Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 70 So It Was Lolita?

Chapter 70 So It Was Lolita?
And this chick is a flat-chested loli!


Huang Yu grabbed the little loli with small breasts that fell on him.

It's so hard to die, it just grabbed the place of this little loli with small breasts, it seems to be soft, and there is still a little feeling.


Being caught in a key position, Gongsun Lan suddenly screamed.

"What's your name?" Huang Yu hurriedly covered her mouth.

This chick, really, I was hiding here, and she was thrown at me, she was fine, but... she was caught by me, that small, slightly sized, um, Wangzai Xiaomantou.

If you want to hide it, you can't hide it, hunt?It's basically unrealistic now.

"Who is it?" Gao Yu looked towards Huang Yu's position as soon as he heard the voice.

When Yan Wanli saw this, it was a good time to leave quickly.

"I want to leave, but there's no way." Seeing that Yan Wanli was about to run, Gao Yu didn't care about Gongsun Lan anymore, turned around, and chased after Yan Wanli.

"Bastard, you are going to die, and you still want to haunt me. If you want me to be buried with you, there is no way." Yan Wanli also became ruthless, and his momentum had been raised to the peak. He threw away his own life, even the protective sword.

This sword is Yan Wanli's natal weapon, in order to win life for himself, Yan Wanli had no choice but to do so.

"Broken sword, how can you block me, break it for me." Gao Yu yelled and punched hard. He knew that he didn't have much time, and he had already spent three breaths, and he still had seven breaths at most. He simply, This punch was exerted with all its strength.


The powerful force bombarded Yan Wanli's natal sword.

Suddenly heard a click.


Yan Wanli froze, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The natal weapon was shattered by Gao Yu's punch.

"Damn Gao Yu, I won't let you go." The natal weapon was shattered, but Yan Wanli didn't stop at all, and quickly swept forward.

Seeing Yan Wanli's disappearing figure, Gao Yu heaved a sigh of relief. At this moment, he had no combat power left, only a sliver of vitality was left to support him. As soon as Yan Wanli left, Gao Yu couldn't hold on anymore and fell down .

Then the whole person instantly aged, shrank, and lost all vitality.

However, after Huang Yu grabbed the breasts of Gongsun Lan, a small loli with poor breasts, Gongsun Lan screamed, and Huang Yu covered her mouth and pressed her to the ground, but she was still found, so he had no choice but to stood up, and Gao Yu later went to chase Yan Wanli.

Therefore, the only people present were Huang Yu, Gongsun Lan, a little girl with poor breasts, and the other two disciples of the Zhongyuan Sword Sect, plus Zhao Ying who was lying on the ground.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Gongsun Lan, the poor-chested little lolita whose mouth was covered, kept struggling, her eyes burning.

"Don't move." Huang Yu didn't like his captive to move around, so he slapped the buttocks of this little loli with poor breasts.

There was a "pop", loud and crisp.

It also feels good in the hand, and there is something interesting, Huang Yu thought.

"Who are you, let go of our junior brother." Seeing Huang Yu grabbing Gongsun Lan and beating him, the two couldn't hang on.

"Are you calling me?" Huang Yu was amused when he heard the words, and let go of his hand covering the little loli's mouth, "Don't call me, if you call me again, I'll spank your ass."

"You... pervert, let me go." Gongsun Lan said angrily, her face flushed.

"Little girl, stop barking, or I will... hum..."

"You... how do you know..." Gongsun Lan was startled, but soon remembered that this bastard had touched her before, so he must have known her identity as a girl.

And those two people, seeing Huang Yu molesting their young master and not paying attention to the two of them, immediately became more angry.

"Boy, let go of my young master, otherwise, we will be impolite." One of them said loudly.

"You're being rude to me? Hmph, let's see how you're being rude." Huang Yu looked at them coldly.

"Let go of me." The little girl with small breasts became restless again and kept struggling.

"Little girl, you asked for this." Huang Yu felt the dishonesty of the little loli, and immediately slapped her down again.

"Clap" sound.

"It feels good, girl, and if you struggle, I don't mind continuing."

The corners of Huang Yu's mouth curled up a little, and his eyes were teasing and teasing.

" rascal." The little girl with small breasts had wet eyes and cried in her mouth.

"Are you still moving around?" Huang Yu didn't care that much.


"Oh, judging by the situation, you are disobedient." Huang Yu slapped him again.

"Rogue, you have the guts to kill me."

"Disobedient." Huang Yu slapped again, several times in a row.

"Woooo...don't hit me, I...I can't do it if I don't move." Little Lolita couldn't bear it any longer, tears streaming down her eyes.


"People are not moving, why are you still beating?"

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm used to it." Huang Yu shyly put away his hands.


And the two of them, seeing Huang Yu insulting their young master like this, were helpless.

The young master is in his hands, if he misses, it will be a big trouble.

"Quick, let go of our young master."

"That's right, let go of our young master, otherwise, we won't be polite."

"Shut up." Huang Yu looked at them coldly and said, "If you keep talking, I will kill you."

"You...boy, you are very arrogant and let our young master go."

"It's too noisy." A knife appeared in Huang Yu's hand, a fruit knife, and a flying knife technique, and shot towards the man.


Caught off guard, the man was hit in the throat by Huang Yu and died instantly.

" killed him?" The other person looked like a ghost. He thought that this person was weaker than himself, but he didn't expect that his strength was so terrifying.

"It's too long-winded." Huang Yu's eyes were cold, making the man tremble.

"You and I……"

"Don't...don't kill people, I...I'll just go with you." Little Lolita saw that Huang Yu was killing people without moving, and at such a fast speed, she hurriedly grabbed his arm.

Little Lolita Gongsun Lan obviously misunderstood, thinking that he was here to catch her.

"Well, okay, I won't kill him now, but it doesn't mean I won't in the future. Whether you kill him or not depends on whether you listen or not."

Huang Yu patted her delicate face lightly, and said, "Go, change into a female outfit later, and let me see how you look."

"I...I..." Upon hearing this, little loli Gongsun Lan's eyes were full of panic, "You...what do you want? I...I won't let you succeed, if you want to Insult me, and I will die for you."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, hurry up, I don't have that much time to worry about." Huang Yu looked at her and said, "Don't tell me, you don't have girls' clothes."

"I... are you not afraid that I will run away?" After hesitating for a while, the little lolita Gongsun Lan said.

Huang Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words. This chick is really naive. Under such circumstances, she is so naive to say such words. I don't know how she survived.

"If you run away, I'll kill him." Huang Yu smiled slightly, "Besides, you can't run away either."

Huang Yu really likes this little lolita.

Lolita cultivation seems to be good too.

What's more, this little loli seems to have a high status in the Zhongyuan Sword Sect. In that case, she should have a lot of things on her body. Don't you want to learn the Zhongyuan Sword Sect's swordsmanship?

From this little loli, it happened to be a breakthrough.

When Gongsun Lan left Huang Yu's grasp, another person suddenly attacked Huang Yu, shouting loudly: "Young Master, run, run."

"Looking for death." Seeing him attacking, Huang Yu snorted coldly, and swung his sword violently. All of a sudden, the opponent's long sword was blown away, and then he kicked hard, kicking the opponent hard. on his stomach.


The whole person was kicked heavily to a big tree in the distance.

With a "click", the big tree fell down.

" killed him?" Seeing that the senior brother sent by her family to protect her was killed again, the little loli Gongsun Lan burst into tears and looked at Huang Yu, full of anger , full of hatred, "I...I fight with you."

Little Lolita pulled out the dagger from her waist, and rushed towards Huang Yu, stabbing straight at him without any tricks.

Huang Yu was overjoyed. Does this chick's attack work?

When Huang Yu didn't care, the little loli's dagger pierced her eyes.

In an instant, a dazzling light appeared.

"Damn it, I was careless." Huang Yu finally realized that little Lolita is a warrior in the human infant realm after all, and the short sword in her hand is by no means simple.

While raising his hand to block, the whole person withdrew and retreated.


Although he avoided the vital point, the sword still pierced Huang Yu's right shoulder.

Blood flowed.

The little Lolita Gongsun Lan continued to attack when she gained power, one sword was faster than the other. It is said that an inch is long and an inch is strong, but an inch is short and an inch is dangerous.

My heart was filled with anger, my dignified uncles were actually cleaned up by a little loli, it was too shameful.

With a flick of the long sword in his hand, a thunder dragon rushed out instantly and killed the little loli.

Although the little loli Gongsun Lan is not weak, she is not as good as Huang Yu after all, and her experience is far behind. With such a powerful move by Huang Yu, there is no way to stop her, and her whole body is instantly blown away.

"Ahem..." Little Loli spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Huang Yu so stubbornly, her eyes were still so angry and full of hatred.

"Little girl, don't make trouble, he's not dead yet, but if you make trouble again, I'll really kill him." Huang Yu snorted coldly, kicked his foot, and a stone flew out, hitting that On the guy, he woke up the guy immediately.

"Fifth senior brother, are you still alive?" Seeing her senior brother wake up, little Lolita suddenly showed surprise, without the previous anger and hatred.

"Young master, you...why haven't you left yet?" Wang Dachuan was a little anxious when he opened his eyes and saw Gongsun Lan.

"Great, fifth senior brother, I thought you were dead." Little Lolita said happily as if she didn't hear his words.

"Okay, I told you, I didn't kill him, believe it now." Huang Yu said.

"Thank you, I'm going to change my clothes now." Little Lolita gave Huang Yu an embarrassed look, then turned around and headed towards the woods.

This chick is really interesting.

After a while, the little loli Gongsun Lan was wearing a white dress with her hair down, like an elf walking out of a painting.

(End of this chapter)

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