Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 673 There are many more cars at the entrance of the villa

Chapter 673 There are many more cars at the entrance of the villa

Celestial Dynasty, Zhonghai.

In Huang Yu's half-mountain villa.

When Huang Yu came back, he saw a lot of cars at the entrance of the villa.

Huang Yu frowned, and opened his eyes of destruction.

To Huang Yu's surprise, everyone came, Lulu, Su Yue, Gu Xin and Fang Zhiqing.

It seems that they have all recovered their memories.

This was a big surprise for Huang Yu.

"I'm back, my husband is back." Sensing Huang Yu's breath, everyone rushed out, Yingying and Yanyan rushed towards Huang Yu.

"Xin'er, Yan'er, are you all back?" Huang Yu said.

"You don't have a conscience, and you don't come to us." Qing Yu looked at Huang Yu and said angrily.

"Well, I just came here, and I can't find where you are?" Huang Yu looked at the former Snake Sect Master, and said with a bit of aggrieved tone.

"Okay, forget about you, I will forgive you this time." Qing Yu said.

Huang Yu chuckled: "I knew Yu'er was the best."

Huang Yu hugged Qing Yu and kissed her on the face.

"What about me?" Hong Yan'er rushed up, sticking out her face.

"Not ashamed." Fang Zhiqing couldn't help joking when she saw Hong Yan'er being so proactive.

"Why be ashamed, we are all one family, hehe, I've already slept in one bed, so what's there to be shy about?" Hong Yan'er said nonchalantly.

When the girls heard this, they all blushed.

This Yan'er can really say anything, she is not shy at all.

Huang Yu was very happy when he heard these words, this is good, tsk tsk, let's do sports together, just thinking about it makes me excited.

It seems to me that I have never had such an opportunity, so I must grasp it well this time.

Huang Yu's eyes lit up.

"Yue'er, what exactly happened, what happened to that demon? Also, you said, when I return to Earth, you will tell me the truth of the matter. Now that I have returned, the truth of the matter What exactly do you think?" Now Su Yue and the others have awakened their consciousness and recovered their memories, so Huang Yu is most concerned about what he wants to know.

Huang Yu wanted to know the whole journey through himself and the whole story about Yang Lei.

"The matter is also very urgent. In fact, the reason why you time-travel is caused by the demon, that demon, the world-destroying demon. Letting you time-travel is to train you and improve your cultivation so that you can be as good as you are." Fight against the world-destroying demon and save the entire universe." Su Yue said, "If you can't stop the world-destroying demon, the earth, the treasure house, and the entire solar system will be destroyed by that demon."

"The demon of destroying the world, so terrifying?" Huang Yu took a deep breath. If he was in that world, it would not be difficult for him to do anything to destroy a world. If he wanted to destroy the entire galaxy, it would be impossible. A breeze.

However, here, my own cultivation base is too weak, there is no way to do it.

That demon is so terrifying, he is really no match right now, he needs to improve his cultivation quickly.

I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on the resources in my own real martial arts world, I have to find a way.

"Yes, the strength of that demon has surpassed your ruler in that world." Su Yue said.

"Exceeded the realm of dominance?" Huang Yu was shocked. Even if he reached the realm of dominance, he might not be able to kill the level beyond the dominator. Although the Destruction Style is powerful, it may not be able to kill the level beyond the dominator.

At that level, strength determines everything, and other things are secondary, and skills are completely useless.

From a certain level, the first style of destruction is actually just a law. As long as it does not exceed this law, it can be killed by leapfrogging. However, once the limit of the law is exceeded, the advantage of this leapfrog challenge is completely lost. up.

"Yes, and the opponent is immortal, unless you have an absolute advantage and can crush him, otherwise you can't kill him at all, you can only seal him." Su Yue said.

"So powerful." Huang Yu took a deep breath, this is really not good news.

"How much time is left before that world-destroying demon descends?" Huang Yu asked.

"Specifically, I don't know, I need to find Ma Qiufeng." Su Yue said, "Ma Qiufeng is the one who created the Zhenwu Great World, that is, the world we entered. In fact, he created it." , in order to let you improve your cultivation and save the whole world."

"Is that so?" Huang Yu was surprised when he heard it, and said, "Why did you choose me?"

This made Huang Yu very strange. At that time, he was just an ordinary nerd, with nothing, and it seemed that there was no shining point.

"There is no reason, because only you are suitable." Su Yue said, "Okay, let's have a good rest today, and you also need to get close to your sisters. Tomorrow, we will go to Dr. Ma together."

"That's right, it's time to rest."

"It's strange, I haven't eaten yet."

"What kind of food do you want to eat? It's enough for me to eat you." Huang Yu smiled, hugged Su Yue, and said, "Let's start with Yue'er."

With that said, he carried the struggling Su Yue into the room.

This has a huge room.

This was specially prepared by Huang Yu, and it was enough to meet the needs.

All of a sudden, the entire villa resounded with beautiful music.

the next day.

Huang Yu looked energetic.

The cultivation level has also improved, and the speed of recovery is very fast. Now Huang Yu's strength has recovered to the Daluo realm.

Although there is still a long way to go to the realm of dominance, Huang Yu has been very satisfied with his cultivation by leaps and bounds overnight, reaching the realm of Daluo. This speed has already made Huang Yu very satisfied.

Of course, the cultivation bases of all the women have also risen with the same tide.

Huang Yu, who was in good spirits, looked at the girls who were still sleeping soundly, feeling very proud.

I finally realized my wish.

It's a great rhythm.

After a while, Su Yue woke up, looked at Huang Yu and said, "It's still early, why did you wake up?"

"Well, I'm in a happy mood. I'll make breakfast for you." Huang Yu said.

"Hurry up, I'm starving to death." Su Yue gave Huang Yu a charming look.

After breakfast.

Huang Yu and Su Yue went to Dr. Ma's place together, while the rest of the girls were practicing in the real martial arts world.

Get ready for the coming catastrophe.

Half an hour later, Huang Yu and Su Yue came to a big mountain.

Huang Yu was surprised to find that under this mountain, there seemed to be something blocking his sight, making it impossible for him to explore the situation in the mountain.

Dr. Ma is really powerful, he is worthy of being the person who created the world of real martial arts.

Seeing that Su Yue made mysterious handprints one after another, the whole mountain split open, and a passage appeared.

Huang Yu and Su Yue entered the passage.

After a while, I came to a hall.

In the hall, there are all robots, which shocked Huang Yu very much. The strength of these robots is very terrifying, each of them is equivalent to the Daluo realm, and one of them even has the strength of a quasi-sage.

Horror, really scary.

The power here, if taken out casually, can sweep the entire earth.

Following Su Yue, she entered a room. There was a person in the room. This person didn't look too old. He was probably under 30 years old. He was not tall. He was wearing casual clothes and was typing on the keyboard in front of a large computer. high speed.

Huang Yu was dumbfounded, this speed was too shocking.

And it seems that this Dr. Ma doesn't have any cultivation, it is absolutely amazing that an ordinary person can have such a fast speed.

After a while, when Dr. Ma turned around.

This person is exactly that guy back then.

"Huang Yu, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Dr. Ma said when he saw Huang Yu.

"Hello, Dr. Ma." Huang Yu stretched out his hand.

"Haha, Su Yue Huang Yu, come and have a look, I've figured it out, those monsters also have weaknesses, as long as you catch their weaknesses, you can wipe them out completely." Dr. Ma said excitedly Said.

Su Yue and Huang Yu looked at each other very excitedly.

Weakness, if there is a weakness, it would be great, after all, in a short period of time, Huang Yu has no confidence in dealing with those world-destroying demons.

"What weakness?"

"Fire, they are afraid of fire." Dr. Ma said.

"No way, those demons, even the Primordial Real Fire couldn't burn them to death, how could it be possible?" Su Yue said.

"Of course Hongmeng True Fire is not good, but it does not mean that other flames are not good." Dr. Ma said with a smile, "My guess is correct, Huang Yu, you should have obtained a kind of flame in the True Martial World. True Flame of Nothingness, is this flame specifically aimed at souls?"

Huang Yu nodded: "Yes, there is such a thing."

Huang Yu can display the True Flame of Nothingness now.

"That was specially arranged for you. The guess I made at the time was correct. This true flame of nothingness, if raised to the extreme, can destroy those demons." Dr. Ma said, "Because this kind of flame is aimed at It was developed by the weaknesses of those world-destroying demons."

"Doctor Ma, are you sure?"

If this is true, then the whole world will really be saved.

"Of course, since when did I, Ma Qiufeng, tell a lie?" Dr. Ma stared at him and said, "I do things very rigorously. I'm not [-]% sure. I never say anything."

Su Yue knew that Dr. Ma's personality was such that he would not say that without absolute certainty.

"However, Huang Yu's cultivation is still too weak now, he hasn't even reached the realm of domination, and the True Flame of Nothingness is only at the initial stage. With such a cultivation and such a realm, it is still a problem to deal with a little devil." Ma The doctor frowned and said, "Our time is running out, there is still half a year, after half a year, those demons will rush to this plane, if Huang Yu's strength cannot be improved, the whole world will be destroyed. "

Dr. Ma's words made everyone worried.

Half a year, half a year is really too tight, there is no way to upgrade to the realm of dominance within half a year, let alone surpass the realm of dominance.

(End of this chapter)

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