City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1045 Su Chen, You Can't Escape After All This Time!

Chapter 1045 Su Chen, You Can't Escape After All This Time!

"What exactly is that treasure? It can make several of their big families scramble for it?" Fengxing Beast asked while looking at the Shadow Leopard.

Hearing this, the Shadow Leopard looked at them more and more and said, "I don't know what that treasure is either."

"However, I feel that the treasure must be very important, otherwise their several big families would not fight for it." The Shadow Leopard guessed.

Wolverine said at this time: "Oh, no matter what kind of treasure it is, this treasure must be awesome, otherwise how could all those families come to look for it."

"So, we should find that kid Su Chen as soon as possible, so that the treasure in his hand is ours." Wolverine looked at the Shadow Leopard and said excitedly.

Fengxing Beast also echoed: "That's right, Boss, since that kid has already entered the Abyss Castle, let's find him quickly."

"Well, you are right, we really should speed up!" The Shadow Leopard nodded appreciatively, and then said.

"I agree too! Anyway, we have to deal with that Su Chen, we get him here before those families find him, and we can get the treasure in his hand!" Balrog Bear said with a smile.

Hearing what the Balrog Bear said, the Windwalker nodded, and then said to the Shadow Leopard: "Boss, our task this time is very simple, we just need to catch that kid, and then take that treasure, and that treasure might belong to us." .”

The Shadow Leopard nodded and said, "That's right, that treasure must be ours!"

As long as they find Su Chen's coordinates, they can pull him over!

At that time, he will be able to get the treasure from Su Chen's hands, and he can also get the treasure from the hands of the Rage God Leopard, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

"Let's hurry up and continue burning this formation." Fengxing Beast suggested.

Hearing Fengxing Beast's words, Shadow Leopard nodded and said, "Okay, then let's continue!"

After speaking, the Shadow Leopard continued to get busy.


Human castle.

Sheng Yunfei learned from his subordinates that although the Zhanblade team had returned, Su Chen was not in the team, and that Su Chen had entered the Night Castle more than alive. Hearing this news, he felt a twinge in his heart. happiness.

From this point of view, then Su Chen must be in distress!

He was very happy in his heart, because in his opinion, Su Chen would never survive this time.

Sheng Yunfei was extremely excited when he thought of this.

You must know that the Abyss Race and the Human Race have always been in a state of incompatibility, and there are frequent frictions between the two sides.

Now that Su Chen enters the abyss castle, with so many experts from the abyss clan, Su Chen must not survive!
In this way, he doesn't have to worry that Su Chen will threaten the safety of their Sheng family!

The more Sheng Yunfei thought about it, the happier he became, and a sinister smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

The task sent by the family is not completed!

Sheng Yunfei thought of this, and hurriedly set off to look for Sheng Wen.

Now, he must report Su Chen's news as soon as possible.

After all, if Su Chen really died in that abyss castle, then his Sheng family would lose a powerful enemy!
Sheng Yunfei walked towards his residence with a smile all over his face.

After a while, Sheng Yunfei came to the house where Sheng Wen lived.

He reached out and knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom!
Sheng Wen was reading a book in the room. When he heard the knock on the door, he frowned slightly. He put down the book, walked to the door, and asked, "Who is it?"

"Brother, I'm Yunfei." Sheng Yunfei said outside, "Brother, I have something urgent to tell you."

Sheng Wen heard the words, opened the door and came out, and asked suspiciously: "Yunfei, what's the matter?"

Sheng Yunfei quickly said: "Brother, I just inquired about Su Chen's news from the outside. Didn't he join the Warblade team? Their team came back from a mission today but Su Chen was not in the team. My subordinates inquired and said Su Chen went in the direction of Abyss Castle."

"Abyss Castle?" Sheng Wen frowned when he heard this.

Abyss Castle is not a place that ordinary people dare to go to. What is Su Chen doing there?
Seeing that Su Chen really didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, he dared to go to that kind of place.

"Yunfei, is what you said true?" Sheng Wen asked.

"Yes, brother, it's absolutely true, don't let Su Chen enter the abyss castle with your own eyes!" Sheng Yunfei said.

Sheng Wen smiled when he heard this, looked at Sheng Yunfei and said, "Hmph, that kid Su Chen even dared to go to the Abyss Castle."

"Brother, what do you mean, Su Chen is dead?" Sheng Yunfei asked.

"Su Chen, hmph, he's just a small fish, and he can't make any waves. Since he is so ignorant that he dares to go to the castle of the abyss, do you think he still has a chance to survive?!" Sheng Wen's eyes showed fierceness. Light said.

"That's right, big brother, that kid Su Chen is just a small fish, even if he enters the Abyss Castle, he will definitely not survive!" Sheng Yunfei said.

"Well, this time, Su Chen will definitely die!" Sheng Wen said.

Sheng Wen was also very happy, this came easily.

Su Chen went to the Abyss Castle to seek death by himself, so he didn't have to think of a way to deal with him anymore.

In this way, he also completed the task assigned to him by the Sheng family.

It couldn't be better!
Sheng Wen thought so, and then he picked up his mobile phone and made a call to Sheng Shi, the senior executive of the Sheng family.

Sheng Shi picked up the phone and asked, "Hello? What's the matter?"

"Elder Taizu, I have something to report to you about Su Chen." Sheng Wen said.

Hearing this, Sheng Shi's voice suddenly became serious, and he asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It's like this. I just received the news that Su Chen has entered the Abyss Castle and is now in the Abyss Castle. I suspect he is dead." Sheng Wen said.

"What?" Hearing this, Sheng Shi's voice suddenly became agitated. He didn't expect that kid Su Chen to be so courageous that he dared to take the initiative to enter the castle of the abyss. This is simply courting death!

It seems that this Su Chen is destined not to belong to their Sheng family.

Sheng Shi said: "You've done a good job, continue to monitor Su Chen's movements, and let me know as soon as you have any news."

"Yes, Elder Taizu." Sheng Wen replied respectfully.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Wen became happier.

Su Chen, you won't be able to escape this time!


As for Sheng Zhenwei, he has been paying attention to Su Chen's news, so he knew it not long after the news of Su Chen came back.

He sat in his study, feeling both regretful and happy in his heart.

What I regret is that I have lost another powerful successor. If Su Chen can be brought over, it will be of great benefit to their Sheng family.

(End of this chapter)

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