City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 105 The Classmates Are Shocked!Su Chen, you have 1 treasures per child!Awesome! 【5 more】

Chapter 105 The Classmates Are Shocked!Su Chen, you have five treasures!Awesome! 【4 more】

Su Chen said with a smile: "Nuo Nuo, since Han Han has said it all, let's pass it all on to Han Han first."

"Also, you guys are on vacation tomorrow, so dad will take you to SKP to do some shopping."

Su Yinuo, who was depressed just because the ownership of the pocket money was not taken back, heard that Su Chen said that he would take them to SKP to buy things tomorrow, so he hugged Su Chen excitedly, and kissed Su Chen hard on the face. Take a sip, "Dad, you are the best!"

After speaking, she jumped out excitedly.

Because she's going to make tomorrow's shopping list~~~
SKP, this is the most luxurious luxury department store in the entire imperial capital, and one of the most iconic fashion luxury department stores in the world!

It is the ultimate fashion lifestyle and shopping destination in Imperial City.

Known as the "demonstrative sample of Longguo high-end shopping malls"!
The things there are expensive and expensive!

She came to the imperial capital to go to university, and she has never been to SKP before.

Because the wallet is flat!
This time you can go boldly!
It's so flattering to have a wealthy father~~——
Su Chen transferred 10 pocket money to Su Zihan to let her manage the family's daily expenses.

Such as buying camellia trees, as well as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, slippers, socks and other small things.

He's really not good at it.

These things are left to the girls to manage.

After lunch, Su Yinuo couldn't wait to go to school, because she wanted to find a chance to tell her roommates that her father would take her to SKP to buy things tomorrow.

Along the way, she was thinking about how to say this, so that she didn't seem to be pretending.

Crying and pretending to be poor?
Or Versailles literary pretense? ?

On Su Chen's side, after dinner, he was going to repair the car.

Su Zihan was bored at home alone, and felt much more comfortable, expressing that she wanted to go out with Su Chen.

"Okay, but Hanhan, you should wear more, it's cold outside, you have to keep warm now, so you can't get cold." Su Chen said.

The eldest daughter stayed at home for two consecutive days, so she probably got bored.

I just took her to the 4S shop to check the car.

Today, he has harvested 1000 million, and his deposit has soared to more than 2400 million.

He plans to buy another four- or five-seater car.

Because the Alpha nanny car is still too big, it is not convenient to drive this car when going out to do some small things.

"Okay, Dad, I'm going to add clothes to the room."

After a while, Su Zihan came out of the room, wearing a woolen hat and scarf, a thick down jacket, and fluffy earmuffs.

The whole body is wrapped tightly.

Su Chen took another thermal mask and put it on for his daughter. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw that her daughter was wrapped up in all directions.

Then he took another pot of brown sugar hot water that he had boiled in the morning, and then he took his daughter out.

Seeing her father's caring heart, Su Zihan's heart was warm and her smile was sweet.

Walking beside Su Chen, jumping up and down like a carefree child.

Render the air a sweet color.

Su Chen had an unconscious smile on his face all the time.

I drove my eldest daughter to Toyota's 4S store.

This is a car street.

Many car 4S shops are opened here.

After leaving the car in the shop for repair, Su Chen took his daughter to see the car.

"Father, do you still want to buy a trolley?" Su Zihan asked curiously.

"Well, I'm going to buy another car." Su Chen said, and brought Su Zihan into the Porsche store.

The sales consultants in the Porsche store were eating sunflower seeds and chatting together at the moment. When they saw Su Chen and Su Zihan coming in, they just took a second look at Su Chen's face, and then looked away.

I didn't go to receive Su Chen and the others.

Because these salesmen are all good people, although Su Chen looks handsome, he has a girlfriend.

They don't worry too much.

The most important point is the clothes and shoes of Su Chen and Su Zihan. They knew they were ordinary styles when they saw them.

Definitely can't afford the cars in their shop.

Because of their Porsche cars, the lowest price of a car is 60!
Now that they know that the other party brought their girlfriend to see the car, and they can't afford their car, they won't waste their tongues. With this time, it's better to eat melon seeds and gossip.

"Father, let's change to another store? The cars in this store are too expensive." Su Zihan saw the sales consultants, and after glancing at them, he didn't come over to receive them, and immediately pulled Su Chen's arm and said in a low voice.

Since her father said he wanted to buy a car and walked in here, he must be able to afford a car here.

But the attitude of those sales is too bad, she doesn't want her father to be angry here.

Too many salespeople now look down on people.

Su Chen, who is a member of the society, naturally saw the atmosphere here, but he was not angry.

After all, at his age, he is not young, and it is not worth getting angry about a little thing.

Because being angry is not good for your body.

He smiled and said to Su Zihan: "Well, the grade of the cars here is indeed too low, let's go, let's change."

Turning around, Su Chen led Su Zihan out.

In fact, his original intention was to buy a Porsche Panamera top version.

But his daughter doesn't like the Porsche store, so he won't let her be wronged, so he will look at another store.

There are many top luxury car brands.

When the female salesmen heard Su Chen's words, they immediately put their heads together, all kinds of contempt.

"He's pretty handsome, but what he said was... so high school two."

"The grade of our Porsche is too low. I guess he will take his little girlfriend to buy a Toyota later."

"I just saw them coming out of the Toyota store."

"Cut~ He's so handsome, but he can't be eaten~ Only those 18-year-old girls can be deceived by him, so don't try to deceive us smart people."

"Isn't it~ That little girl is really miserable, so young, she was deceived because of her handsome looks, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Now there are too many routines, and there are many fake rich and handsome. I only spit pearls out of shells when I see real gold."

"Even if the other party is handsome and breaks the sky, if you don't have money, don't talk about it!"

"Yes! He's handsome and can't be swiped with a bank card!"


Su Zihan was very angry when she heard these words.

Go back and fight them right away.

Su Chen held her hand and said with a smile: "Hanhan, there's no need to be angry with them. You are now in your menstrual period, and being angry is not good for your health."

"Father..." Su Zihan groaned.

"Good~" Su Chen pampered her little head.

Then lead her down the steps.

"Su Chen??!" A voice came.

Su Chen looked over and wondered who this woman was in his mind.

The other party walked towards him excitedly, and said excitedly: "Su Chen, it's me, Zhang Manwen, I really didn't expect to meet you here, I'll go, more than 10 years have passed, and you are still the same Young and handsome!"

"Who is this?" Zhang Manwen's eyes fell on Su Zihan next to Su Chen.

"Zhang Manwen, it's you. I really didn't recognize you. You are getting more and more beautiful."

"This is my eldest daughter, Su Zihan, Hanhan, this is Dad's college classmate, Auntie Zhang." Su Chen introduced with a smile.

"Hello, Aunt Zhang." Su Zihan shouted obediently.

Zhang Manwen was shocked, "Oh my god, Su Chen, you are amazing! My daughter is so old! I haven't heard anything about it in these years."

"Your daughter is so beautiful!"

"This is your eldest daughter, so you have a younger daughter?" Zhang Manwen asked in surprise.

Although it was said that only one child was allowed in the past, the rural hukou can have two children.

And in recent years, the second child has also been opened.

She thought that Su Chen might have given birth to a little daughter in recent years.

Su Chen said with a smile: "There are four more daughters, who are as old as Hanhan, and their five sisters are quintuplets."

"Quintuplets!!!" Zhang Manwen was shocked.

"Oh my God! I've never heard of any family that gave birth to quintuplets, and I've never heard of triplets! Your reproductive ability is so unnatural! Congratulations."

"Are you looking at the car? Are you going to buy a car?" Zhang Manwen asked after being shocked.

"Well, I'm going to buy a car." Su Chen said.

Zhang Manwen glanced at the Porsche store, and saw a few female salesmen pointing in their direction, and immediately understood what was going on.

Immediately, he said loudly to Su Chen: "Old classmate, you are developed, why don't you contact me to buy a car? I am now the general manager of Ferrari's imperial capital branch. If you buy a car, I can give you the lowest discount .”

"Go, go to my shop to look at the car."

"It just so happens that several new supercars have arrived today. After you see them, you will definitely like them!"

"With your financial resources, buying a supercar is not a matter of sprinkling water."

"Let's also give my old classmate some more performance. Don't waste time looking at other miscellaneous cars."
Little sister's words——
The little girl came with the lid on the pot. I really can’t write five chapters in one day, because the little girl has to ensure the quality, woo woo woo~~~
It can only be updated four times a day~~
In addition, in this book, the younger sister will write about two heroines, but will not open a harem.

The first heroine is Lin Wanxue, the mother of the child, whom she met while traveling.

The first heroine is her childhood sweetheart, Mu Ziqing (the twins are Su Chen's children)

(End of this chapter)

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