Chapter 545

" drank the blood of the fire unicorn?" Yu Yue couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard it. The blood of the fire unicorn actually drank the blood of the fire unicorn. He was more terrifying than himself. His blood was only stained on his arm, but he actually drank the blood of the fire unicorn, it was too terrifying.

"That's right." Huang Yu nodded and said, "I entered the Lingyun Grotto and had a fight with the Fire Qilin, but it's a pity that the beast ran away."

"Impossible." Upon hearing this, Yu Yue shouted, "Although your strength is good, it is impossible to deal with Huo Qilin."

"Although the Fire Qilin is invulnerable, it has a weakness, and that is its scar."

"Do you know the weakness of Huo Qilin?" Hearing Huang Yu's words, Yu Yue had already believed [-]% of the time, because he himself also let the blood of Huo Qilin spray on his arm because of that scar.

"Of course, I also know the origin of Huo Qilin's scar." Huang Yu said, "Huo Qilin's scar was actually caused by Xue Yin's mad knife. Nie Ying, the ancestor of King Nie Ren, used snow to drink Crazy Knife and Huo Qilin fought for several days, and finally stabbed Huo Qilin, and King Nie also swallowed Huo Qilin's blood, so his skill increased greatly, but he couldn't control himself, and went crazy from time to time, while the crazy blood of Nie's family That’s how it got passed down.”

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be like this." When Yu Yue heard it, he sighed, "I believe you, but you said that you came here to wait for the owner of the unicorn arm, what do you mean by that? ?”

"There is a person who is destined to have your unicorn arm. He will come here with a broken arm and accept your unicorn arm. This is the arrangement of fate." Huang Yu said with a smile.

At this time, Huang Yu had already felt Bu Jingyun's aura, and it seemed that Bu Jingyun was almost here.

Looking up, I saw something floating on the surface of the river, and that thing was probably Bu Jingyun.

"How is it possible?" Yu Yue said, "Do you think you are a clay bodhisattva?"

"I'm not a clay bodhisattva, but I'm more powerful than a clay bodhisattva." Huang Yu said with a smile, "I know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, believe it or not?"

"Daddy, don't pay attention to him, his brain must have been burnt out." Yu Chuchu on the side said, pulling Yu Yue's arm.

Huang Yu's face turned dark immediately, and he was said to have lost his mind. This chick is really speechless.

However, Huang Yu didn't refute, but pointed to the river: "The person I'm waiting for is here, do you feel that the unicorn arm is strange again?"

At this time, Yu Yue also felt the strangeness of the unicorn arm, grabbed his own arm, and said, "This...isn't it because of you?"

"Of course not. I have restrained my breath now. Your unicorn arm can't feel the unicorn blood in my body. Naturally, it won't react. Right now, your unicorn arm is causing trouble because his master is coming. "Huang Yu nodded and said.

"No, Daddy, don't believe him, he's a lunatic." Yu Chuchu hurriedly said upon hearing this.

The unicorn arm is the arm of his father Yu Yue. If he gave the unicorn arm to someone else, it would mean that his father lost an arm. How could Yu Chuchu not be angry about such a thing?

She didn't want to see her father get hurt, and she didn't want to see her father cut off his arm just because of a stranger.

"It really is a person, and his arm is really broken." Yu Yue fished Bu Jingyun up, "This is... Bu Jingyun?"

"Yes, he is Bu Jingyun, the destined owner of the unicorn arm. This is God's will. He is destined to come here and get your unicorn arm." Huang Yu said.

"Hey..." Yu Yue sighed, and then said, "Duanlang, come with me."

Yu Yue picked up Bu Jingyun and walked towards the place where he lived.

Huang Yu followed behind, and Yu Chuchu looked at Huang Yu angrily: "Hey, did you do it on purpose? I won't let my daddy give his arm to that person, just give up."

"Whether your father will transplant his arm to Bu Jingyun is not up to me, nor is it up to you, but what your dad does. He has the final say. If he wants to transplant, he will transplant it. If he doesn't want it, I will naturally There is no other way, and besides, Bu Jingyun has nothing to do with me, speaking of it, he and I are enemies." Huang Yu narrowed his eyes, looked at this little girl, and couldn't help laughing.

This girl was originally a hardy girl who fell in love with Bu Jingyun, but Bu Jingyun only had Kongzi in her heart at the beginning, and later, she was raped by Jian Chen, and more importantly, she was pregnant with Jian Chen However, fortunately, Bu Jingyun also realized later and knew her position in his heart. It turned out that the person Bu Jingyun loved the most was no longer Kongzi, but Yu neat.

"Hmph, I will never let such a thing happen, absolutely not." Yu Chuchu waved her small fist, and quickly chased after Yu Yue.

After a while, he arrived at Yu Yue's residence. This was a very ordinary house, very simple and simple, with a lot of medicinal herbs drying outside, and a strong herbal smell permeated the air.

This humble place is far worse than Wushuang City and Tianxiahui.

However, to Huang Yu, this was nothing, and Huang Yu didn't care about it. With his level of strength, living in the barren mountains was fine.

Huang Yu looked at Bu Jingyun. At this time, Bu Jingyun's injury was very serious. Of course, Huang Yu could completely heal Bu Jingyun's injury, a pill and a talisman. However, Huang Yu did not intend to do so.

Yu Yue's medical skills are good, and Yu Yue knows a genius doctor. In the original book, Yu Yue found a genius doctor and asked him to transplant his unicorn arm to Bu Jingyun.

As expected, after a few days, Bu Jingyun's injury improved a lot, and Yu Yue's unicorn arm became more and more uncontrollable, so Yu Yue finally made up his mind, found a miracle doctor, and asked the miracle doctor to transplant his unicorn arm Arrived on Bu Jingyun's body.

Three days later, Bu Jingyun woke up.

"What is this place, why is it so similar to my dream?"

"Bu Jingyun, you are awake, you are not dreaming." Huang Yu appeared in front of Bu Jingyun, looked at him and said.

"Duanlang." Bu Jingyun narrowed his eyes, "It's actually you."

"Don't get angry." Huang Yu said, "There's no need to worry, I won't do anything to you. If I want to kill you, you're already dead."

"Kill me, you are just a defeated general, if you want to kill me, you are dreaming." Bu Jingyun said coldly.

"A joke, it was for you at the beginning. Do you think you are really better than me?" Huang Yu said coldly. Loud, but in fact, his strength is much worse than Nie Feng's. Even after he got a peerless sword and realized his own way of swordsmanship, he was still far behind Nie Feng.

"Really?" A cold light flashed in Bu Jingyun's eyes, "I'll kill you."

"You have just recovered now, and your strength is still far behind. I think you have met Nie Feng. Didn't he tell you about my strength? Even Nie Feng is no match for me, and you are far behind. You Your strength is only at the late stage of the Yuandan Realm, and you haven't even reached the peak of the Yuandan Realm. To kill you, one finger is enough. Don't think that I am a tyrant, I like to play all kinds of tricks. If I want to kill you, I will definitely do it myself , and you will be beaten to death with a stick, so you have no chance." Huang Yu moved his finger lightly, and a terrifying sword energy shot out from his fingertips, piercing a small hole in a stone not far away. .

The sword qi is condensed and pure, a sword qi can smash a stone, Bu Jingyun can do it, but if a sword qi penetrates a stone, and it is silent, this has reached a terrifying level, Bu Jingyun One's own strength is far from being able to do it.

At this moment, Bu Jingyun's heart was extremely shocked.

Duanlang's strength has actually reached such a level, this kind of strength is really far beyond his own, could it be, could it be that Duanlang really gave himself up that day?
Bu Jingyun is a proud person, and he never believed that things would be like this.

"No, how is it possible." Bu Jingyun called out, and started to do it, "Paiyunzhang."

A shot is all-out, a shot is a unique move, Bu Jingyun's aptitude is amazing, and Paiyun Zhang is even more superb.

This move, like overwhelming mountains and seas, crushed towards Huang Yu.

"Is it just like that?" Huang Yu's eyes were full of disdain. Although Cloud Pai Zhang is powerful, it is a very terrifying kung fu. Now Bu Jingyun has learned everything, but it is still not enough in Huang Yu's eyes. Yu stood and let Bu Jingyun hit him, but he couldn't hurt himself.

"Even if I stand here and don't fight back, you can't hurt me." Huang Yu stood there with his arms folded, not moving at all, letting Bu Jingyun hit him.

"Boom bang bang..."

There was a loud noise, the ground was full of dust, and the terrifying force caused the surrounding herbs to fly up, and the whole scene was in chaos.

The smoke and dust cleared, Huang Yu was unscathed, his immortal body was extremely terrifying, Huang Yu's physical strength was now much stronger than that of ordinary people in the early stages of the Human Infant Realm, and Bu Jingyun was only in the late Yuandan Realm, so what? Could it be broken?Even if he got a peerless sword, he still couldn't break through the defense.

"You are too weak, you are really vulnerable, you can't even break through my defense, you are rubbish, you are far behind Nie Feng." Huang Yu said coldly, "With your strength, you still want to find Xiongba Revenge, if you practice for another 100 years, I'm afraid you won't be able to be Xiongba's opponent."

Huang Yu beat Bu Jingyun mercilessly: "Of course, you also have an advantage, that is your age, you are very young, and Xiongba is now middle-aged. Maybe, you can wait until Xiongba dies."

"you you……"

When Bu Jingyun heard it, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, then he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Looking at Bu Jingyun who had passed out, Huang Yu was also stunned. He didn't expect Bu Jingyun to faint from his words.

(End of this chapter)

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