City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 104 The Black-bellied Su Yi Nuo

Chapter 104 The Black Belly Su Yinuo

Then there is unboxing.

Thinking of Tang Yinyin saying that the password of the box is his birthday.

When he was about to enter the password, he was thinking, after more than 20 years, Mu Ziqing still knows his birthday?

try it.

Su Chen entered his birthday.

With a sound of "Ding...", the box opened!
This little girl really always remembered his birthday.

It seems that she didn't have a lust for him for a while, it started since she was a child!
Good guy!
Not to mention, Su Chen really felt a kind of pride and pride at this moment.

After all, being missed by the beautiful girl Xiaoqingmei, and also the girl of the Goddess of War, this is really something to be proud of.

"Wow, what is this? Martial skill? Warrior?"

"Dad, did you buy this?"

"It should be from your Aunt Mu." Su Chen picked up a martial arts book with a smile, and opened it to read.

They are all fierce martial arts.

suitable for him.

There are also some books about warrior knowledge.

He glanced at them roughly.

This little girl is careful.

"Given by Aunt Mu? It seems that Aunt Mu has a lot of points. She actually gave Dad so many martial arts skills, tempering methods, and practice methods. It takes a lot of points to exchange for a copy!"

Su Chen explained with a smile: "Today, Dad helped Aunt Mu solve a small problem, that's why your Aunt Mu sent these things."

This box of things probably cost Mu Ziqing a lot of points.

He had read the basic introduction of warriors last night, and he knew that points can only be obtained by going to foreign countries for training, or doing warrior missions issued by the country.

Every point of points is accompanied by danger.

This time, Mu Ziqing really cared about him.

It just so happens that he lacks these things now, and Mu Ziqing sent them, so he accepted them.

"However, Dad is still going to return a gift to Aunt Mu. You can help Dad think about what gift to return." Su Chen handed over this task to the eldest daughter, and then said, "Dad will go to the kitchen to cook lunch first. , Nuonuo should be back later."

"Yeah, okay, Dad, I'm the best at picking gifts for girls, and I'll help Dad choose a good gift." Su Zihan said happily.

"it is good."

When Su Yinuo came back at noon, she saw the box of gifts from Mu Ziqing. After asking about the situation, she looked at Su Zihan's computer screen, "What gift are you going to choose?"

"What do you think of this saber?" Su Zihan asked Su Yinuo, pointing out a saber he liked.

In her memory, Mu Ziqing spent most of her time fighting outside the territory and rarely came back.

Every time I come back, I will come to Zhonghai to see them and bring them good things.

She remembered that last year, Mu Ziqing's knife broke when she was fighting with others outside the territory. She heard from her mother that Aunt Mu hadn't found a suitable weapon yet.

"Ordinary?" Su Yinuo asked.

Su Zihan shook his head, "The ones are for warriors only, I have to ask Dad to buy them at the warrior exchange, they can't be bought in the market."

"It's too expensive!" Su Yinuo concluded, "I think it's a good gift."

Su Yinuo clicked on a small advertisement that popped up on Su Zihan's computer screen.

Su Zihan has been checking the green plants and flowers recently, planning to wait until spring to make the big terrace on the top floor beautiful.

Therefore, the smart advertisements also pop up green plants and flowers.

At this time, a pot of green camellia tree popped up.

"Um... these are flowers and plants that need careful care to feed them. They are not suitable for Aunt Mu. I think a saber is more suitable for Aunt Mu." Su Zihan said.

Su Yinuo pouted, and said, "Camellia trees are very easy to grow, as long as they are planted, they will survive immediately, and there is no need to fertilize or water them."

"If you don't believe me, go check it out."

"Besides, sabers are too expensive! You have to save some money for Dad."

"Father will take you and Xiaoyu to practice martial arts. At that time, our family, including mother, will be seven warriors. Do you know how much seven warriors will cost??!!!"

"That's a number we can't even imagine!"

"So we have to save money now!"

"I really think this green camellia tree is very good. It can bloom in spring, and it blooms with big red flowers. How festive is it?"

"Aunt Mu will definitely like it."

"Okay, it's such a happy decision, I'll go tell my dad, and then we'll place an order directly online, choose express delivery within the same city, and send it directly to Aunt Mu's house, saving Dad the trouble of going out to buy things .”

After speaking, Su Yinuo got up and quickly walked to the kitchen.

Su Zihan shouted anxiously: "Hey! Nuonuo, this camellia tree is too cheap, it only costs a few hundred yuan!"

Aunt Mu's gift to Dad is very precious, if the gift returned is too cheap, it will affect Dad's face!

"Sister, our family's money should be used wisely, what you said!"

"A gift of a few hundred yuan is very expensive. Besides, the gift is light and the affection is important~ The most important thing is that I think this camellia tree is very good. Aunt Mu just needs one in her yard." After finishing speaking, Su Yinuo Just went into the kitchen.

Tell Su Chen about sending the camellia tree.

Also said it is reasonable.

When Su Chen heard it, he thought it was okay. The camellia tree is indeed very festive and easy to grow. In the countryside of his hometown, many people like to plant a camellia tree in front of their house.

"Dad, if you want it, that's it. I'll let the eldest sister place the order and deliver it directly to Aunt Mu's house. We know the address of Aunt Mu's house." Seeing that Su Chen agreed, Su Yinuo was happy It made her smile crookedly.

Green camellia tree.

green tea.

I hope Aunt Mu can understand the meaning of this gift.


Her mother hasn't gotten along with her father yet, so she can't let other women take down her father first.

She will be a good assist for her mother~~
"Okay, Dad will give Hanhan some pocket money." Said, Su Chen turned down the fire and took out his mobile phone.

Su Yinuo's eyes lit up immediately, and he said in a discussing tone, "Dad, can you call me alone for my pocket money?"

She doesn't want to go to the elder sister's place to collect living expenses every time~~~
The eldest sister is too stingy.

She wants to manage her own living expenses.

"Let's assign it to Hanhan." Su Chen said.

"Dad, I'm not a kid anymore, really, I can manage my pocket money well."

"Last time Dad gave us 1 yuan each, and you spent it all at once." Su Zihan walked in and knocked Su Yinuo on the head with her hand, but fortunately she came over, "Dad, the pocket money is still Leave it to me to manage, otherwise I will worry about my sisters, and they will be used up at the beginning of the month."

"Last night, Fifth Sister was throwing red envelopes wildly in the group. I don't know if she has spread red envelopes in other groups. Fifth Sister just made some money, but she didn't know to keep it. She sprinkled it everywhere like water..." Su Zihan added.

"..." Su Yinuo looked up at the ceiling.

Because when she woke up this morning, she found Su Yuyu throwing red envelopes in the group.

She immediately chatted with Su Youyu in private and made a lot of rainbow farts.

Get a red envelope of 3000 yuan.

It was so comfortable that when she went to class this morning, she walked out of the house with a lot of money.

Very generously, during the break between classes, I invited my roommates to the canteen to buy, buy, buy and treat guests.

Get a bunch of rainbow farts from your roommates.

She was in such a good mood that she was very comfortable.

I really admire the charm of money~
So after learning that Su Chen was going to give out pocket money, she immediately wanted to win back the ownership of her pocket money.

I didn't expect the eldest sister to make a big move...

Directly exposed their bad habit of spending money extravagantly in front of Dad...

(End of this chapter)

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