Chapter 1012

On Su Chen's side, under Su Chen's crazy offensive, Shi Ning was also forced to keep retreating.

In the end, Su Chen touched Shi Ning's neck with the halberd, and after taking another look at Shi Ning, he recalled Fang Tian's painting halberd.

"I offended you, senior." Su Chen looked at Shi Ning and said.

Shi Ning looked at Su Chen in surprise, he was actually defeated by this kid.

But soon, Shi Ning regained his composure, because he didn't feel ashamed because of it.

On the contrary, I feel very appreciative of Su Chen. Being able to hold on to a move in his hands without losing the wind is enough to prove that Su Chen's strength is indeed good.

And the other members have been paying attention to this competition just now.

They originally thought that Shi Ning would definitely win that Su Chen in this competition, but they didn't expect that Su Chen didn't lose!
It seems that this Su Chen is not easy!
Seeing this, they all showed smiles on their faces. It seems that this newcomer is indeed capable. In this case, they also have confidence in Su Chen.

"Haha, good, good, you are welcome to join the Zhanblade team." Shi Ning said while looking at Su Chen with a smile.

Su Chen nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, senior!"

And Duan Feng also walked over with a smile, he looked at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Su Chen, let me introduce you to everyone."

Su Chen looked at Duan Feng and nodded with a smile.

"The one who fought you just now was Shi Ning."

Shi Ning smiled at Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded.

"This one is Zhou Jiang from our Zhanblade team." Duan Feng pointed to a burly man with a rough appearance and a savage aura and said to Su Chen.

Zhou Jiang nodded to Su Chen, and then Duan Feng continued to introduce: "Then in turn, there are Qin Wuhuai, Li Anding, Han Yiyang, Xu Wuyuan, Huang Ziyang, He Wen and Yanhe."

Su Chen nodded and looked at them all and said, "Hi everyone, my name is Su Chen."

Everyone clasped their fists at Su Chen and said, "I've seen Brother Su Chen."

"You are welcome." Su Chen said with a smile.

Duan Feng looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Then I will announce now that Su Chen has officially become a member of our Zhanblade team."

As soon as Duan Feng finished speaking, Shi Ning took the lead in applauding.

Seeing that all the members of Zhanblade team had accepted Su Chen, Ling Tian left contentedly.

Shi Ning even stepped forward to look at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Brother Su Chen, we were just preparing to cook, since you joined us, stay and eat together later, this is our welcome ceremony for you .”

Hearing that Shi Ning invited him to dinner, Su Chen didn't refuse.

And these people can be regarded as my future comrades-in-arms, so I have to express myself.

So Su Chen nodded and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

Shi Ning also smiled and patted Su Chen's shoulder when he heard the words, and said, "Then let's go into the house quickly."

So, Shi Ning took Su Chen and the rest of the Zhanblade team to the place where they were cooking together.

Immediately, the members of the Zhanblade team dispersed and divided their duties.

Holding a kitchen knife, Zhou Jiang looked at Su Chen and asked with a smile, "Brother Su Chen, I'll cook for you what you like to eat. But you can't dislike it. After all, everyone is a big man, and the food they cook is not delicious. , you can only make do with it."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, then rolled up his sleeves and looked at them all and said, "Then let me cook with you!"

"No, no, no, you are a new member today, so there is no way for you to do it." He Wen looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen said with a smile: "What's the matter, I can cook those few dishes too, let me help you, make you all a barbecue!"

"Su Chen, can you cook barbecue?!" Shi Ning looked at Su Chen in surprise and asked.

Su Chen nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I'm pretty good at it."

"That's fine! I'll help you!" Shi Ning immediately looked at Su Chen and said.

"Okay." Su Chen didn't refuse, and then started cooking with Shi Ning.

Su Chen quickly handled the ingredients proficiently, while Shi Ning at the side looked at Su Chen with a look of admiration on his face.

Su Chen's knife skills and cooking skills are very skilled, completely beyond Shi Ning's expectations. He looked at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Brother Su Chen, I didn't expect you to be such a master! Your skills are so good! proficiency!"

After Su Chen handled the meat, he and Shi Ning set up the meat, and Shi Ning used his mental power to set the meat on fire.

After a while, the meat was grilled.

A strong fragrance came out, which made Shi Ning's saliva almost flow down. He looked at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, Brother Su Chen is still a chef. It seems that I will follow you in the future." ah!"

"Brother Shi praised me too much!" Su Chen waved his hand and said.

The other members of the team naturally also smelled the aroma of barbecue, so they came over one after another.

"Brother Su Chen, your cooking skills are really good. I can already smell the aroma over there. It's really great!" Huang Ziyang looked at Su Chen and said enviously.

"Su Chen, it seems that your cooking skills are amazing!" Qin Wuhuai swallowed while looking at the barbecue in front of him, and said in agreement.

"Su Chen, your craftsmanship is pretty good. I think your craftsmanship is better than that of the big guys." Li Anding looked at Su Chen and said, his eyes sparkled.

When Su Chen heard that everyone was praising him, Su Chen was also a little embarrassed, looked at everyone and said modestly: "That's what I do more."

Then, after Su Chen finished speaking, he took out the spices from his own space.

Su Chen poured all the spices on the barbecue, and immediately, the fragrance filled the whole place.

Shi Ning smelled the aroma, and immediately couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then he couldn't wait to pick up a piece of meat and take a bite.

The meat is very delicious, tender and smooth, and people can't help but want to take a few more bites.

Smelling the smell of meat, Duan Feng also walked towards this side.

"Su Chen, is this meat safe to eat?" Shi Ning looked at the naked eyes and said.

Su Chen looked at Shi Ning and the others with a smile and said, "Wait a minute, this spice has just been sprinkled on it, wait a while, wait until the spice seeps in before eating."

When everyone heard this, they nodded immediately, and then continued to stare at the barbecue on the grill.

Qin Wuhuai beside him couldn't help swallowing.

"Okay, stop staring at me like this. I still have a lot of barbecue here. Wait a minute, I can eat it later!" Seeing the expressions of everyone, Su Chen said quickly.

Xu Wuyuan looked at them and said, "That's right, I'll bring some jugs of wine over, and then I'll eat meat while drinking."

After finishing speaking, he ran back to get the wine.

Su Chen sprinkled the spices on the barbecue again, and then took a knife to cut the meat open.

The aroma is so strong that people can't help but want to eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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