Huang Family Nursing Academy in Liulin Town).

Class: Unknown.

Repair: Unknown.

Attack: Unknown.

Defense: Unknown.

"Lulu, Lulu." Huang Yu hurriedly shouted from the bottom of his heart as he looked at the results of the probing technique.

Lu Lu appeared in front of Huang Yu when she heard the words, rubbed her eyes, and said, "Master, do you have something to do with Lu Lu, she is sleeping."

"Why did you come out? What if someone sees you?" Huang Yu was taken aback.

"Don't worry, master, except you, no one else can see me no matter how high their cultivation is." Lulu smiled lightly, and the instigator's wings flew back and forth.

"That's it." Huang Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Master, what can I do for you?"

"Well, there is something wrong. Look, why I can only find out the name of Zheng Zhong, but no other information?" Huang Yu asked the doubts in his heart.

"That's because the master's level is too low, so I can't see Zheng Zhong's information. The master's current detection technique is only at the ordinary level, and he can only see people ten levels higher than himself. If you exceed this limit, you will not be able to check. The other party's information." Lulu explained after hearing the words.

"So that's the case, so why do their levels and cultivation bases seem to be mismatched? Could it be that if they reach level [-], their cultivation bases will also reach the corresponding level?" Huang Yu asked again.

"This is different. Cultivation and level are not the same thing. A high level does not mean a high level of cultivation. If some civil servants have a higher level, their cultivation is not necessarily very powerful, and they may not even have a high level of cultivation. .” Lulu said again.


"Ah, I'm not your young master, I think you've got the wrong person." Huang Yu came back to his senses, looked at the three of them and shook his head.

"Impossible, Zheng Zhong has been in the Huang family for more than 30 years, how could he admit the wrong person, young master, something happened to the Huang family, the master passed away, our Huang family's jade business was also robbed, the Huang family's jade stone workshop is about to close down, the young master wants Hurry back immediately to preside over the overall situation." Zheng Zhong said.

Since they are so persistent and they lack an identity, they might as well impersonate them first.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu didn't refuse.

Through understanding, it turns out that the Huang family in Liulin was originally a big family in Liulin Town, but because the old man of the Huang family went wrong in his cultivation, and the family was thin, the current Huang family has declined, leaving only a single seedling. Coincidentally, that person was also named Huang Yu.

As the only child of the Huang family, Huang Yu was naturally very spoiled. He went out to play a few days ago, but unexpectedly, he got lost in an accident, and the old man of the Huang family died because of it.

No one in the Huang family is in charge of the overall situation. The Su and Chen families, both of the big Liulin family, have long coveted the Huang's Jade Stone Workshop, and of course they couldn't help it. Under the joint suppression of the two families, the business of the Huang Family Jade Stone Workshop has plummeted , is now in danger of going bankrupt.

The four of them galloped all the way on horseback, and after two hours, they finally arrived at Liulin Town.

When I arrived at the gate of Huang's house, I saw a woman in a yellow shirt from a distance, and she walked over quickly. The probing technique checked the other party's information, but unexpectedly, the woman hugged herself.

The faint fragrance, the soft feeling, he couldn't help but feel flustered...

(End of this chapter)

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