City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1044 Are you looking for Su Chen?

Chapter 1044 Are you looking for Su Chen?
Lin Wanxue quickly shook her head and said, "No, my husband is fine, it's just that some things are delayed."

"Oh, so that's the case, when will my husband come back?" Mu Ziqing continued to ask.

Hearing Mu Ziqing's words, Lin Wanxue's expression immediately became a little worried.

Lin Wanxue didn't know how to answer Mu Ziqing, she couldn't find Su Chen herself.

And Mu Ziqing saw that Lin Wanxue didn't answer her, and she still hesitated.

A bad guess immediately appeared in her mind.

"Sister Wanxue, is something wrong with my husband? Sister Wanxue, tell me quickly!"

Seeing Mu Ziqing's appearance, Lin Wanxue didn't know how to make it up, so she said directly: "Ziqing, don't worry, I actually don't know where my husband is now, the place where he is today The team was sent out to do a mission, but when their team came back just now, my husband didn't come back."

"I also asked their captain, and what their captain said was that my husband said he had something to do and didn't let them all follow, so we all don't know why my husband went."

Lin Wanxue was about to shed tears as she spoke.

She was very anxious and worried, because she was really worried about Su Chen.

"Sister Wanxue, don't cry yet, we have to believe that my husband will be fine." Mu Ziqing persuaded Lin Wanxue when she heard what Lin Wanxue said.

But Mu Ziqing was actually very worried about Su Chen in her heart.

She also knew that Su Chen was very powerful, although her husband saved himself from danger every time.

But she was really worried about Su Chen's safety in her heart. If she really met some powerful characters, she would definitely get hurt.

Thinking of this, Mu Ziqing became even more worried.

Lin Wanxue shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I'm just worried about my husband."

Mu Ziqing also sighed after hearing this, and said, "Sister Wanxue, husband will be fine, we have to trust him, he will return safely."

"En." Lin Wanxue nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Okay, Ziqing, you don't have to worry about it at home, go to bed early, don't stay up late, you still need to take care of the house." Lin Wanxue then wiped away her tears, then looked at Mu Ziqing and instructed.

"Well, Sister Wanxue, good night." Mu Ziqing nodded and said to Lin Wanxue.

Lin Wanxue looked at Mu Ziqing and said: "By the way, Ziqing, don't tell mom about this beforehand, don't make them worry."

"Sister Wanxue, I know, you should also take a good rest and notify me in time when your husband comes back." Mu Ziqing looked at Lin Wanxue and said.

Lin Wanxue nodded.

After hanging up the phone two days later, Lin Wanxue lay down on the bed with her eyes closed, she really didn't want to let herself think about it.


Abyss Castle here.

Shadow Leopard, Windrunning Beast, Storm Tiger, Wolverine, and Balrog Bear are burning formations.

At this time, their formation is almost finished recording. As long as they successfully record this formation, they can drag Su Chen into the Abyss Clan after they find Su Chen.

"Hmph, as long as our formation is done, I want to see where that Su Chen is going!" Wolverine said with a smile looking at the recorded formation.

"Yes, even if we can't catch him at that time, we can still make him suffer, hahaha!" Fengxing Beast also echoed.

"Hmph, of course!" Wolverine snorted coldly, then looked at the Shadow Leopard and said, "Boss, are you ready? If so, let's start!"

Hearing this, the Shadow Leopard nodded lightly, and said, "It's almost ready."

The Shadow Leopard had just finished speaking, and then his phone rang.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from one of his subordinates, who was sent out by him to look for Su Chen.

The Shadow Leopard immediately connected the phone and said, "Any news?"

"Boss, there is news, that kid named Su Chen has entered the Abyss Castle!" The subordinate replied over there.

"Abyss Castle?" Hearing the news from his subordinates, the Shadow Leopard frowned.

"Are you sure?" Shadow Leopard asked.

"Boss, I have already found out that the kid has really entered the Abyss Castle, but now not only we are looking for him, but also the giant ape tribe, the cow demon tribe, the ghost horse tribe, the vine branch tribe, the black cow tribe, and the leopard tribe. The big family is also looking for Su Chen's whereabouts." The subordinate responded.

Hearing his subordinate's words, the Shadow Leopard fell silent immediately.

The Shadow Leopard was lost in thought over there.

It is understandable for the Leopard Clan to look for Su Chen, but why are the other five families looking for Su Chen?

Could it be that Su Chen offended one of their strong men?
The Shadow Leopard thought about it and found it somewhat unlikely.

The Shadow Leopard asked his subordinates, "Is there a specific location for Su Chen?"

This is what the Shadow Leopards care about, because once they have Su Chen's coordinates, they can pull Su Chen over.

At that time, no matter where Su Chen fled, he would not escape their pursuit.

"Not yet, but one thing, I have already found out, those families seem to be looking for Su Chen because there is something they want in Su Chen, I don't know the specifics." The subordinate replied.

Hearing this, the Shadow Leopard became even more puzzled.

What is it that deserves their six big families to mobilize so many people?

"Then you continue to check to see what it is that can attract the attention of their six families. But the most important thing now is to track Su Chen's coordinates!" Shadow Leopard ordered.

Shadow Leopard felt that Su Chen must have something important.

"Yes! I will pay attention!" said the subordinate.

Then, Shadow Leopard hung up the phone.

"Boss, what's the matter? Is there any news about that human boy?" Fengxing Beast looked at the Shadow Leopard and said urgently.

"Well, there is some news." Shadow Leopard nodded.

"Boss, what's the news?" Fengxing Beast said eagerly.

The Shadow Leopard thought for a while, and then said to the Windrunner, the Balrog Bear, Storm Tiger, and Wolverine: "That human kid named Su Chen entered the Abyss Castle in the No. 8 battlefield!"

Fengxing Beast, Balrog Bear, Storm Tiger, and Wolverine were all shocked when they heard what Shadow Leopard said.

They never thought that Su Chen would dare to enter the Abyss Castle!

There are all of them Abyss Race!
Isn't Su Chen going in to die?
"Boss, are you sure?" Wolverine said, looking at the Shadow Leopard.

"En." The Shadow Leopard said with certainty: "The people I sent out just now have news that they have found Su Chen's footprints, which are in our abyss castle."

"However, there is still a problem that not only we are looking for this Su Chen, but also the big families are also looking for Su Chen, it seems that they are all interested in a treasure in Su Chen's hands."

(End of this chapter)

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