Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 534 Ice soul in hand, strength breakthrough

Chapter 534 Ice soul in hand, strength breakthrough

"That's a good idea." Lulu nodded, "The reincarnation art practiced by the master is an auxiliary type of exercise, and there are no other restrictions in this world, so the master can use the reincarnation art perfectly. Trick, if disguised as Lu Yi, it can be [-]% perfect."

"That's it." After trying it out, I found that the reincarnation formula really worked perfectly as Lulu said, which made Huang Yu overjoyed. With this reincarnation formula, it seemed that he could A lot of things have been done, and some very difficult problems can be solved one by one.

Three days later, Huang Yu finally came to Xiawangfu.

Huang Yu disguised himself as a Xiao Si, and inquired about the news in Xiawang Mansion. If he wanted to disguise himself as Lu Yi to obtain the ice soul, he still needed a good time. If Lu Yi was here, it would not be so easy for him to obtain it. Wait until Lu Yi leaves Xiawang Mansion.

After waiting for five full days, I finally found an opportunity.

Huang Yu didn't hesitate, and turned into Lu Yi.

"Master, you're back." Although the butler was a little puzzled as to why the master said he would go out for a few days and came back in less than half a day, he didn't ask any further questions.

"Well, there are some things that need to be dealt with." Huang Yu said, "Go down."

"Yes, sir." The butler nodded and left.

Huang Yu looked around, and walked into Xia Wang's mansion swaggeringly.

According to the information he obtained, Huang Yu easily found Bing Po's location.

Bing Po was in the Mausoleum of the King of Xia. After entering the Mausoleum of the King of Xia, Huang Yu saw a gorgeous seat in the middle with a lifelike corpse on it.

This corpse is the King of Heroes, the reason why it does not rot is because of Bing Po.

Huang Yu struck out with a palm, and a burst of vigor hit Xia Wang's body, and a crystal clear, piercingly cold bead popped out from Xia Wang's mouth. This bead was exactly Bing Po.

"This is the Ice Soul." Huang Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the Ice Soul in his hand. It contained a majestic energy. These energies were of the ice attribute, but they contained supreme laws, including time. law.

"Master, as long as the master refines this ice soul, it will be enough to raise his cultivation to the peak of Yuan Dan Realm." Lulu said.

"At the peak of the Yuan Dan Realm, what is Xiongba's cultivation level now?" Huang Yu frowned and said, "He was defeated by the Sword Master with the sword 23, and the Sword Master Yuanshen at that time should have broken through the Yuanshen Realm. It also means that Xiongba's cultivation has not reached the level of Yuanshen Realm, so it seems that the current Xiongba's cultivation base should be at the level of the peak of Human Infant Realm, maybe even lower, but the last time is also In the late stages of Human Infant Realm, in this way, even if I reach the peak of Yuandan Realm, there is still a big gap between me and Xiongba."

"Master wants to kill Xiongba, but it's not that easy. Xiongba's current cultivation is indeed at the peak of the Human Infant Realm, which is only one step away from the Yuanshen Realm. Therefore, the master should complete other tasks first. As long as the master obtains the snow drink With the mad knife and the peerless sword, the strength will increase greatly." Lulu said.

"Okay." Huang Yu sighed, the food had to be eaten bite by bite, and the road had to be walked step by step. There was no way to do it. There was no Fengyin Killing God Knife, no Destruction Style, and it was impossible to surpass several levels to kill the enemy. This feeling is also quite depressing.

After leaving Xiawang Mansion, Huang Yu didn't stay, but found a quiet place, and began to refine the ice soul.

Huang Yu sat cross-legged, with Bing Po in his hand.

Now the ice soul also needs to be refined, and cannot rely on the system to directly transform it into strength. Of course, if it is converted into task time, this ice soul can be transformed directly through the system.This made Huang Yu very depressed.

Running the exercises, the true qi in the body circulates crazily, and the speed in the meridians is astonishing. One cycle, two cycles, the huge energy in the ice soul is absorbed little by little, and refined little by little.

Huang Yu's whole body was almost frozen into ice slag, and after a while, Huang Yu's whole body turned into an ice sculpture, lifelike.

Three days later, Huang Yu opened his eyes.

At this time, his cultivation base had broken through to the peak of the Yuan Dan realm, jumping over two levels at once.

"Although they are still quite weak, at least, in this world of wind and cloud, they can be regarded as first-class masters. Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Qin Shuang and others, even if they join forces, they may not be my opponents. Now Nie Feng has gone. After leaving Wushuang City, it’s time for me to go to Wushuang City.”

Huang Yu knows that there is a master in Wushuang City, that is Juggernaut, his strength is also at the peak of Human Infant Realm, on the same level as Xiongba, as long as Juggernaut realizes that sword 23, he will break through and reach Yuanshen Realm, but It's a pity that the current Juggernaut's lifespan is about to expire, and he doesn't have so much energy to break through to the Yuanshen Realm. His breakthrough can only be achieved by relying on his vitality.

However, what Huang Yu cares most about is not the sword master, but two other things, that is, the Wushuang sword, which is a rare sword in the Fengyun world. The combination of two swords is not weaker than a peerless sword. Huang Yu suspected that this Wushuang sword was also one of the ten time fragments.

"Master's thinking is correct. This Peerless Sword is very likely to be one of the time shards, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to inspire the alluring love, and it has such power." Lulu said.

Love in the Alluring City is infinitely powerful. Once it is aroused, even the Yuanshen Realm will avoid its edge, and may even be beheaded by it. The strength of Dugu Fang, the lord of Wushuang City, is not weak. If it wasn't for some special reason, Dugu's party would definitely die after Nie Feng and Mingyue performed Allure Love. Unfortunately, Dugu's luck was too good, and Allure Love was interrupted.

Peerless City.

Huang Yu came to Wushuang City, looking at Wushuang City, it can be said that the people are in dire straits, the tyranny of the Dugu side has caused many people in Wushuang City to not even be able to eat, and all of them are pale and emaciated.

"Huh, I didn't find any trace of Nie Feng. Could it be that Nie Feng hasn't arrived yet?" Huang Yu was a little surprised that he didn't find Nie Feng's existence after searching in Wushuang City.

"It doesn't matter, find the Wushuang sword first." Huang Yu knew that the Wushuang sword was in the hands of the Dugu family's city lord's mansion and Mingyue's grandma respectively.

The Wushuangyang Sword is in the hands of Dugu Fang, and it is not easy to get it. Dugu Fang is at the Human Infant Realm. Right now, although he is at the peak of the Yuan Dan Realm, he is not sure that he can deal with Dugu Fang. It's not easy either.

As for the other sword, the Wushuang Yin Sword, it is easy to obtain. In the hands of Grandma Mingyue, it is much easier to obtain the Wushuang Yin Sword.

Half a day later, Huang Yu saw a woman in Wushuang City. This woman had a beautiful face and a kind heart.

"She is Mingyue, she really is a great beauty."

"Master's heart moved?" Lulu's voice rang in Huang Yu's ear.

Huang Yu was speechless.

"What's so exciting." Huang Yu smiled wryly at Lulu's jealousy, "Am I such a lecherous person?"

"Isn't it? Master's eyes are shining when he sees the bright moon." Lulu said angrily.

"Okay, don't be angry." Huang Yu shook his head and said, "Although Mingyue is beautiful, she is much worse than my Lulu."

"Hmph, sweet talk." Although Lulu said this in her mouth, she was actually very sweet psychologically.

"Okay, okay, Lulu, don't waste time, I promise, I won't do anything to that Mingyue?" Huang Yu said, "The most important thing now is to get the Wushuang Sword."

"Okay, this time it's you." Lulu said.

Huang Yu shook his head, Lulu is fine with everything, but sometimes jealousy is troublesome.

"Hi girl." Huang Yu walked out and came to Mingyue's side.

"Who are you?" Seeing Huang Yu's appearance, Mingyue's face changed, and she looked very nervous.

Mingyue could tell that this person was very powerful, not inferior to her grandmother, and perhaps not much weaker than Dugufang, the lord of Wushuang City. The appearance of such a super strong man might not be a good thing for Wushuang City.

"Huang Yu." Huang Yu looked at Mingyue and said, "My name is Huang Yu. I can tell that you are a very kind woman. However, you can save them, but can you save the entire Wushuang City people?"

After a pause, he continued: "What's more, you can save for a while, but you can't save the whole life."

"Are you... Are you a member of the Tianxiahui?" Mingyue's face changed drastically, and she looked at Huang Yudao. She knew that the Tianxiahui was ambitious, and Wushuang City is now the only strength that can compete with the Tianxiahui, because among the Wushuangcheng With the existence of the super strong Juggernaut, Xiongba dared not act recklessly.

Huang Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard that, and said, "Tianxiahui, hehe, Tianxiahui doesn't have that qualification yet."

"You... who are you?"

"I've already said that I'm Huang Yu. Of course, you can also call me Duanlang." Huang Yu suddenly remembered that he still had another identity, another identity, which was Duanlang, but he had forgotten it.

"Breaking waves?"

"That's right, Duanlang." Huang Yu said.

"do not know."

Huang Yu: "..."

It suddenly occurred to me that Duanlang was not well-known at this time, and there were not many people who knew about Duanlang.

"Okay, but you should know by now. All in all, I won't do you any harm. I'm not an enemy of Wushuang City, nor a member of Tianxiahui. I'm here for only one purpose, and that is to see Wushuangjian. , this world's most famous sword." Huang Yu said.

"You want to play the idea of ​​Wushuangjian?" Mingyue's face changed drastically, Wushuangjian is the foundation of Wushuang City.

"You don't need to be nervous. I'm just looking at it, and I don't want to snatch it. Besides, although my strength is good, it is not the opponent of Dugu. Moreover, behind Wushuang City, even my strength can deal with Dugu. , but there is another Juggernaut? The Juggernaut is so powerful, how can I deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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