Chapter 546 Secret
When Bu Jingyun woke up again, Huang Yu said: "Bu Jingyun, let me ask you a question."

"Say." For Huang Yu, Bu Jingyun still didn't have a good face.

"I'm curious, where did you get the Xuanbing Jade Coffin?" Huang Yu looked at Bu Jingyun and guessed before that this Bu Jingyun should be connected with Tianmen, but Bu Jingyun's strength is not too strong. The big improvement made Huang Yu feel a little weird. If Tianmen made a move, Di Shitian could easily give in to Jingyun's cultivation and upgrade to the human baby level, but right now Bu Jingyun didn't, so things became a little blurred up.

"It's none of your business." Bu Jingyun said coldly.

"The black ice jade coffin is not something ordinary people can own, even the emperor is not qualified, and since you have found it, of course I am very curious. As far as I know, there are people in this world who can have such a thing as the black ice jade coffin." Not many, but I just know that there is one place, and that is Tianmen." When Huang Yu said this, he stared at Bu Jingyun, "If my guess is correct, you should have contacted the people from Tianmen , Of course, maybe the people from Tianmen came to you, that's also possible."

Bu Jingyun's expression changed, he stared at Huang Yu vigilantly and said, "How do you know?"

Bu Jingyun admitted it, which made Huang Yu feel a little bad. The matter is really not that simple. This is just the plot of the first episode of Fengyun. Tianmen has already intervened. Is it because of Di Shitian or him? His subordinates make their own decisions?

Huang Yu knew that the person in charge of the main affairs of Tianmen should be Luo Xian. This guy is called the Godmother, and his strength is not very strong. It is estimated that he is only a human baby at the moment.

If he appeared, he could kill him himself.

If it was Godmother Luoxian who made her own decision, that would be fine, but if it was Di Shitian's intention, then things would be a bit more complicated, and it seemed that it would not be so easy to complete the task by herself.

But Bu Jingyun remembered what that person said when he gave him the black ice jade coffin.

"I said that there are very few people who can own the black ice jade coffin. In the world, there are only a few forces. Except for Tianmen, the other major forces can't hide, and only Tianmen can hide from time to time. Appearing in the martial arts, even so, Tianmen has not appeared in Jianghu for many years. I did not expect that now that Tianmen appears, I am afraid that Jianghu will not be peaceful again. A guy like Xiongba is simply an insignificant little boy in front of Tianmen. Insects, frogs in the well." Huang Yu said with a sneer.

"Xiongba is an insignificant bug?" Bu Jingyun couldn't help taking a breath when he heard it. Bu Jingyun deeply understood the power of Xiongba. Wuliang has never won, which shows how powerful the opponent is.

Such terrifying strength, in front of Tianmen, is actually as weak as a small bug, how can this concession not shock Jingyun.

"You...are you telling the truth?"

"Do I have to lie to you?" Huang Yu looked at the frightened Bu Jingyun with calm eyes, and said, "This world is far more than what you see. There are strong people like clouds, and these strong people, They are all hidden from the world, among them, there is a peerless master in Tianmen, and this peerless master is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years."

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how can a person live for thousands of years." Bu Jingyun didn't believe that the life span of ordinary people is already the limit of a hundred years, and there are very few people who can live to a hundred years, even warriors , that is the same, it is definitely very rare to live to a hundred years.

"There are still many things you don't know. I can tell you that the old monster was a character in the Qin Dynasty, and his current name is Di Shitian. Of course, as for his original name, I won't tell you. "Huang Yu said some things, but Huang Yu secretly sighed, revealing these secrets, whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, it is really hard to predict.

But no matter what, because of his entry, the plot of Fengyun has changed a lot.

And it has gradually escaped from my control.

"Do you know why people from Tianmen came to you?" Huang Yu said.

"Why?" Bu Jingyun said, "Since Tianmen is so powerful and Di Shitian is so powerful, how can it help him to find a weak person like me?"

"Hehe, don't underestimate yourself. You and Nie Feng are actually people with great luck. In his calculations, that is also a reasonable thing." Huang Yu said with a smile, "One thousand years The old monster has reached an unbelievable level of cultivation and has endless lifespan, what do you think he has, or what does he want?"

"Strength." Bu Jingyun said, "Stronger strength."

"That's right, this is one of them." Huang Yu said, "An old monster who has lived for thousands of years has an endless lifespan, but sometimes he is very lonely. Chasing powerful strength, stronger strength is just one of them, but , when his strength has reached a limit and it is difficult to break through, he will shift his attention to other places, such as making some things, provoking some wars, etc., etc., this is normal Yes, in his eyes, such things as changing dynasties and fighting for hegemony may be just a game, a small game, a way to find fun."

"You mean, he came to me because I'm a lucky person, and also because he was looking for fun?" Bu Jingyun said gloomily.

"This is just one of them. You have great luck, which is stronger than that of ordinary people. There is no doubt about it. But this time, Di Shitian has a big move. Of course, it will take several years, not Now, he's just starting to make plans from now on." Huang Yu said.

"Layout, what game?" Bu Jingyun was not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business, but now he is aroused interest.

"You are still too weak. Knowing these things won't do much good." Huang Yu shook his head and said, "Right now, it's time for me to leave. I'm going to the Tianxiahui."

"You go to Tianxiahui, do you want to find Xiongba?" Bu Jingyun heard this, said, "Xiongba is mine, only I can kill him."

"Hehe, Xiongba is not so easy to die. Now you are too weak, and you have not even reached the human infant state, but Xiongba's cultivation has reached the peak of the human infant state, and you are still far away." Huang Yu laughed. , "This time, I went to Tianxiahui just to witness a great battle."

Huang Yu went here because he wanted to watch the battle between Xiongba and the Juggernaut. Of course, more importantly, Huang Yu didn't want to watch Xiongba die in the hands of the Juggernaut. If Xiongba died in the hands of the Juggernaut, then his mission would be There is no way to complete it, and the loss will be huge at that time.

It's definitely not a star. This time, Huang Yu went to Tianxiahui to see if he could find a chance to kill Xiongba. After all, killing Xiongba was the most difficult of the three tasks.

It would be great if he could be killed while Juggernaut and Xiong Ba were both hurt.

After speaking, Huang Yu turned and walked away, ignoring Bu Jingyun.

As for the matter of Tianmen, Huang Yu knew that they would definitely come to Bu Jingyun again, and although Huang Yu didn't know what deal Tianmen and Bu Jingyun had reached, Huang Yu knew that if he asked Bu Jingyun himself, he would not He will say that since he can't find the news, then don't ask. After he has dealt with the matter of Xiongba, he will improve his strength. Then he will go to Tianmen, and he will have some chances. Otherwise, his strength is too weak, so he will go to Tianmen. It's also courting death.

Feng Yuan is very attractive, and Di Shitian knows many secrets. There are many secrets hidden in the gate of heaven. Huang Yu feels that if he wants to completely uncover some mysteries of this world, find out the secrets that are related to the real world. Contact, then I have to go to Tianmen.

Now there are three places, one is Wushuang City, one is Tianmen, and the other is Lingyun Cave. These three places hide some unknown secrets. These secrets should not be found in the Fengyun World that I know. Yes, but right now, in this Fengyun mission world that I am in, there is a feeling that tells Huang Yu that as long as he can unlock this secret, he will get huge benefits.


The next day, Huang Yu was about to leave, and Bu Jingyun also wanted to leave. He planned to go to the imperial mausoleum to see Kongzi again.

However, what left Huang Yu speechless was that this girl Yu Chuchu didn't pester Bu Jingyun, but instead pestered him and was unrelenting towards him, while Bu Jingyun, who was supposed to have sparks with her, seemed to be watching her. It's less than average, they are two complete strangers, this makes Huang Yu very headache.

Yu Yue knew that Huang Yu and Bu Jingyun were going to leave, so he didn't stop Bu Jingyun, instead he found Huang Yu.

"Duanlang, I have something to ask of you." Yu Yue looked at Huang Yu with pleading eyes.

When Huang Yu saw this, he guessed that this guy was probably in trouble for Yu Chuchu's affairs, and he seemed to be in trouble. Could this guy be entrusting Yu Chuchu to himself?

Huang Yu knew that this guy seemed to be the son of Xiongba, that is, Catcher, and he was hunting him down.

Moreover, he also agreed to catch the gods and surrender himself after half a year.

Right now, due to my own reasons, although the time has been advanced a bit, there is not much difference.

"I want you to take care of Chuchu for me."

Sure enough, Yu Yue did this to let him take care of Yu Chuchu.

"This...why don't you let Bu Jingyun take care of you?" Huang Yu said, "You gave him the unicorn arm and saved his life. This is a great kindness to Bu Jingyun. If you give in to Bu Jingyun to take care of Yu If Chuchu says it, I don't think he will refuse, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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