City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1011 Join the Warblade Squad!

Chapter 1011 Join the Warblade Squad!

The person who said this was Shi Ning. He is now in the third stage of the Happy Journey realm, and he disagreed with Su Chen's arrival.

Moreover, their Zhanblade team didn't come just because they wanted to.

The other members of the Zhanblade team also agreed with Shi Ning's statement.

"Well, I also agree with Shi Ning's statement. Although at Su Chen's age, he has already reached the realm of free travel at this time, he is indeed a genius, but he is not qualified enough to join our Warblade team."

"Yeah, how can such a person deserve to join our Warblade team?"

The other members of the Zhanblade team expressed their opinions one after another. It can be seen that they are all dissatisfied with this Su Chen.

Duan Feng immediately turned cold when he heard him, looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, you don't have to pay attention to Shi Ning and the others."

Duan Feng knew that Shi Ning and the others had always been arrogant, so they didn't accept Su Chen now, but they couldn't be so unreasonable.

When Shi Ning and the others heard Duan Feng defending Su Chen, they became even more angry in their hearts.

Su Chen looked at Duan Feng and shook his head, and then looked at these members. He knew that these people didn't really value him, and felt that his strength was too low. It seems that he must show off today to let these people accept him.

However, Su Chen can still understand that these people have been in the realm of Happy Wandering for a long time, and have been fighting in the realm battlefield for many years. It is inevitable that they will look down on the juniors who are lower than their realm and have just entered the realm battlefield.

Su Chen thought for a while, then looked at Shi Ning and the others with a smile, and said, "Seniors, I know you have some opinions on me. After all, I entered your Warblade team so suddenly, you will inevitably not accept it."

"Then how about this, I will compete with Senior Shi Ning, if I win Senior Shi Ning, I will join the Warblade team, if I lose, then I will not force it."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Shi Ning and the others showed surprise on their faces.

This Su Chen dared to fight with the members of their Zhanblade team? !
Isn't this self-defeating?

And this Su Chen has just entered the realm of the Happy Journey, and Shi Ning has already reached the third stage of the Happy Journey.

This strength is also somewhat different.

When Shi Ning heard Su Chen's words, his eyes lit up, and then he laughed loudly: "Okay, Su Chen, I like your temperament, people who refuse to admit defeat, since you want to fight, then I will compete with you fan."

"If you win, I have no complaints when you join the Zhanblade team. If you lose, you just leave obediently."

"Okay, then it's a deal." Su Chen looked at Shi Ning and said with a smile.

And Duan Feng next to him wanted to stop him, but he didn't expect Su Chen to agree so soon.

Duan Feng turned his head and said to Ling Tian in a low voice: "Old Ling, it seems that the Tianjiao you brought today is a man of backbone!"

Ling Tian looked at Duan Feng and smiled without saying a word. He also wanted to know in his heart whether Su Chen could defeat Shi Ning.

I want to know how powerful Su Chen is.

After all, today when he was fighting against the abyss clan's geniuses, Su Chen only showed his strength in the realm of collecting herbs, but he didn't show the strength in the realm of free travel!

But Shi Ning and the others are different, they don't take Su Chen seriously at all, they think Su Chen is just a rookie, and it doesn't deserve their seriousness at all.

"Then it's settled." Shi Ning said to Su Chen.

Afterwards, Su Chen and Shi Ning came to an empty place.

"You go first." Shi Ning looked at Su Chen indifferently and said.

He felt that he didn't need to fight Su Chen at all, he just used the simplest method to make Su Chen leave automatically. After all, Shi Ning's realm was higher than Su Chen, so he didn't even bother to use any combat skills.

"Then I'll be offended, please enlighten me." After Su Chen finished speaking, his legs stepped on the ground fiercely, his figure rushed out instantly, and then he swung his right fist away, hitting Shi Ning's fist with one punch, a wave of The violent spiritual power exploded.

"Huh?" Seeing Su Chen's sudden blow, Shi Ning was also slightly stunned, but he didn't have any nervous expression, because he didn't take Su Chen seriously at all, although Su Chen's repair Although he is slightly higher than himself, this is not the reason for his victory or defeat.


There was a loud noise, and the figures of the two flew back at the same time, gliding on the ground for more than five meters before stopping.

Su Chen stepped back ten steps and stood firm.

Shi Ning was also taken aback, he didn't expect that Su Chen's attack would make him retreat ten meters.

Afterwards, Shi Ning looked at Su Chen with great interest.

It seems that Su Chen still has something.

Su Chen looked at Shi Ning, ready to control his mental power to attack Shi Ning.

The moment Su Chen was about to use his mental power, Shi Ning's figure moved, and he came directly to Su Chen's side, and kicked towards Su Chen.

Shi Ning's kick is extremely fast and powerful. If this kick is hit, not to mention broken arms and legs, I'm afraid Su Chen's entire right arm will be crippled.

Just when Shi Ning was about to meet Su Chen, Su Chen's body disappeared directly to the place where he was standing just now, just like a phantom.

Shi Ning quickly retracted his foot, but Shi Ning did not expect that he would miss it.

Shi Ning's face darkened, he wanted to continue chasing Su Chen, but at this moment, a gust of wind blew past, and Su Chen's figure appeared beside Shi Ning again.

And then, Su Chen appeared behind Shi Ning again, and Su Chen had already summoned his own war halberd.

Su Chen used his mental power to control his own Fang Tianhua's war halberd and stabbed towards Shi Ning.

Shi Ning looked at Su Chen's Fang Tian painting a halberd, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Shi Ning's figure flashed, dodging the attack of Fang Tian's painting halberd.

Su Chen controlled the halberd to cut through the void, then recalled the halberd, and then quickly continued to attack Shi Ning.

Shi Ning looked at Su Chen's sword, and his expression also changed. He didn't expect that Su Chen was so powerful that he could even attack with such power. This was really beyond his expectation, but Soon, Shi Ning calmed down, and then punched Su Chen directly.

However, you have to be serious and don't underestimate this Su Chen!
"Bang bang bang."

Su Chen and Shi Ning kept fighting, and the people around couldn't help but marvel.

This Su Chen is indeed powerful, and Shi Ning did not expect that Su Chen's attack would be so tyrannical.

As expected of a monstrous genius who could be brought over by Ling Tian.

Shi Ning was forced to retreat continuously, and was finally suppressed directly by Su Chen.

Duan Feng saw this scene from the side, he looked at Ling Tian and said with a smile: "Old Ling, the man you brought is really powerful, he seems to be a monster!"

Ling Tian also nodded, and he looked at Su Chen more and more appreciatively.

Su Chen does have great potential, if he has the opportunity to cultivate it in the future, he will definitely become a master!
(End of this chapter)

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