Chapter 547
"Indeed, if I entrust Chu Chu to Bu Jingyun, although he is not willing, he will not refuse. However, I can see that Bu Jingyun himself does not want to be concerned. If Chu Chu follows him, it will only be A burden, and Bu Jingyun has burdened too much, and his enemies are countless, once Chu Chu follows Bu Jingyun, there will be many dangers." Yu Yue shook his head and said, "I don't want to let Chu Chu follow One of the reasons for Bu Jingyun."

"I don't like trouble either." Huang Yu smiled wryly upon hearing this, "Actually, my future path is even more dangerous."

"At least, you are much better than Qi Qiyunlai, and another reason is that Chuchu likes you." Yu Yue said, "I can see that Chuchu likes you, even though I quarrel with you every day , but she already has your shadow in her heart, following you, she will be willing and happy in her heart, this is the most important reason."

"However, I have a lot of women." Huang Yu said, "Besides, I don't actually have any thoughts about Chuchu now, let alone love."

"What do you think of Chuchu?" Yu Yue looked at Huang Yu and said, "I don't care about the rest, man, three wives and four concubines are normal, as long as you treat Chuchu well, that's enough."

"Chuchu, she is a good wife and mother." Huang Yu has to admit that Yu Chuchu is a good woman. In fact, in the first part of Fengyun, the women who appeared are all very virtuous and virtuous women. Of course, except for one People, that is Nie Feng's mother, Yan Ying.

"That's right, even if you don't like Chuchu now, I believe you will like it in the future. Chuchu is my daughter, and she is a good woman." Yu Yue said.

"Having said so much, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Your current problem is just catching gods. As long as I solve the trouble of catching gods, won't the problem disappear?" Huang Yu said with a smile.

"No, it's my own problem." Yu Yue shook his head and said, "I killed too many people in my early years."

"A pedantic person." Huang Yu sighed, "Although you didn't kill all the bad people, after so many years, you have done what you should do, and you can't blame you for this, because the mad blood in your body is attacking. Forget it, do you want to let your daughter go regardless because of this? Are you really willing?"

"She has also grown up, and she has someone she likes, so she will marry someone after all." Yu Yue said.

"No, Daddy, I don't want to leave you." At this time, Yu Chuchu appeared not far away, heard the conversation between the two, and rushed over.

In fact, Huang Yu already knew about Yu Chuchu's existence, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Chuchu, you have grown up. It's time for Daddy to make amends. Now I entrust you to Duanlang. I know you have a good impression of Duanlang. Don't worry about Daddy. Remember to follow Duanlang well in the future. Listen to him." Yu Yue gently stroked his daughter's hair.

"No, Daddy, I don't want you to leave me, no." Yu Chuchu cried.

"Duanlang, you have to promise me to take good care of Chuchu." Yu Yue pushed Chuchu away, wiped away his tears, turned and left.

Yu Chuchu chased after her.

At this time, Huang Yu heard the sound of fighting, and Yu Yue heard it too, and the two rushed towards the place where the sound of fighting came from.

Soon, several people appeared at the place of the fight.

Looking at the people coming, these people are people from the Tianxiahui.

Bu Jingyun's strength was naturally much stronger than theirs, and most of the people in the Tianxiahui were lost at once. At this moment, a person appeared with a half mask and a chain on his back.

Catcher, this person should be Xiongba's only son, Catcher.

Catching God wanted to stop Bu Jingyun from killing people, but Bu Jingyun was so fast, it was too late to stop Bu Jingyun, and all the people in Tianxiahui were killed.

"You are Bu Jingyun? You have caused so many killings for sinners. I will give you half a year to deal with the matter. After half a year, come and surrender to me." Catcher said without any emotion, looking at Bu Jingyun road.

"Half a year is too short to kill Xiongba." Bu Jingyun also said coldly.

Catching God ignored Bu Jingyun, but looked at Yu Yue, and said, "Yu Yue, it seems that your family affairs have been taken care of, so come with me."

"Wait." Huang Yu said.

"Who are you, dare to stop me from handling the case?" Catcher looked at Huang Yu, his eyes fixed, he could see that Huang Yu's strength in front of him was very strong.

"My name is Duanlang." Huang Yu looked at Chushen and said, "Should I call you Chushen, or the son of Xiongba?"

Catcher's expression changed, he looked at Huang Yu and said, "How do you know?"

"You don't need to know." Huang Yu shook his head and said, "Catching God, you are a respectable person, but there are some things that you can't stop. Your strength is too weak. If you want to have real justice and justice, you need enough Strong strength, but you are far from reaching it, so I suggest you, don't worry about some things, unless you have strong enough strength, so, I suggest you improve your strength and then come to Bu Jingyun, as for Yue, he has already repented, sincerely repented, and the people he killed were not out of his original intentions, but because of the unicorn arm."

"Duanlang, I know you. Although you haven't killed many people, you have killed a lot of people." Catching God looked at Huang Yu and said, "I Catching God will only catch those who should be caught. In my heart, but he killed so many innocent people after all, so he must go with me, but I can give him a light sentence, let him go to prison for ten years, after ten years, he can be free, and you break the wave , I will give you half a year, and after half a year, I will catch you."

"The tone is really loud. You are not my opponent now, and after half a year, you will not be my opponent. Even your father, Xiongba, will not be my opponent after half a year. I don't want to talk to you, you go. There are not many good people like you, I don't want you to die too early, your ambitions, your ideals are very lofty, but the premise is that you have to live." Huang Yu waved his hand.

But Yu Yue finally left with Catcher.

Huang Yu secretly sighed, wondering if Catching God would still die in Bu Jingyun's hands because of his intervention?

I can't control that much anyway, and it doesn't have much to do with me. Although this catcher is the son of Xiongba, in fact, it doesn't have much use value, and Huang Yu doesn't bother to use such methods To threaten Xiongba.

Bu Jingyun left, and Huang Yu followed behind Yu Chuchu.

"Duanlang, where are we going?" Yu Chuchu quickly broke away from the unpleasant mood of Yu Yue's departure, and followed Huang Yu, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Huang Yu secretly sighed, adding one more burden would be a troublesome thing, although she is a beauty, and this beauty has some meaning to him, but Huang Yu has no such meaning at the moment, there are already so many women, and All of them are beautiful and heavenly. Although Yu Chuchu is good, she hasn't reached the point where Huang Yu can fall in love with her so quickly.

"Go to the world meeting." Huang Yu said.

"Tianxiahui, are you going to find Xiongba?" Yu Chuchu has also heard a lot of things recently, and he still knows a little about Tianxiahui and Xiongba.

"Not bad." Huang Yu nodded.

"Why are you looking for Xiongba? You want to kill Xiongba?"

"That's right, Xiongba is someone I must kill, but right now my strength has not reached that point, so I can't kill Xiongba." Huang Yu said.

"Then why go?"

"Watch the battle, see if there is a chance to kill Xiongba, if possible, kill him." Huang Yu said.

In the whole world, except for Xiongba, Huang Yu doesn't pay attention to others at all, and when Xiongba fights with the sword master, he will inevitably be injured. At that time, the probability of killing Xiongba is not small.

Moreover, Huang Yu knew that Bu Jingyun would definitely go, but this time, Huang Yu was still hesitant, did he want to prevent Bu Jingyun from attacking the Sword Master?

After thinking about it, it would be better for Bu Jingyun to stop him, otherwise it would be bad if Xiongba was killed.

"But... But, the world will be so powerful, there are so many masters, and there are so many people, let's not go, it's too dangerous." Yu Chuchu looked at Huang Yu and said.

"Don't worry, no one in the world will be my opponent except Xiongba, and the protagonist of this battle is not me, but the Juggernaut, and the strength of the Juggernaut is no worse than Xiongba." Huang Yu said, "However, it is a bit difficult for you to follow me." Danger."

"No, you promised my father that if you want to take care of me, I will follow you. I will go wherever you go. Don't leave me, or I will commit suicide." When Yu Chuchu heard this, she was afraid that Huang Yu would kill her. Throw it away, hold Huang Yu's clothes tightly, and say loudly.

Huang Yu was extremely depressed. In Fengyun's original novel, although Yu Chuchu also pestered Bu Jingyun, but he didn't reach this level. It was really, really a headache.

"You can follow me, but you need to practice, otherwise you won't know any martial arts. If we encounter some powerful enemies and I can't take care of you, it will be very troublesome, you know? "Huang Yu said.

Hearing this, Yu Chuchu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll learn."

In order to be able to follow Huang Yu all the time, although Yu Chuchu didn't like learning martial arts, she gritted her teeth and agreed.

"That's the best." Huang Yu nodded. Although Yu Chuchu was quite old and had already passed the best age for learning martial arts, it was no problem for Huang Yu. Huang Yu had a lot of pills, talismans, Coupled with Huang Yu's own strong strength, it is still possible to wash the essence of the Chu Chu Yi Jing.

After half a month.

Huang Yu and Yu Chuchu appeared in the Tianxiahui. This day is the day when the sword master and Xiongba will duel. At this time, Yu Chuchu's strength has also reached the peak of the innate realm, and he is only one step away from entering the Yuandan realm. Among them, she can barely protect herself, and Huang Yu gave her a few talisman seals, which can resist one or two even in the Yuandan realm, so her safety is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

(End of this chapter)

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