Chapter 537 Fire Unicorn

Two days later.

Huang Yu and Nie Feng came to the Leshan Giant Buddha.

"Water flooded the Buddha's knees, and water flooded the Buddha's knees again." Looking at the overflowing river, Huang Yu sighed, and the fire unicorn was about to appear.

In the midst of the storm, every time the water flooded the Buddha's knees, the fire unicorn would appear, and now is the right time.

However, Huo Qilin is strong, probably at the Yuanshen Realm at the last time, and the two of them will definitely not be rivals, so we must be careful.

"Nie Feng, let's go."

"Wait, Lang, let's wait a little longer. The water flooded the Buddha's knees and the Lingyun Cave was burned. This means that the fire unicorn will appear. Let's wait. The fire unicorn is too powerful. We are no match for you and me together. We should be careful." For the best." Nie Feng stopped Huang Yu and said.

"Even if it's a fire unicorn, we still have to fight. We don't have much time." Huang Yu shook his head.

Huo Qilin also wants to take a look. Of course, even if he meets Huo Qilin, Huang Yu is sure to retreat, so he is not too worried.

Huang Yu guessed that the fire unicorn should have not weak intelligence. Think about it, is it possible to subdue this fire unicorn?If possible, in the world of wind and cloud, he is a good thug.Going out is also majestic and domineering.


"There's nothing wrong with it. If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. Moreover, if we want to find the Fire Scale Sword and Xueyin Kuangdao, this is the best time. If we enter at other times, we may not be able to find them. "Huang Yu said.

After Huang Yu finished speaking, he walked directly into Lingyun Grotto, and Nie Feng had no choice but to follow behind.

The two walked all the way.

After walking for about half an hour, a sudden heat wave rolled in.

"What a big fire, this is the fire unicorn." Nie Feng's face changed drastically.

Huang Yu squinted his eyes, and slapped out with a palm, a terrifying chill blasted out. Because the ice soul had been refined, but it was not thorough, so Huang Yu still contained the power of ice soul in his body at this time, these ice souls The power is exactly the nemesis of this fire unicorn.


With a loud noise, Huang Yu's palm hit Huo Qilin.

The flames spread out, and a huge fiery red unicorn appeared.

This is exactly that fire unicorn.

"Be careful." Nie Feng yelled, and rushed towards Huo Qilin, "Fengshen's legs follow you like a shadow."

Seeing this, Huang Yu made another move, drew out his long sword, and began to use his sword skills.

One after another sword light slashed at the front legs of the fire unicorn, and there was a white mark. Huang Yu knew that that mark was the scar left by Nie Ying, the ancestor of the Nie family. The fire unicorn was covered with scales. Swords and guns are invulnerable, and only that wound can be stabbed.


Huo Qilin was stabbed by Huang Yu's sword, and the blood splashed and fell on Huang Yu's body, which immediately made Huang Yu feel a scorching heat.

Huang Yu suffered so much that his whole body was blown away and hit the wall. Seeing this, Nie Feng hurried over and supported Huang Yu, while the fire unicorn left quickly.

"Lang, are you okay?" Nie Feng asked very concerned.

"It's okay, I want to recover, you help me protect the law first." Huang Yu felt the surging power of the unicorn blood, and was extremely surprised. Although he was hit by the fire unicorn and had unicorn blood on his body, the injury was not too serious. Huang Yu cultivated the body of immortality, which required a huge amount of energy to refine his body. The blood of the fire unicorn gave him a great benefit.

The crazy blood of this fire unicorn is unbearable for ordinary people and will go crazy, but for Huang Yu, this crazy blood is nothing. Huang Yu is also a super strong man who has reached the realm of the Great Realm King. , the cultivation base has been sealed, but the willpower is still there, and he has also practiced the Primordial Creation Art now. If this little bit of magic can't be resisted, it will be too scumbag.

Huang Yu used the formula of primordial good fortune and the body of immortality.

The crazy blood was quickly absorbed by Huang Yu's refinement, and the physical body became very powerful, showing signs of a breakthrough in strength. Although it did not reach the human infant state, it was not far behind, and the strength of the physical body could almost compete with the human infant state up.

This immortal body is much stronger than that of Jue Wushen. Jue Wushen cultivated the immortal golden body and reached the point where the golden body is indestructible. Unfortunately, there is still a door, otherwise he would not be surprised by Nie Feng and Bu. Yun teamed up to kill, Jue Wushen's strength was definitely at the peak of the Human Infant Realm, half a step at the Primordial Spirit Realm, and Jue Wushen's Indestructible Golden Body was unbelievably strong, even a strong person at the peak of the Human Infant Realm would be difficult to break through.

In the midst of Fengyun, when Fengyun teamed up, even with Wuming who had practiced Wanjian Guizong, they never defeated Jue Wushen, which shows how powerful Jue Wushen is.

It's just that Juewushen's immortal golden body is too far behind Huang Yu's immortal body. Immortal body has no barriers, and the level is too high, unless there is absolute power , Destroy the soul, otherwise, once the immortal body has been cultivated to a certain level, it will be impossible to get rid of it.

At this time, Huang Yu's whole body exuded golden light, shining brightly, like a golden armored god in the sky, making people feel invincible and admirable.

Looking at Huang Yu at this moment, Nie Feng was extremely shocked.

"I don't know what technique Lang is practicing, it's too powerful."

An hour later, Huang Yu opened his eyes, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and the golden light all over his body also subsided.

"Nie Feng, thank you very much."

"Lang, what is the relationship between us, do you need to thank me?" Nie Feng said with a smile.


Huang Yu really couldn't bear it. He couldn't bear Nie Feng's expression, and Huang Yu always felt that this guy's sexual orientation seemed to be a little off.

The hairs all over his body almost didn't stand on end, he shivered, and hurriedly said: "Let's go find the Fire Lin Sword and Xueyin Kuangdao right now."


Along the way, he didn't meet Huo Qilin. Huang Yu pondered, Huo Qilin was injured because of carelessness this time, and he probably wouldn't show up anytime soon, so he felt relieved.

Huang Yu knew in his heart that although this fire unicorn was powerful, in fact, it didn't seem to be too strong.

Logically speaking, a strange beast like the Huo Qilin should be very powerful, but it seems that in the midst of the situation, the Huo Qilin was killed by Xiong Ba. Although Xiong Ba was powerful at the time, he should not be the opponent of Huo Qilin, and , the current Huo Qilin seems to be too weak, is it careless, or something else?

It's a pity that I can't use my Eye of Punishment here, otherwise, I can use the Eye of Punishment to check the situation, which will be much more convenient.

Originally, Huang Yu could still ask Lulu, but now in this task, Lulu can't give too many reminders. Now that Lulu is still in a deep sleep state, there is no way to ask.

"Let's be careful." Huang Yu said.

"Hey, what's that?" Nie Feng shouted just as Huang Yu finished speaking.

Huang Yu looked around, and there was a hole in the place that was affected by Huang Yu's sword energy before, and a red light faintly leaked out of it.

"Nie Feng, open the hole." Huang Yu shouted.

"Okay." Nie Feng nodded, punched out, and opened the hole a lot.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Huang Yu was very pleasantly surprised. There was also a hole in front of him. The hole was very spacious, and the walls were covered with fruits that looked like small red lights. These fruits were all red and crystal clear like red The gems in general are very beautiful.


"This... Lang, is this the blood bodhi you mentioned?" Nie Feng looked at the scene in front of him, and was also very pleasantly surprised. He had heard Huang Yu talk about blood bodhi before, and when he saw this, he thought of Huang Yu's expression again. Immediately also understood.

Huang Yu nodded and said: "That's right, this is the blood bodhi. These blood bodhis are the blood of the fire unicorn, and the fruits formed here contain huge energy. One fruit can add decades of energy. Gongli can also heal internal injuries, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a holy fruit."

"This is great. You were injured just now. After taking this fruit, your injury should heal soon." Nie Feng said hastily, "I'll pick the fruit for you."

As he spoke, he walked inside.

After picking off a fruit, he handed it to Huang Yu, then stopped suddenly, and said, "Lang, let me try this fruit first. If it is real, then you can take it. If it is poisonous, then you can eat it." It's not good."

After speaking, Nie Feng opened his mouth and ate the fruit.

" hot."

After taking the fruit, Nie Feng turned red all over, and his whole body gave off a heat wave, just like Huang Yu was drenched in the blood of the fire unicorn.

After a while, Nie Feng refined all the energy of the fruit, and his cultivation improved a lot.

After opening his eyes, Nie Feng said: "Lang, this fruit is real. It has increased my cultivation for more than ten years. Take it quickly."

With that said, Nie Feng picked two more fruits and handed them to Huang Yu.

Regarding Nie Feng's performance, Huang Yu was quite moved. In fact, in the midst of the situation, this Nie Feng has the character of a good old man. He is very concerned about his friends. In the midst of this, he wouldn't be so against Duanlang and Bu Jingyun.

"Thank you." After taking the fruit, Huang Yu opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The energy contained in this blood bodhi was refined by Huang Yu in a short while, and Huang Yu was surprised by the speed.

Moreover, this fruit did not improve Huang Yu's strength much. Compared with Nie Feng, it was much worse, far less than Nie Feng's improvement.

"Lang, you just refined the Blood Bodhi?" Looking at Huang Yu's situation, Nie Feng also looked dull. He refined the Blood Bodhi by himself, but it took a lot of time and improved his strength a lot, but Huang Yu Yu is too bad.

Huang Yu thought for a while, and said: "This is probably due to the blood of the fire unicorn. I refined the blood of the fire unicorn just now, and this blood bodhi is nourished by the blood essence of the fire unicorn. Compared with the blood of the fire unicorn It’s still quite a bit worse, and I’ve refined the fire unicorn’s blood, so the fruit will naturally have little effect.”

(End of this chapter)

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