Chapter 6
"You... who are you? Let me go first, please."

"Yu'er, don't know me anymore, I...I'm your aunt?" The beautiful woman let go of Huang Yu, her voice trembling indeed.

At this time, Zheng Zhong explained: "Miss, the young master may have encountered something that caused him to lose his memory."

"Loss of memory? God, why did you treat my Huang family like this." The Qingli woman immediately lost her breath when she heard the words, and passed out.

It turned out that this beautiful woman was called Zhao Wan'er, and she was Huang Yu's aunt. Now only Huang Yu and his aunt Zhao Wan'er were left in the entire Huang family.

It took a long time for Zhao Wan'er to wake up.

"Auntie, are you okay, come on, drink this medicine." Huang Yu took the medicine and handed it to Zhao Waner's mouth.

Seeing Huang Yu being so sensible, Zhao Wan'er was also very happy, took the porcelain bowl and drank it clean, then put it aside: "Xiao Yu, our Huang family will rely on you from now on, I hope you will not disappoint your grandfather's expectations of you .do you know?"

"Auntie, although I have lost some memory, I will definitely carry forward the Huang family and make the Huang family the largest family in Liulin Town, and even Zhongyuan Kingdom." Huang Yu looked at Zhao Wan'er in front of him and said firmly.

After getting a general understanding of Huang's family, Huang Yu planned to go to Yushifang to have a look.

As a large jade town, Liulin Town is naturally very prosperous, and sometimes there will be spirit stones.

Spiritual stones are the most precious thing for monks. If a monk in the realm of Qi training gets a spiritual stone, no matter how poor his aptitude is, there is an 80.00% probability that he can enter the innate level.

However, in the past ten years, there have been no spirit stones in Liulin Town, so there are many fewer monks here.

Jade Stone Square, as the name suggests, is a place for buying and selling jade. Of course, there is another exciting aspect, that is, betting on stones.

"Young master, this is the jade stone workshop of our Huang family." Lin Fu took Huang Yu to a jade workshop with Huang Ji Jade Workshop written on it.

There are several jade workshops in the distance, the two largest of which are Suji and Chenji, which are as famous as Huangji Jade Workshop, and they are the three largest jade workshops on this street in Liulin Town.

Now the Huang family is suppressed by the Su and Chen families, and the business in front of the door is deserted, but the Su and Chen families are not, the business is booming, people come and go, very lively.

"Shopkeeper Huang, hurry up and come out to greet him, the young master is here." Before entering the door, Lin Fu shouted.

"Young Master, please come inside." Hearing the voice, a man with a gray beard came out from inside, about sixty years old, but Huang Yu couldn't feel the slightest breath of a warrior in him.

This old man does not seem to be simple. After an exploratory technique, like Zheng Zhong, this old man is unknown except that his name is Huang Dashi.

Although Huang Dashi came out to greet him, his tone was very cold, obviously he didn't have a good impression of Huang Yu.

"Young master, find a place to sit by yourself." Huang Dashi said in a flat tone, "If the young master came to ask for money, then you should not talk about it. Now that the business of Yushifang has plummeted, there is no money left for the young master to spend."

"You... shopkeeper Huang, how did you talk to the young master? The young master is now the head of the Huang family, how can you do this?" Lin Fu was dissatisfied when he saw Huang Dashi like this, and cursed.

Regarding Shopkeeper Huang's rudeness, Huang Yu smiled and didn't care, and waved his hand to signal Lin Fu to back down.

"Don't worry, shopkeeper Huang. I didn't come here to ask you for money, and I lost my memory due to some accidents. If there is anything wrong with Mr. Huang before, please take care of Mr. Huang." .”

Huang Yu's tone was very modest, completely different from what he used to be. Seeing this situation, Huang Dashi almost thought that he had misjudged the person. Is this still the domineering young master of the Huang family?

Although he was stunned for a moment, Huang Dashi quickly realized and said hurriedly: "Young master, I'm sorry, it's the old slave who neglected me, please punish me, young master."

"Where, Mr. Huang is serious. It is Huang Yu who is young and ignorant, which caused today's situation. Mr. Huang should teach him a lesson." Huang Yu was very happy, it seemed that he was recognized by the shopkeeper Huang.

"Master!" Huang Dashi's eyes were full of tears when he heard the words, and his heart was excited. God finally opened his eyes. There are successors in the Huang family, and the master has knowledge under the spring, so he can rest in peace.

"Old Huang, how is my Huang family's jade business now?" Huang Yu looked at Huang Dashi and asked.

Huang Dashi was full of bitterness when he heard the words, looked at Huang Yu and said, "Master, it's useless to be an old slave. Now our Huang family's jade business has plummeted, and even the source of jade and rough stones has been cut off. They are now unwilling to trade with us, so, Our Huang family has reached a difficult point."

"Old Huang, it's not your fault, don't worry, I will break through this difficult situation." Huang Yu looked at Huang Dashi and said, "Old Huang, is there any good way?"

"Yes, but it's very difficult." Huang Dashi shook his head and said, "Unless we can win the stone betting competition, it will be too difficult."

"Stone Gambling Contest?" Huang Yu's eyes lit up, and he remembered his probing technique, is it also helpful for stone gambling?

"Although the old slave has a lot of research on rough jade, but if he wants to win the stone betting competition, the old slave is not [-]% sure. Unless we can recruit some stone kings, we may still have a chance." Huang Dashi sighed.

"Stone King? What is Stone King?"

"The so-called Stone King is a respectful title for some powerful stone gamblers. To become a Stone King not only must be extremely powerful in stone gambling, but also be recognized by the Jade Stone Alliance. Those who have the honorary title of Stone King are all highly respected. Senior, and with high cultivation, the old master is a stone king." Huang Dashi explained.

"Old Huang, take me to see the rough stones in stock first." After thinking about it, Huang Yu said.

At this time, Huang Yu couldn't wait any longer. If his probing technique was effective and could detect whether there were jade or even spirit stones among the original stones, wouldn't it be easy to become a stone king?
(End of this chapter)

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