City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1016 I won't kill you today, but kill the Abyss Clan for me!

Chapter 1016 I won't kill you today, but kill the Abyss Clan for me!
Immediately, Su Chen's body disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, Su Chen had already appeared in front of Sheng Yunfei.

"No, no, it's impossible for you to be so fast." Sheng Yunfei looked at Su Chen and shouted in horror.

But Su Chen didn't pay attention to his yelling, he punched Sheng Yunfei directly.

Sheng Yunfei felt the strong fist wind and quickly avoided it.

But Sheng Yunfei still couldn't dodge, and was sent flying by Su Chen. Sheng Yunfei's whole body flew towards the edge of the ring in an instant, hit the guardrail of the ring and then bounced back.

Seeing this, some of the others below laughed softly.

This Sheng Yunfei is usually arrogant and domineering because he is from the Sheng family. Everyone wants to teach him a lesson.

Seeing him like this now, everyone is secretly happy.

Sheng Yunfei stood up supportively, and he looked at Su Chen.

This is impossible, his palm didn't even touch me just now!It even sent me flying.

This Su Chen!

He beat me so badly, damn it!
I must kill him!

Afterwards, Sheng Yunfei glared at Su Chen angrily and said, "Su Chen, you don't know what to do!"

Su Chen looked at Sheng Yunfei and sneered, "I don't know what to do, I just want to see you defeated by me, and leave here in shame!"

"Haha, Su Chen, what kind of place do you think this is? You come and leave whenever you want?" Sheng Yunfei looked at Su Chen with a sneer and said, "Let me tell you, even if I lose, I won't Make it easy for you!"

"Then let's see if you have the ability!" Su Chen looked at Sheng Yunfei calmly and said.

Duan Feng looked at Su Chen's unhurried appearance from below, and he still admired Su Chen very much in his heart.

Don't be arrogant or impetuous, this person will become a great weapon in the future!

It is a good seedling!

When Sheng Yunfei heard Su Chen's words, the anger in his eyes became more and more intense.

He watched Su Chen leap forward and attack Su Chen directly.

"Bang Bang Bang"

A series of fists hit Su Chen's body, but every punch was easily dodged by Su Chen.

"Sheng Yunfei, this move is fine against others, but it's far from me. My defense is much stronger than you imagined." Su Chen looked at Sheng Yunfei and said with a sneer.

"Hmph!" Sheng Yunfei snorted coldly and said, "Do you think your defense is strong? I want to see how strong your defense is later!"

Su Chen smiled and looked at Sheng Yunfei. While dodging, he used his mental power to control the fist wind and punched Sheng Yunfei.

Sheng Yunfei saw that all his attacks up to Su Chen were in vain, and he suddenly felt a surge of energy and blood.

Sheng Yunfei didn't expect that his majestic half-step leisure travel master would be defeated by a boy in the medicine gathering realm. This is simply too embarrassing for him!

Then, Sheng Yunfei felt that his whole body was being covered.

A shock of force caused unbearable pain, as if the whole body was about to fall apart.

What the hell is going on here?What's the matter! ?
What kind of exercise is this, why there is such a powerful reaction, why every muscle in my body is trembling!

Su Chen stood there looking at Sheng Yunfei like this, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that the fist style he controlled was helping him, because his fist style was very domineering.

Seeing this situation, Su Chen directly

He rushed towards Sheng Yunfei.

Seeing Su Chen's speed so fast, Sheng Yunfei was even more surprised.

Immediately, Sheng Yunfei's reaction was much faster.

But no matter how fast Sheng Yunfei was, he couldn't compare to Su Chen in terms of speed. Soon, he was defeated by Su Chen.

Su Chen directly beat Sheng Yunfei to the ground, he stepped on Sheng Yunfei's head and said fiercely: "I don't want to kill you now, because this is a boundary battlefield, although your character is not very good, But you still have some strength, so I have to keep you to serve our human race! Your ability is not for you to bully the weak, but for you to kill the abyss. But if you dare to provoke me next time , then you have to think about the consequences!"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen kicked Sheng Yunfei away, then turned around and left.

Sheng Yunfei gritted his teeth angrily looking at Su Chen's leaving back.

However, he knew that he had already lost this game.

He looked at Su Chen with gloomy eyes and said: "Su Chen, don't be complacent, your luck will not be so good forever!"

When Su Chen heard Sheng Yunfei's words, he smiled slightly and said nothing.

He didn't think Sheng Yunfei could do anything, so he jumped off the ring directly.

"Su Chen, today I admit my failure, and we will settle our accounts slowly in the future." Sheng Yunfei said coldly.

Then he got up and walked away in a hurry.

The other people who were watching by the side applauded happily!

This man is simply eliminating evil for them!

Simply wonderful!

After Su Chen got off the ring, the members of the Zhanblade team immediately surrounded him.

Shi Ning hugged Su Chen and said with a smile: "Hahaha, Su Chen, I knew that kind of trash is not your opponent at all!"

"That's right! Seeing how he left so disheartened, it makes me laugh to death!" Li Anding looked at them all with a smile and said happily.

Han Yiyang looked at them with a smile and said: "Hahaha, I really can't laugh, look at his dingy look just now."


Seeing them laughing, Su Chen shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, let's go back to the store to buy the mask, it's not too early now."


Several people walked directly towards the shop, and Su Chen led everyone into the shop.

Su Chen and the others came to the counter, where they had already helped to pack the mask.

The man who was sitting here just now disappeared, only the staff remained.

"Guest officer, this is the mask you just fancy. Our store manager said it will be given to you for free." The staff handed the packaged mask to Su Chen and said with a smile.

Su Chen smiled, took out his point card and looked at the staff and said, "No, just swipe the card for me at the original price."

"This... I can't explain it to the store manager when you're like this." The staff looked at Su Chen in embarrassment and said.

Su Chen looked at the staff and said, "It's okay, don't worry, you can just swipe."

After speaking, Su Chen directly put the point card in the hands of the staff.

The staff looked helplessly at the point card in his hand, and finally swiped the card at the original price.

Afterwards, Su Chen took the packaged mask contentedly, and left the shop with everyone.

After leaving the shop, Duan Feng looked at Su Chen and asked, "Su Chen, is there anything else you want to buy?"

Su Chen looked at Duan Feng and said: "No need, there is nothing special to buy for now."

(End of this chapter)

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