City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1017 Immemorial Ominous Plant: Gourd Vine!

Chapter 1017 Immemorial Ominous Plant: Gourd Vine!

"Alright then." Duan Feng nodded and said.

"Let's go back. Everyone has been busy all day today, and they are probably tired. Everyone should go back and rest early." Su Chen looked at Duan Feng and the others and said.

Duan Feng and the others nodded, and then everyone walked towards the place where they lived.

Su Chen returned to the place where he lived.

"Honey, you're back." Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen who came back and said with a smile.

Su Chen nodded, then walked towards Lin Wanxue and kissed her forehead.

And Su Ye, after hearing Su Chen's return, also came to Su Chen's room.

"Chenchen, why did you go out just now? Did you go to kill monsters again?" Su Ye looked at Su Chen and asked worriedly.

Su Chen looked at Su Ye and shook his head and said: "No, just now Dean Ling Tian said that he would re-divide the team for me, saying that I can't stay in the team of the Herb Gathering Realm, so he let me join a getaway In the realm team."

"It's good like this, you can improve yourself with those masters." Su Ye looked at Su Chen and nodded.

Su Chen nodded and said: "So I ate dinner with the people in that team. There are ten people in total, and everyone is very good. We even went shopping at night."

"That's fine." Su Ye said.

Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and said, "Then husband, you won't go out with us from now on?"

"I don't know about this yet, but I also thought I couldn't be with you, so I bought something for you two when I went shopping tonight." Su Chen patted Lin Wanxue's head and said.

Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen curiously and asked, "Honey, what did you buy for us?"

Su Chen took out the mask he bought from his own space, handed it to Lin Wanxue and Su Ye respectively, and said, "No, you and Dad should take it apart and have a look first!"

Lin Wanxue and Su Ye took it apart and took it out to find that it was a mask. Lin Wanxue put the mask on her face and tried it out.

"Honey, why did you give us the mask? Does this mask have any special function?" Then Lin Wanxue put down the mask and looked at Su Chen and asked.

"Of course it has a special effect!" Su Chen said with an expression of understanding.

"Special function? Tell me quickly, what exactly is it?" Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen curiously and said.

Su Ye also looked at Su Chen, he also wanted to know the function of this mask.

Su Chen said with a smile: "Let me tell you, this mask has a magical effect. Its defense is very powerful, and under the protection of the mask, it can defend against the attacks of the spiritual power of the realm of free travel. Wear it when you two fight, it will also protect you."

After listening to Su Chen's introduction, Lin Wanxue and Su Ye glanced at each other, with excitement on their faces.

"Wow! This is too awesome. If we encounter high-level monsters in the future, I will wear this mask so as not to be disturbed by mental energy." Lin Wanxue said happily.

Su Chen also gave them a mask to defend against mental power before, but the defense is relatively weak, and can only defend against the fog realm.

This can actually directly defend against the realm of Happy Journey.

"Well, this mask is really powerful, we must use it well!" Su Ye agreed.

Seeing that Lin Wanxue and Su Ye loved the mask so much, Su Chen felt very satisfied.

Afterwards, Su Ye looked at Su Chen and Lin Wanxue and said, "Okay, it's getting late, I'll go back to my room to rest first, and you guys should also rest early."

Su Chen nodded and then Su Ye went back to his room.

After Su Ye left, Su Chen asked Lin Wanxue to go to bed first, and he was going to go to the space to look at his gourd vines.

Lin Wanxue nodded, then Su Chen sat on the sofa, and then entered the spirit beast space.

Entering the spirit beast space, Su Chen looked at the gourd and vine Yaozhi in front of him.

The branches of this gourd vine demon plant have a purple-gold light, and they look extremely beautiful. Su Chen looked at the thin branches on the gourd vine, and Su Chen felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart. This is a very mysterious and Beautiful living beings.

"System, what is the state of this gourd vine?" Su Chen asked the system in his mind.

Because he couldn't see the realm of the gourd vine.

This means that the realm of the gourd vine is even higher than the realm of his current getaway!
"Host, the realm of the calabash vine is now the realm of the Earth Immortal, which is the sixth stage of the realm of Happy Journey."

"It is still in the budding state, and when it grows into an adult state, its strength will be extraordinary!"

Hearing what the system said, Su Chen smiled.

There are only two words: awesome!
The budding state is a realm of wandering freely.

It really deserves to be one of the ancient fierce plants!

Su Chen looked at the gourd vine in front of him lovingly, and then reached out to touch it.

The gourd vine immediately trembled when Su Chen touched him, and then made a sound: "Master, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

At this moment, Su Chen heard the little girl's voice, and looked at the gourd vine with a little surprise.

Because he didn't expect that this gourd vine could communicate with him now.

This gourd vine is not simple.

"How is your situation now?" Su Chen looked at the gourd vine with a smile and said.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Gourd Vine said: "My body has stabilized a lot, and I feel my strength."

Su Chen looked at the gourd vine and said this, he looked at the gourd vine and wanted to know more about it.

"Do you have any special skills?" Su Chen looked at the gourd vine and asked.

Gourd Vine looked at Su Chen and said: "Master, I know a lot of skills, but I am still relatively young, but I can strangle the enemy."

Then the gourd vine paused and looked at Su Chen and said, "Of course, I can also secrete toxins, and then make others feel dizzy."

Su Chen looked at the gourd vine miraculously. He knew that the higher the level of the gourd vine, the higher its ability must be.

Now it seems that the choice of gourd vine was really worth it!
Gourd vine is worthy of being an ancient fierce plant!

At this time, the little white fox and the real dragon baby in the spirit beast space also sensed Su Chen's spiritual power coming in.

The little white fox sent a voice transmission to Su Chen and said, "Master! You came in!?"

"Yes! I'm coming in!" Su Chen said to the little white fox.

Then, after a while, the little white fox and the real dragon baby jumped over.

"Master, you haven't seen Lun's house for a long time." The little white fox ran up to Su Chen and rubbed against Su Chen and said.

The real dragon baby glanced at the little white fox in disgust.

"Recently, I'm not free on the frontier battlefield." Su Chen looked at the little white fox and said.

(End of this chapter)

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