Chapter 538
"That's a pity. If it wasn't like this, Lang, you should have another breakthrough in your strength. At that time, even if we face Dugu, we will have nothing to fear." Nie Feng said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you get the Huolin Sword and Xueyin Kuangdao, you can also deal with Dugu." Although Huang Yu was also a little depressed in his heart, he was helpless. His strength had improved fast enough. His strength has far surpassed that of Duanlang. Compared to Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun is much stronger.

"Look around here. If I remember correctly, there should be the bones of your ancestor Nie Ying nearby. The Xueyin Kuangdao is also not far from here."

"Hey, there is indeed a skeleton here." Nie Feng looked around, and soon found a skeleton, which was Nie Ying's.

"It turns out that everything you said, Lang, is true." Nie Feng was extremely surprised, "There is also the six tactics of Aohan."

"Congratulations." Huang Yu knew that now that Nie Feng had obtained the Six Jue of Aohan, together with Xue Bodhi, his strength had greatly improved. As long as he got Xueyin Kuangdao, he would have absolutely no problem dealing with Dugu.

After a while, Nie Feng found another thing. It was the Xueyin Kuangdao. The Xueyin Kuangdao was a peerless knife. The blade was like snow, and blood seemed to flow from the handle. into the hilt.

Huang Yu could feel that there was an astonishing aura emanating from the Xueyin Kuangdao, which was very sharp.

"Good knife."

This Xueyin Kuangdao can definitely be regarded as a magical weapon, at least it should be at the level of a spiritual weapon. In this world, the level of a spiritual weapon is definitely the top level.

Of course, it was too far behind his own Fengyin Killing God Knife, but unfortunately, his own Fengyin Killing God Knife couldn't be taken out at all.


Huang Yu sighed and exhaled a foul breath. There was no way to do it. A mission is a mission, not to mention an SS-level mission. If there is Fengyin Killing Sword, wouldn't it be too easy to complete the mission.

Hearing Huang Yu's sigh, Nie Feng thought that Duanlang felt lost because he didn't find the Fire Lin Sword, and said: "Lang, don't worry, you can definitely find the Fire Lin Sword, we will go there right now Find the Fire Scale Sword, I will definitely help you find the Fire Scale Sword."

"Yeah." Huang Yu nodded.

After Nie Feng put away the Xueyin Kuangdao, the two continued to search around.

Fengyun Huang Yu has seen it, but his memory is a little fuzzy. He doesn't remember where Duanlang found the Fire Lin Sword.

"Fire Scale Sword, where is the Fire Scale Sword?" Huang Yu is also depressed. Why is it so easy for Nie Feng to find Xueyin Kuangdao, but it is so difficult for him to find the Fire Scale Sword? , I remember that in the midst of the storm, it was much easier for Duan Lang to find the Fire Lin Sword than Nie Feng, but right now, it is the other way around. Although he is Duan Lang, he has not found the Fire Lin Sword for a long time .

"Damn Fire Lin Sword, if I find it, I will melt you into it." Huang Yu couldn't help cursing in his heart.

A full day has passed, Huang Yu and Nie Feng have almost searched for more than half of Lingyun Cave. You must know that the entire Lingyun Cave is so big, and the passages can be described as extending in all directions. It is too strange to find countless places by yourself. up.


At this time, Huang Yu and Nie Feng heard a roar.

Both Huang Yu and Nie Feng's expressions changed.

Roaring, this... this is nothing but the fire unicorn.

"No, the Fire Qilin is about to appear again." Nie Feng's face changed.

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes: "This beast, is it going to appear again? If I can get some more fire unicorn blood, maybe my strength can go a step further."

The fire unicorn's blood contained majestic energy, which was exactly what he hoped for.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Huang Yu said.

"Okay." Nie Feng hesitated for a while, but still followed behind Huang Yu. The two speeded up and rushed towards the direction of the voice.

When the two chased after them, they didn't find the shadow of Huo Qilin, only some burnt soil was left on the scene.

"Huh, it's a corpse." Huang Yu only looked at Huo Qilin, but he didn't find anything, but Nie Feng saw it.

"That is……"

"It's the Fire Scale Sword." Nie Feng saw a hilt under the bones, and after a closer look, he found that it was the Fire Scale Sword, "That's great, Lang, this is the Fire Scale Sword. If it's correct, He should be Uncle Duan."

"Fire Lin Sword, Father." Huang Yu knelt down and kowtowed.

Although Huang Yu doesn't really want to kowtow, but his current identity is Duanlang, and the corpse in front of him is Duan Shuai, who is Duanlang's biological father. If he doesn't kowtow, it will be unreasonable.

I feel more or less upset that I have an extra cheap dad for nothing.

After getting the Fire Lin Sword, Huang Yu raised a smile on the corner of his mouth. This Fire Lin Sword is indeed one of the ten time fragments.

Perhaps, in Fengyun [-], the people headed by Di Shitian dispatched seven divine weapons to slay the dragon. Those seven divine weapons may be seven time fragments, plus the ice soul and the dragon veins, it is estimated to be nine Huang Yu didn't know what the other one was.

Of course, this is just a guess. It is not an easy task to obtain the seven magic weapons.

The road is to walk step by step.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Fire Scale Sword. The Fire Scale Sword is one of the fragments of time. Is the player refining it?"

"No." Huang Yu thought for a while, naturally it's not easy to refine now.

"Congratulations, Lang, we finally succeeded. This time, when we go back to Wushuang City, we will definitely be able to kill Dugu Fang." Nie Feng said.

"The Dugu side is nothing to be afraid of. The most important thing is the Juggernaut, the Dugu Juggernaut. That Juggernaut is powerful. He was a peerless master many years ago. Compared with Xiongba, his strength is only stronger than that of Xiongba. It's just a pity, Juggernaut. There is not much longevity." Huang Yu sighed, "But even so, it is far from what you and I can deal with right now. Once Dugu Fang is killed, the Sword Master will inevitably be drawn."

"Although the Juggernaut is strong, he will never be my master's opponent." Nie Feng is still very confident about Xiongba.

In fact, Xiongba is very powerful, and there are indeed very few people who can compete with Xiongba. In the first part of Fengyun, he is definitely the strongest existence. As for the second part, there are too many powerful characters, just like Di Shi. Tian, ​​is countless times stronger than Xiongba, and Di Shitian is an old monster who has cultivated for thousands of years.

How can his formidable strength be comparable to that of ordinary people.


After Huang Yu and Nie Feng buried the bones, they hurried towards Wushuang City.

As soon as I entered Wushuang City, I found that the entire Wushuang City was decorated with lights and festoons. Red silk and red lanterns were hung everywhere, and the words "Happy" were posted everywhere.

"So lively? Who is hosting the wedding in Wushuang City?" Seeing this scene, Nie Feng asked someone.

"The two masters are from other places. Today is the wedding day of the young city lord of Wushuang City and Miss Mingyue. It's just a pity that Miss Mingyue is such a good person, and she will be harmed by the young city lord. It's really... hey..." The man sighed, shook his head and left.

"Mingyue, I didn't expect that Mingyue still didn't leave." Huang Yu had told Mingyue before, but he never thought that Mingyue still didn't listen to his own words.

At this time, Mingyue was in the room, wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, looking at the sky.

"Duanlang, Duanlang, will you really come back?"

Mingyue held a long sword in her hand, and that long sword was the Wushuang Yin sword among the Wushuang swords.


"Let's go find Miss Mingyue." Huang Yu said.

"Okay." Nie Feng nodded, "When the time comes, I'll lure Dugu Fang away, Lang, you go and save Mingyue girl."

Huang Yu nodded.

He knew that Nie Feng's purpose this time was to fight Dugu Fang and kill Dugu Fang.

Huang Yu knows that although Nie Feng's current strength is not as good as Dugu's, but in a fight, the outcome is unpredictable. After all, Nie Feng has obtained the Blood Bodhi and the Xueyin Kuangdao. One point, it is much stronger than Dugu Fang, what's more, there is mad blood in Nie Feng's body, if it can stimulate mad blood, Dugu Fang is definitely not an opponent.

The two soon arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, I saw that Mingyue had been brought into the lobby, and Dugu Fang beside him was also full of smiles, very proud.

The two people directly above, one is Dugu Fang, and the other is an old woman, who is naturally Mingyue's grandmother.

"The auspicious time has come, the ceremony begins!"

"It's so lively." Huang Yu walked out slowly, "It's really not good that you didn't invite me on such a great day, right?"

"Buanlang." Seeing Duanlang, a strange color flashed in Dugu Fang's eyes. Dugu Fang had seen Duanlang before. At that time, Duanlang's strength was only in the middle stage of the Yuan Dan realm, but Dugu Fang's strength at this time , that is definitely the peak of the Yuandan Realm, the existence of the half-step Human Infant Realm.

How could Duanlang's cultivation base have improved so quickly, so why wasn't he shocked?Even if there are any heaven and earth spirit treasures, elixir and miraculous medicine, it will not be so fast. How long has it passed?

"You came just in time, as I said, once you come to my Peerless City, you will be the elder of my Peerless City, come and sit up." Dugu Fang was extremely enthusiastic, and thought to himself, if he could pull Duanlang over, then deal with him Xiongba would be much easier. Duanlang is much stronger than Xiongba's three apprentices, Nie Fengbu Jingyun and Qin Shuang.

"No need, I'm here today for two things." Huang Yu waved his hand and said.

"What's the matter, why worry about it, let's talk about it after eating the children's wedding wine first." Dugu Fang said.

"Wedding wine, I can't eat it. The first thing I came here was the matter of Miss Mingyue. Miss Mingyue doesn't like your son, so she doesn't need to force it. The second thing is the Wushuang sword. I want Wushuang Sword." Huang Yu said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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