Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 533 Entering the World of Wind and Cloud

Chapter 533 Entering the World of Wind and Cloud
"I will die with you." The body of the Bull Demon King became huge, a giant bull, covered in black, and the hairs were like steel arrows.

His whole body was swollen, hatred and madness flickered in his eyes, his aura became more and more terrifying, and all the energy of the Yaoyue Great World poured into his body.At this moment, Yaoyue Great World has completely collapsed.

"Okay, very good, this will be interesting." The voice of the master of beasts sounded in the air.

The black hole grew bigger and bigger, and everything around it was attracted into it.

Even the huge body of the Bull Demon King could hardly resist this terrifying attraction.

"Come die with me." The Bull Demon King watched the Master of the Ominous Beast open his mouth wide, the huge, terrifying black hole, without fear, rushed towards the Master of the Ominous Beast instead.

His breath became more and more terrifying.

"Self-explosion, tsk tsk, self-explosion, do you have the ability?"

The big mouth of the master of the ferocious beast closed suddenly, and a big hand appeared out of nowhere, holding the Bull Demon King in his hand. The huge body of the Bull Demon King looked like an ant in front of this giant hand.

"Empty has the power to be a ruler, but without mastering the rules of being a ruler, it is vulnerable." The beast master turned into a giant, and said coldly, "I would rather die than tell who took my things , very good, really good."

The master of the beast squeezed it casually, and the huge body of the Bull Demon King was crushed instantly, turning into the purest energy and blending into the body of the master of the beast.

"Qing Que, it must be you, I will not let you go, when I finish that thing, it will be your death day." The eyes of the master of fierce beasts were full of madness.

As for Huang Yu, although he is in the real martial arts world, he has systematic help, and he knows every move of the fierce beast master outside. Seeing the power of the real master, his heart is extremely shocked. The power of the entire Yaoyue Continent has broken through the master, and there is no way to deal with this guy, it is really terrifying.

The power of the real master is really irresistible. Although he killed the rule clone of the ruler of the fierce beast, Huang Yu saw the power of the real body of the ruler of the fierce beast before, and he was not sure in his heart. Is it really possible to perform the destructive style by himself? Kill the beast master.

"Lulu, is this the real strength to dominate the strong?" Huang Yu murmured.

"No, this is only one-tenth of the true strength of the Master of Fierce Beasts, maybe even less than one-tenth." Lulu shook her head, "So, master, if you want to kill the Master of Fierce Beasts now, there is no way to do it." Yes, even if you use the destructive formula, you may not be able to do it."

"Why, my current cultivation base has already reached the realm of the Great Realm King, and I am only one step away from the Jiezun. If I break through the Jiezun, I should be able to kill him?" Huang Yu said, "So, I should enter the task now , complete the SS-level Fengyun mission, when the time comes, the level will increase by one level, and when you reach Jiezun, you don’t have to be afraid of the master of the beast, as long as he dares to appear, you can kill him with one blow."

Thinking of this, Huang Yu's spirits were incomparably lifted. The master of the fierce beast is one of the five masters of the Azure Universe. After killing the master of the fierce beast, his strength will increase sharply, and then he can use the Dao Yun Stone with confidence. In the hands of the master of beasts, there is also that piece of seven-colored Daoyun stone, which contains the power of supreme laws, and those laws are the power of rules that are really close to that special world.

Only by obtaining the power of those laws can it be possible to break the barrier between these two voids.

"When are you going to enter Fengyun World?" Lulu asked.

"Now, let's just do it now." Huang Yu said.

He knew very well that if he left the Zhenwu Great World and entered the Azure Universe now, he would definitely be discovered by the Master of Fierce Beasts. That guy's strength was too terrifying.

"Okay." Lulu nodded. This is indeed the best choice. Enter Fengyun World and complete SS-level tasks.

"are you ready?"

"Yes." Huang Yu nodded, "I'm ready."

"let's begin."

"Ding, is the player activating the SS-level task card?"


"Ding, the activation is successful, the player accepts the task, enters the world of wind and cloud to grab the peerless sword, drinks the mad knife, kills Xiongba, the task rewards the cultivation base to increase by one level, [-] million yuan crystals, the task fails, and the cultivation base drops [-] This level cannot be improved within a hundred years."

Huang Yu only felt a suction force coming, followed by a burst of dizziness.

The whole person disappeared in place.

When Huang Yu woke up again, he had already appeared in a forest.

Huang Yu rubbed his eyes and stood up.

"Damn it, my cultivation is gone." Huang Yu smiled wryly. At this time, his cultivation was at most Yuan Dan Realm, and he hadn't even reached Human Infant Realm.

Human baby state, how many years ago did this happen? At that time, I just got the system and entered the cultivation world.

So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I can't help but feel a lot of emotion when I think about it.

"Lulu, are you there?" Huang Yu couldn't feel Lulu's existence, so he couldn't help shouting.


"Lulu, where am I now?" Huang Yu felt a lot more relaxed when he heard Lulu's voice. In this world, a vacation or something is a good choice.

"Master, you are in Tianxiahui now, and your current identity is Duanlang." Lulu said.

"Duanlang, my current identity is Duanlang?" Huang Yu was a little surprised. He thought that he entered directly with his physical body, but he didn't expect that he also had the identity of Duanlang.

"You mean to say that my current body is broken?"

"No." Lulu shook her head and said, "This body is the master himself, and Duanlang is also Duanlang. In this world, the master is Duanlang, and Duanlang is the master."

"What level is my current cultivation level, and what time period is it now, or at what point in time?" Huang Yu thought for a while, these are the key, his own cultivation base is Yuan Dan state, Yuan Dan state His strength should not be enough to compete with Xiongba. It is not easy to kill Xiongba. Of course, if it is in the early stage, it is not a big problem to deal with Fengyun to capture Xueyin Kuangdao and the peerless sword.

"Master, our current time is just before Xiongba split into Fengyun, Xiongba has already sent Nie Feng to Wushuang City." Lulu said, "As for the current strength of the master, it is at the same level as Fengyun, and Nie Feng is slightly higher than the master. They are at the late stage of the Yuan Dan Realm, while Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang are at the middle stage of the Yuan Dan Realm, at the same level as the master."

"This time point is not bad, it is the early stage of Fengyun."

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that the difficulty factor of the task had been reduced a lot. If it was in the later stage of Fengyun, the task would be much more difficult.

"Is there a time limit for the task?" Huang Yu asked after thinking about it.

After entering this world, if the task has a time limit and how many years to complete it, the pressure is still great.

"One year, the master only has one year."

Huang Yu's eyes widened. One year seems to be too short. According to the plot, in one year, the peerless sword has not yet been born?

"Lulu, are you sure you're not kidding? In a year, the peerless sword hasn't been born. How do you want me to get the peerless sword?"

If it's within a year, it's okay to capture Xueyin Kuangdao or kill Xiongba, and it can be done, but to capture the peerless sword, this shit is simply terrible, the peerless sword has not been born, how to snatch it ?

Do you want to build it yourself?

Or, to give birth to a peerless sword?

"This... the master can obtain time fragments in Fengyun World to obtain mission time." Lulu said.

"Time Fragment?"

"Yes, master, you can extend the task time by obtaining time shards. One time shard can be extended by one year. In Fengyun World, there are ten time shards, which means that the master can extend the task time by up to ten years. "Lulu said.

"Time Fragment, how to get it, where is it?" Huang Yu asked.

"I can tell the master two things, one is the ice soul of Xia Wang's mansion, and the other is the dragon vein in Lingyun Grotto. These two things are time fragments. The time fragments obtained by the master can be used to exchange mission time. Exchange for other things, such as cultivation?" Lulu said.

"Okay, then let's go to Xia Wang's Mansion first and get the Bing Po."

This ice soul is the easiest to obtain, when the initial Jingyun can easily capture it, so can I, you must know that my own strength is stronger than the initial Jingyun.

What's more, right now I'm not that Duanlang, I have my own cultivation method, Huang Yu used all the cultivation methods he cultivated, and found that the most suitable cultivation method in this world is the Primordial Fortune Art and the Immortal Body, However, this immortality and primordial fortune-telling formula are far less terrifying than cultivating in the Azure Universe.

Hongmeng Good Fortune Jue here is only equivalent to the method of cultivating spiritual power. Of course, it is much stronger than Nie Feng's ancestral Bingxin Jue.

"Master, don't be careless." Lulu shook her head and said, "Although the master's strength is good, the Xia Palace is not as vulnerable as the master thinks. At that time, Bu Jingyun had already reached the peak of the Yuan Dan Realm, and Lu Yi, the owner of Xia Wangfu, had already reached the late Yuan Dan Realm, and was only one step away from the peak of the Yuan Dan Realm. "

"So, I still can't beat Lu Yi from the Xia Palace?" Huang Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the master's original skills can't be used, and the destruction method can't be used. The master's current strength is at most equal to that of Lu Yi, but there is still a big gap if he wants to snatch the ice soul from the mansion of Xia Wang. Yes." Lulu nodded.

"It seems that we can't grab it by force, so what if we use other methods?" Huang Yu thought for a while and said, "I can't grab it by force, I disguise myself as Lu Yi and go in, so I should be able to snatch it, right?"

It is not easy for him to use the reincarnation formula to disguise himself as Lu Yi and obtain the ice soul.

(End of this chapter)

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