Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 71 Save him and I will marry you

Chapter 71 Save him and I will marry you

Seeing Huang Yu was stunned, compared to Lulu, she was not bad at all.

"Young master." Wang Dachuan was also stunned. Although they knew that their young master was a girl, they didn't expect her to be so beautiful. He had never seen her in women's clothing.

"Clap clap..."

Huang Yu couldn't help applauding, this little lolita is extremely beautiful, especially those eyes, so pure, so transparent, like a clear spring.

"Little girl, it's really beautiful. It seems that I'm lucky."


"Haha, that's right. I'm a pervert. I've taken a fancy to you, little girl. Be my Mrs. Yazhai." Huang Yu laughed, and grabbed the soft little hand of little loli Gongsun Lan.

"You... a pervert."

She twitched her little hand, but couldn't break free, and the little Lolita couldn't help cursing.

Little Lolita couldn't think of any swear words, only a few words tossed over and over again, the crisp voice, even if it was swearing, it was very comfortable to listen to.

"You... you... let me go."

"Don't let it go, I told you, you will be my Mrs. Yazhai from now on.

"Let go of my young master." Wang Dachuan couldn't help being angry when he saw Huang Yu making a move on Gongsun Lan, and shouted to rush forward.

Huang Yu snapped out a finger, and a small stone hit his leg. Wang Dachuan suddenly felt a pain and fell to the ground.

"You...don't kill him."

"Okay, I can let him go, but you have to follow me honestly." Huang Yu looked at her and said.


"Young master, absolutely not, I'd rather die." Wang Dachuan hurriedly shouted seeing his pretense.

"Shut up." Huang Yu flicked lightly, sealing Wang Dachuan's mouth with vigor, preventing him from speaking.

"I... I can promise you." After hesitating for a while, Little Loli nodded and agreed.

"Okay, very good, I'll let him go now." A faint smile appeared on Huang Yu's face when he heard this.


"Huh?" Huang Yu looked back, "Zhao Ying is still alive? What a fate."

Looking at Zhao Ying in the distance, Huang Yu couldn't help but smile, good, good, he's not dead yet, isn't this giving him experience points?

"Zhao Ying, right? Not bad, not dead yet?" Huang Yu pulled the little loli Gongsun Lan and walked over.

"Cough cough..." Zhao Ying coughed a few times and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. Gao Yu didn't beat him to death before, but he was also seriously injured with his internal organs ruptured. "Help me."

"Save you, why should I save you?" Huang Yu let go of Little Lolita's hand, squatted down, looked at him, and said coldly, "Do you know who I am?"

After seeing Huang Yu's face clearly, Zhao Ying's eyes widened with disbelief.

" are him."

Because Zhongyuan Jianzong didn't know Huang Yu's name at all when he announced the mission, so although Zhao Ying recognized Huang Yu, he didn't know his name.

At this time, Wang Dachuan and the little lolita Gongsun Lan were also surprised to find that Huang Yu's appearance seemed to be very similar to the object of this mission, and after a closer look, they exclaimed.

" are the murderer who killed Liu Sanbian?"

"The reaction is really slow. I just found out now." Huang Yu said with a smile on his face.

"Hiss..." Wang Dachuan gasped, he didn't kill himself, he really showed mercy.

You know, at that time, when he killed Liu Sanbian, he was protected by a strong man in the Yuanshen realm, and he also had a fake ground weapon in his hand, which was extremely powerful.

When the two join forces, even warriors in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm can't please them, which shows the horror of this guy in front of him.

"You...forgive me. If you are willing to save my life, I...I can give you anything." Zhao Ying's injury became serious at this time, and her tone of voice became weaker and weaker.

"Forgive you, it's impossible, you came to kill me, why did I spare you? Why did I save you?" Huang Yu snorted coldly and pointed out.

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed Zhao Ying in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm, and gained 2100 experience points and 2100 life energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Fufeng swordsmanship."

It was a bit of a surprise that the sword technique broke out unexpectedly.

At first glance, this sword skill level is not bad, it is actually a high-grade sword skill of the human level, although it is different from his own Thunder Dragon Fury, but Thunder Dragon Fury only has one move after all.

But this Fufeng swordsmanship is a set of swordsmanship, a total of 36 moves, one move after another, interlocking, if practiced, its power will definitely not be weak.

With his own strength, when he is not using Thunder Dragon's Fury, his combat effectiveness can definitely be raised to a higher level.

At that time, even if Thunder Dragon's Fury is not used, there will basically be no major problems in dealing with warriors in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm.

Sure enough, it was Sleepy who sent the pillow, good man, what a good man.

"You killed him?"

"Shouldn't you be killed?" Huang Yu couldn't help asking when he saw little Lolita like this, "They thought about killing you."


"Okay, little girl, don't think too much, you are too innocent to think about these things, you should honestly think about how to be my Mrs. Yazhai in the future, how to care for your husband and children, um, when will the bridal chamber be?" ?” After Huang Yu got up, he propped his chin and said.

"Who wants to have a bridal chamber with you." Hearing this, the little Lolita blushed, like a ripe red apple in autumn, looking extraordinarily attractive.

Although Wang Dachuan was angry and angry that Huang Yu was always molesting his young master, he dared not speak out. If he was offended, the consequences would be unimaginable, not to mention that he was hit by acupuncture points at this time and could not move at all.

"Of course it's you, my Mrs. Yazhai."

Huang Yu chuckled, took her little hand again, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the bridal chamber. As for your senior brother, I won't make things difficult for him, let him report back."

Huang Yu didn't care, it didn't matter if he went back to report the letter, it would be no wonder they could find him by then.

The only troublesome thing is that if I bring a little loli with me, it will be difficult to hide my identity, so I have to find a way.

" let my young master go, or my master will kill you. You are just a mere human infant. My master is the master of Zhongyuan Jianzong Fengyuan. His strength is unfathomable. You will regret it Seeing Huang Yu pulling Gongsun Lan away, Wang Dachuan became anxious and shouted loudly.

When Huang Yu heard the words, he ignored them, just kidding, should he be afraid?

If there are too many lice and don’t bite people, Liu Yuan has already been offended anyway, and there is also a mysterious strongman in the life-death realm who does not know his identity. I care about it.

After walking a few steps, Huang Yu suddenly stopped.

The little loli Gongsun Lan who was walking behind bumped into Huang Yu's back.

"You...why did you stop suddenly." Little Loli pouted and said dissatisfied.


Huang Yu pulled little Lori aside, and the two hid behind a big tree.

"You... what are you doing?"

"Someone is here. If I'm not mistaken, that person should be Yan Wanli. That guy has gone and returned. He must have known that Gao Yu is dead. He came back to deal with you." Huang Yu lowered his voice. Luoli Gongsun Lan said in the ear.

"Senior Brother Yan? He...he..." Xiao Luoli didn't know what to say when she heard Huang Yu's words.

Originally, in his memory, Yan Wanli was kind to her and took good care of her. Every time he wanted something, Yan Wanli would never forget to bring it to her. Now Yan Wanli's original face was exposed, which made her very sad.

"See what he wants to do?" Huang Yu said softly.

"No, the fifth senior brother is still there. Senior brother Yan will definitely not let him go when he sees the fifth senior brother." Suddenly remembering that Wang Dachuan was still there, and Huang Yu had tapped his acupuncture points, Gongsun Lan's expression changed instantly. , "I'm going to save Fifth Senior Brother."

"Are you going?" Huang Yu looked at her and said, "It's not like I said that if you go, it's like throwing yourself into a trap. Yan Wanli's cultivation is at the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm. He saved people and left."

"I...I can't just watch Fifth Senior Brother get killed by Yan Wanli." Gongsun Lan said.

"Little girl, you are my wife Yazhai now, you are my prisoner, and you still want to run around? Do you think I will agree?" Huang Yu looked at her with a smile and said.

"You...I..." Little Lolita looked at Huang Yu, a little angry, her low chest was heaving and unsteady.

"But, I...I can't watch Senior Brother Wu die like this." Little Lolita looked at Huang Yu eagerly, "Can you save Senior Brother Fifth?"

"Why should I save him? Besides, you are my Mrs. Yazhai, and you are thinking of other men. Heh heh, it would be good if I didn't kill him." Huang Yu hummed.

"I... If you save Fifth Senior Brother, I... I will be your... your wife."

After finishing speaking, little loli Gongsun Lan blushed and lowered her head, extremely ashamed.

"Really?" Huang Yu was a little surprised, this Wang Dachuan's status in her heart is quite high.Does Gongsun Lan like that guy Wang Dachuan?

However, upon closer inspection, it doesn't seem like that. Although Huang Yu doesn't have much experience in love, he can still see that the little loli Gongsun Lan really doesn't have that kind of affection for her senior brother Wang Dachuan.

"Really...Really, as long as you save my fifth senior brother, I...I will marry you."

"Okay, well, if this is the case, then I will save him." Huang Yu said, "You stay here, I will save people, remember not to run around, and don't be eaten by wild beasts then, where can I find someone?" Mrs. Yazhai?"

Little Lolita didn't speak, she was very shy and lowered her head.

When Huang Yu took a few steps, little Loli raised her head and whispered, " careful."

"Are you caring about me?" Huang Yu was a little surprised when he heard that, did this chick fall in love with herself?
I can't tell, I'm really attractive. I was Gu Xin before, and now I'm this little loli. Could it be that after time travel, my whole person has become more attractive?
(End of this chapter)

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