City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 103 The students are shocked!The beautiful and sassy female officer is looking for Su Chen!

Chapter 103 The students are shocked!The beautiful and sassy female officer is looking for Su Chen!
"Go home and make lunch for my daughters first, and then go to the 4S shop to repair the car after lunch."

With that said, Su Chen got into the car and drove home.

At this time, Mu Ziqing's car had already arrived at the Imperial Capital University of Economics and Business.

It attracted a lot of onlookers from the students.

Because Mu Ziqing's car is so domineering and eye-catching, it looks like an army car!
"Who is that girl? She's so domineering!"

"Yeah, not only domineering, but also so beautiful! Did she come to our school to find someone?"

"Who is she looking for?"

"Oh my god, look quickly, she has entered Brother Su's bookstore!"

"Could it be that after hearing about Su Ge's recent deeds, he came here specifically to find Su Ge?"

"Brother Su is the one who defeated the president of Taekwondo. His martial arts are outstanding. I heard that Brother Su is already a warrior! The army specially sent a beautiful woman to find Brother Su. Could it be that he wants to invite Brother Su to join the army?"

"Go and see."

"I dare not go...I'm afraid...that's from the army! I'd better watch from afar."

"I'm really envious of Brother Su. I was confessed by the school belle of Imperial University a few days ago, and then fought for our school's school belle Su Yinuo the next day! Now, another domineering and beautiful special soldier came to us personally! Really! What a blessing~ My teeth are so envious~"

"I'm so envious that I'm going to explode..."


Mu Ziqing walked into the bookstore and walked directly to the counter.

Tang Yinyin, the female employee who was sitting at the counter and was in charge of registering information, was so frightened that she immediately stood up, admiring Mu Ziqing!

"Hi, sir, what can I do?" Tang Yinyin was so big, and she had never seen such a beautiful and sassy female officer. She looked at Mu Ziqing with admiration and timidity, and asked.

Mu Ziqing raised her hand, and the female special assistant standing behind her brought a boxy, sealed box made of very high-grade material, but she couldn't tell what it was, and put it on the counter.

Mu Ziqing clapped her hands on the box, and blinked her right eye at Tang Yinyin.

This look made Tang Yinyin's eyes widen in shock.

The female officer winked at her!

Let her be flattered.

"Ms. Tang Yinyin, please help me pass this box to Su Chen."

"The password is Su Chen's birthday."

"Also, remember not to say that I sent it."

"Can it be done?"

Since Su Chen didn't have time to have dinner with her, she had no choice but to send some martial arts materials, martial arts and other things that she had prepared by herself in the past two days to Su Chen's bookstore.

Tang Yinyin was dumbfounded, and nodded her head shaking her head.

It wasn't until after Mu Ziqing left for a long time that she shook her head with excitement, and then she came back to her senses.

The surrounding students all surrounded the bookstore at this moment, casting curious glances at the boxes on the counter.

But no one dared to run over to touch the box.

They were all discussing one meter away.

"My God, what kind of box is this? I can't even see the materials it is made of!"

"It's not copper, it's not iron, it's not aluminum alloy or titanium alloy, what is this?"

"I don't know, it looks like a very advanced thing."

"Brother Su is really getting more and more mysterious!"

"If I knew that Brother Su is so powerful, I should have stalked Brother Su to death. Those girlfriends who broke up with Brother Su probably regretted it so much that their stomachs were green now, right?"

"It's not just that the intestines are green, I must regret it so much that I want to take regret medicine."

After recovering, Tang Yinyin looked at the things in front of her, and immediately called another female employee to clear the place.

Such an important thing was given to her by the female officer, and she couldn't lose it before it was delivered to the boss.

Or screw it up a little bit.

After the female staff cleared the venue, Tang Yinyin immediately called Su Chen.

Reported the incident at the bookstore.

"A high-grade box?" Su Chen asked suspiciously while driving.

"Yes, boss. It's very high-end. It was sent by a female officer in the army." Tang Yinyin said.

The female officer said not to mention that she sent it, she didn't say the specific name, mainly because she didn't know the name of the female officer.

So, she said it was sent by a female officer, so it should be fine, right?

"Female officer? What's your name?" Su Chen was puzzled.

He really didn't know any female officers.


Suddenly, he thought of Mu Ziqing.

Isn't this girl in the special forces now?
Is it her?

"Uh, boss, I don't know her name."

"What about your age?"

"Eh... the other party, let me not say that she sent it." Tang Yinyin felt embarrassed for a moment, and then she suddenly thought of something, and immediately reported, "She said that the password for this box is your birthday, boss. .”

Upon hearing this, Su Chen could conclude that this box should be sent by Mu Ziqing.

this girl.

He smiled helplessly.

I don't know what was sent.

I also personally delivered it to his bookstore.

"Boss, would you like to come over here? I have cleared the bookstore now. This box looks too expensive. I am worried that something might go wrong."

"Okay, I'll come over now." Tang Yinyin even cleared the bookstore. It is estimated that the material of this box should be made of titanium gold.

At first glance, it is very high-end, low-key luxury.

Ordinary people will definitely think that this is something very extraordinary.

To avoid the panic of the employees, he'd better go get the things back first.

Driving all the way to the bookstore of the University of International Business and Economics, Su Chen took the box home.

"Father, what did you buy?" After drinking soup and medicine last night, as well as moxibustion and acupuncture before going to bed, Su Zihan obviously felt that the pain has eased today.

It will only hurt occasionally, not all the time, and not so painful that you can't walk.

Her complexion has also improved a lot, her lips are not as pale as before, with a little girlish pink.

When she saw Su Chen coming back with a big box in her arms, she immediately walked over curiously.

He also tried to reach out his hands to pick up the big box that Su Chen was holding.

Su Chen said with a smile: "Hey, Dad is holding this thing. It's a bit heavy. You should not lift it now."

"As for what's inside, I'll know when Dad opens it."

Because he doesn't know what's inside.

"Yeah, then I'll get the slippers for Dad." Su Zihan obediently opened the shoe cabinet, took out Su Chen's pair of gray men's slippers from the shoe cabinet, and put them in front of Su Chen.

"Dad, lift your left foot." Su Chen lifted his left foot, and Su Zihan put Su Chen's foot into the left slipper.

Then lift the right foot and put it in the right slipper.

It's good to have a daughter.

Knowing that it's not easy for him to change his shoes while holding a box, he purposely squatted down and thoughtfully changed his shoes.

Sure enough, the old saying 'a daughter is daddy's little padded jacket' is true.

After changing into slippers, Su Chen carried the suitcase to the living room, and put the suitcase on the coffee table in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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