Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 674 Extinguishing Demons

Chapter 674 Extinguishing Demons (The Finale)

"Yes." Dr. Ma clapped his hands suddenly.

"What?" Huang Yu asked, "Is there a way?"

"Yes, there is a way." Dr. Ma said, "As long as Huang Yu refines the entire galaxy and becomes the master of the galaxy, he will naturally be able to evolve the true flame of nothingness to the highest level."

"Refinement of the Milky Way, this also requires the strength to be improved. My current cultivation is only in the Daluo realm. The gap is too big. Unless I can reach the saint realm, it is impossible to do it." Huang Yu said .

"This is not very difficult, I have thought of it a long time ago." Dr. Ma said, "You have the Zhenwu World, you can refine the Milky Way into the Zhenwu World, and make the Milky Way a part of the Zhenwu World. There will be no problem."

"This is also difficult, unless we can find the original law of the Milky Way." Su Yue said, "But right now, we don't have that much time to find the original law of the Milky Way."

"Hehe, the original law of the Milky Way is actually under our feet, which is the core of the earth." Dr. Ma said with a smile, "I have already controlled all this. The earth is not that simple. You think those so-called Are all myths fictional? No, no, the earth is the origin of the entire galaxy, but the strength of those great powers exceeds the limits of the laws of the entire galaxy plane, so they left the galaxy and entered a higher universe , while the origin of the Milky Way still remains.”

"Where is the origin?" Huang Yu asked.

"The origin is under the feet, I have already said it." Dr. Ma said.

"Underfoot?" Huang Yu opened his eyes of destruction, but didn't see anything, and frowned, "How is it possible, why didn't I see it? Dr. Ma, are you kidding me?"

"No, you are not strong enough now. You have to communicate with your heart. All of this depends on yourself. I can't help you. If you can save the Milky Way and the earth, it's up to you. Half a year. Remember, you only have half a year at most, you must refine your origin, incorporate the Milky Way into the Great World of True Martial Arts, and then raise the True Flame of Nothingness to the extreme to become the True Flame of Creation of Nothingness, only then will you be able to deal with the world-destroying demon. "Dr. Ma said in a serious tone.

When Huang Yu heard this, he felt a lot of pressure.

Nima, it took half a year to find out the source, refine it, and upgrade the true flame of nothingness to become the true flame of nothingness. This difficulty is not ordinary.

"Not enough time." Huang Yu sighed.

"Not enough, hmph, enough is enough. If you don't want your women to become playthings in the hands of those devils, then you can be lazy." Dr. Ma stared at him.

Huang Yu was speechless for a moment.

"Those demons, won't you?"

"Try it." Dr. Ma said.

"I'd rather die than be the plaything of those devils." Su Yue said hastily upon hearing this.

"Hehe, at that time, it's up to you. The strength of those demons is terrifying. There's only one weakness. If your strength doesn't reach that level, it's hard for you to die." Dr. Ma sneered, "I It doesn't matter, anyway, I can leave here at any time."

Hearing Dr. Ma's words, Huang Yu was surprised.

This Dr. Ma has great powers, and it seems that he is not a simple person.

Moreover, his strength doesn't look very good, but Huang Yu has a feeling that he is not his opponent at all.

Could it be that this Dr. Ma is one of those legendary powers who transcended the earth and came out of the plane of the Milky Way?

Or, is this his avatar?
Staying here is for the sake of the entire earth?
After half a year.

Huang Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

Finally integrated the origin of the Milky Way into his body, and the entire Milky Way has finally become a part of his own Zhenwu Great World.

The Milky Way is completely under Huang Yu's control.

Galaxy Supreme.

I have now become the Galaxy Supreme.

With the ability to destroy heaven and earth with every gesture, this kind of power is stronger than when he became the master before.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yu raised the true flame of nothingness crazily.

After one day and one night, the true flame of nothingness merged into Huang Yu's body, became a part of his body, and turned into the true flame of nothingness.

Can make good fortune.

Good fortune life and death.

This is good fortune, the true fire of good fortune.

It turned out that it was not the true flame of nothingness or flames that had to deal with those demons, it was actually good fortune.

Heaven and earth, the creation of the avenue.

He refined the entire galaxy by himself and became the supreme being of the galaxy. In fact, he obtained the inheritance of his predecessors and obtained the power of good fortune.

The fire of good fortune is the only way to destroy the world-destroying demon. Without the fire of good fortune, it is impossible to destroy the world-destroying demon.

To destroy the world, to destroy the world, is to destroy the world.

Good fortune can create the world, and the fire of good fortune can create common people.

These two forces are positive and opposite, and they restrain each other.

"Husband, have you left the customs?" Seeing Huang Yu coming out, all the girls surrounded him one by one.

Huang Yu nodded.


"Yes, now I have refined the entire Milky Way and become a part of my Zhenwu Great World, now you are all in my inner world, here, I am the master, and what I say is what I say. "Huang Yu said.

"Really? You are amazing? Go get me some water, my aunt is thirsty."

"I'm hungry, I want to eat Kyoto roast duck."

"I'm hungry too, I want to eat Australian lobster."

"I want to eat a full banquet."

"I want to eat……"

One by one they spoke.

Huang Yu's face was covered with black lines.

"After all, I am also a supreme master, the supreme master of the galaxy, don't be so shameless?"

"are you going?"

"Go, can't I go?" Huang Yu grimaced.

But I am very happy in my heart. Such a day is probably only a few days away, and there will be a big battle soon, a life-and-death battle, and I don't know if I can win or not.

"Boy Huang, have you passed the test? Yes, yes, you have already refined and comprehended the true meaning of good fortune. Tsk tsk, your aptitude is not bad, but you are still very young. It is still unknown whether you can win this time." Dr. Ma looked at Huang Yu and couldn't help nodding, with some gloating in his tone.

Huang Yu was shocked in his heart. He thought that now that he had broken through and become the Galaxy Supreme, he should be able to see through Dr. Ma's depth, but he found that he still couldn't. This Dr. Ma's strength is too terrifying and unfathomable.

Such a terrifying character, if he wants to deal with those so-called world-destroying demons, he should be able to do it with a few gestures, right?
Why didn't he wipe out those so-called demons?

Questions appeared in Huang Yu's mind.

"Dr. Ma, no, senior, I want to ask, what is your cultivation? Who are you?" Huang Yu said.

"The little guy finally couldn't help asking?" Dr. Ma said with a smile, "Why don't you think I have the strength to help the earth survive this catastrophe?"

"That's right. Senior's strength is extremely inferior to mine, but senior, why didn't you make a move, but train me and let me deal with it?" Huang Yu said.

"It's not that I won't take action, but I can't." Dr. Ma shook his head and said, "You'll know when you get over that hurdle."

Huang Yu was silent. Of course, this may be unspeakable. He doesn't know how many people are above him. The more his cultivation improves, the more he feels that he is too weak.

The so-called there are mountain people outside the mountains and there are people outside the mountains, it is probably like this.

The more ignorant a person is, the less he knows his own weakness, and the more powerful a person is, the more he feels that he is so ignorant and weak.

I'm afraid I'm one of them.

"The battle is about to begin, kid. I am optimistic about you. I hope we can meet again one day." After speaking, Dr. Ma disappeared, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

a week later.

The devil finally appeared.

The demon of the world.

The entire Milky Way has been shrouded by that black mass of demons.

These demons are like pieces of dark clouds. These dark clouds are densely packed and numerous, and they can be combined continuously to become bigger demons.

It can also be separated and become little devils one by one.

Looking at these demons, Huang Yu was shocked, and finally knew what these so-called world-destroying demons really looked like.

It's just like a cloud of gas.

There is no way to hurt them with a punch.

Countless devilish energy shrouded it, and many creatures died under this terrifying devilish energy.

Huang Yu cast the flame, and Good Fortune Zhenyan made a move.

A large black cloud turned into nothingness.

Huang Yu was overwhelmed with surprise, it really was good, this fire of good fortune was indeed the nemesis of this world-destroying demon.

It's just that with so many demons, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to persist.

Huang Yu gritted his teeth. It's impossible to go on like this. We need to find the leaders of these demons, the key big demon.

Huang Yu opened his eyes of destruction and kept searching for the big demon.

While continuously destroying these little demons, clusters of flames, piece by piece of demons were all wiped out.

"Damn it, why are there so many? I can't kill them all. If this goes on, I'm going to die from exhaustion." Huang Yu frowned. Things are getting worse. These monsters seem to be impossible to kill. Clean, killed so many, and there are so many, the big devil can't be found.

"Am I going to die here?" Huang Yu almost gave birth to despair.

At this time, a huge person appeared, covered in a layer of black mist, with red eyes, naked upper body, bare feet, hideous face, long fangs, extremely sharp nails, and big hands. Holding a huge mace, what is particularly conspicuous is that there is a word on the center of his eyebrows, that word, that word, seems to be able to destroy everything, just looking at it makes Huang Yu feel that his soul is going to be wiped out, he steps by step When he came, he crushed a star with one foot.

He kept moving forward, looking at Huang Yu, making Huang Yu feel that his breathing was about to freeze.

Those little devils.It turned into breath and merged into his body.

It turned out that those little devils were transformed by the hair of this big devil.

Scary, too scary, this person's aura, no, this demon's aura, is even more terrifying than Dr. Ma's.

"Little guy, that's right, but it's a pity that this place is going to be destroyed after all, and you can't stop my footsteps." The World Destroyer Demon said, "Destroy, everything will be destroyed, return to the original point."

"No, never, I will never let you succeed." Huang Yu roared, and his whole body turned into a giant. With a wave of his hand, a ball of flame burst out, the fire of good fortune, destroying demons and creating new life.

"Weak, still weak." The big demon smiled lightly, and with a wave of the mace in his hand, he extinguished the fire of creation.

Then with a big hand, he grabbed Huang Yu in his hand, and the terrifying world-destroying devil energy enveloped Huang Yu's whole body, eroding him continuously, trying to pinch him alive and turn him into devil energy and burn him up.

"Am I dead, am I going to die?" Huang Yu was not reconciled, but his strength was not as good after all, the gap was too great.

And at this moment, a powerful force came from within his body.

"We merge, truly merge." A voice came from the depths of his mind, and a figure, that was Yang Lei, gradually appeared in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the two merged together.

"Yang Lei?"

"No, it's also Huang Yu."

"Haha, yes, you are me, and I am you, regardless of each other, we are always one person."

After the fusion, the body released majestic power, and a group of golden flames exploded.

The flame landed on the big demon and burned up immediately.

The big demon screamed: "How is it possible, how can a weak ant hurt my great world-destroying demon?"

Crazy, the big demon is crazy, a majestic demonic energy burst out, but after all, it couldn't stop the golden flame, it was completely burned, and finally turned into a purple thing.

Huang Yu grabbed the purple thing in his hand.

"Formation, this is a thunder formation, good guy, fortunately, this big demon has not been refined." Huang Yu was shocked, this is not an ordinary formation, this thunder formation contains the terrifying law of thunder, and even surpasses it According to Zulei's law, if the big demon refines this thing, he will be the one who dies.

Just as he was about to refine it, he didn't expect that purple thunder formation to turn into a ray of purple light, traveling through the void.

Earth, in an island.

Huang Yu lay on the beach, looking at the women playing in the water.

I am extremely happy in my heart.

These women are all his own women, and each of them is a person he loves deeply.

After completely merging with Yang Lei that day, I realized that I was actually Yang Lei. Yang Lei traveled from the future, entered this time and space, and then reincarnated as himself.

The Almighty Immortal Cultivation System is the Almighty Cultivation System.

The two systems were created to deal with the world-destroying demon.

In the previous life, Yang Lei's parents, in order to save the earth, created a virtual world, let Yang Lei enter it, and obtained the almighty training system, continued to practice, climbed to the peak, and returned to the earth, but the strength is not enough after all, not the demon of destroying the world His opponent and his woman all died in order to save him.

Therefore, in order to save their own woman and the world, Yang Lei and Yang's father and Yang's mother thought of a way to travel to the past, reincarnate and reincarnate, and then save everything.

Therefore, there is Huang Yu.

And those women were also reincarnated.

In this time and space, Huang Yu finally saved the world and his own women.

(End of this chapter)

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