City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1046 Su Chen's Big Treasure and Little Treasure

Chapter 1046 Su Chen's Big Treasure and Little Treasure

Now the Tianjiao around him is not as good as before. If he can really win over Su Chen, a talented monster, then his position can also rise in the future!
But it doesn't matter if Su Chen is dead, if he can't get it, no one else can get it either!
Su Chen, Su Chen, our Sheng family treats you well, but you have turned against our Sheng family, and now you have ended up like this.

So Sheng Zhenwei was also very happy. Their Sheng family could finally get rid of Su Chen's hidden danger. Finally, he no longer needed to worry about Su Chen posing a threat to their Sheng family.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Sheng Zhenwei's face, and he thought to himself, I want to see how you can escape from the castle of the abyss alive this time!

Thinking of this, his heart is even more looking forward to it.

Su Chen, I see how arrogant you are this time, I want to see if you can come out of the abyss castle alive like before!

But now that he is in urgent need of talent training, Sheng Zhenwei thought of Su Chen's seven children.

I don't know if these seven of his children have inherited Su Chen's heaven-defying bloodline. If they did, it would be great.

If inherited, then their talent and potential are definitely at the top level. Such a character is a rare talent.

Sheng Zhenwei thought about Su Chen's five daughters that he saw that day, and then shook his head. Although those five daughters are beautiful, they still have a gap compared with Tianjiao of the same age, and they are too old, and they already have ideas, so it is not easy to change .

This made Sheng Zhenwei feel a little regretful.

Immediately, Sheng Zhenwei suddenly thought that besides the five daughters, Su Chen had two babies less than one year old.

Sheng Zhenwei's eyes lit up immediately, the two little guys were young, not yet a year old, and they didn't remember anything, so they were easy to cultivate after they were snatched.

And just because they are young, it is easy to control, and it is not easy for any accidents to happen.

When Sheng Zhenwei thought of this, a wicked smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

After Sheng Zhenwei made up his mind, he immediately set off to find his father, Sheng Yuanxiong, to discuss the matter with him.

At this time, Sheng Yuanxiong was dealing with official business in the study. He saw Sheng Zhenwei coming to the study. He looked up at Sheng Zhenwei with a faint smile on his face.

Sheng Yuanxiong put down the documents in his hand, looked at Sheng Zhenwei and asked, "Zhenwei, you are here, what's the matter?"

"Father, I have something to discuss with you." Sheng Zhenwei said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Sheng Yuanxiong asked.

"It's such a father. I just received the news that Su Chen entered the Abyss Castle. It is said that he entered the Abyss Castle, but I guess that Su Chen has died in all likelihood." Sheng Zhenwei said.

"Oh? Abyss Castle, you said that kid Su Chen entered the Abyss Castle?" Sheng Yuanxiong's face became serious.

"Yes, the news just now was indeed delivered from my men." Sheng Zhenwei said.

Sheng Yuanxiong also sighed when he heard this.

Although this Su Chen was at odds with their Sheng family, he had to admit that he was a strong man.

It would be a pity if he died like this.

However, it's okay, this way, the Sheng family will lose another hostile person.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Sheng Yuanxiong's face.

Sheng Zhenwei looked at Sheng Yuanxiong again and said, "Father, I have one more thing to discuss with you."

"Oh? What else is there?" Sheng Yuanxiong asked.

"It's like this, father, you see that kid's strength is so high, I think his children should also inherit a little of his ability, can we snatch his young children over and let us train them, In this way, our status will be higher in the future." Sheng Zhenwei said.

Hearing this, Sheng Yuanxiong was stunned for a moment, and he said: "This is a way, I think it is feasible."

Sheng Zhenwei heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, as long as his father agreed, then everything would be easy.

Sheng Zhenwei looked at Sheng Yuanxiong again and said, "But now all of Su Chen's family members are with the Jiang family, and they are protected by the Jiang family. How can we get them out?"

Sheng Yuanxiong thought for a while and then said: "The eighth elder of the Jiang family celebrates his birthday the day after tomorrow, and we will go to celebrate his birthday together. That day Su Chen's children, Dabao and Xiaobao, will definitely be there, and then we will find a way to snatch Dabao and Xiaobao from them. "

Hearing what his father said, Sheng Zhenwei nodded, he knew the pros and cons of it.

"Well, I also think this method is good, let's find a way then!" Sheng Zhenwei said.

"Okay, let's choose the congratulatory gifts first, and then go to Jiang's house." Sheng Yuanxiong nodded and looked at Sheng Zhenwei and said.

Then Sheng Zhenwei and Sheng Yuanxiong prepared the congratulatory gifts and set off to Jiang's house.


The matter of Su Chen's entry into the Abyss Castle spread to the Huo family, the Bai family and the Al-Qaeda family in a short while.

When the elder Huo's family heard the news from the servants, his heart sank. He looked at the person who sent the news in shock and asked, "Are you sure the news is accurate?"

"Accurate!" The man looked at the old Huo family and said with certainty.

"Okay, I see." The Huo family elder nodded, and then ordered his servants to retreat.

After the servant left, the Huo family elders looked into the distance.

He admired Su Chen very much in his heart. He didn't expect Su Chen to dare to enter the Abyss Castle, which surprised him very much.

And before he said that he would take their Huo family into the fairy tomb, but now he probably can't.

Thinking of this, Huo's family members looked into the distance and sighed again.

On the Bai family's side, Bai Yun and the elder Taizu of the Bai family were also very shocked when they got the news.

"Elder Taizu, I didn't expect this Su Chen to be so bold that he dared to enter the castle of the abyss!" Bai Yun exclaimed.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect this Su Chen, he is too courageous." The elder of the Bai family Taizu said with a sigh.

"This time he entered the Abyss Castle, I'm afraid it will be more or less ominous, I guess his line of business..." Bai Yun said.

"Oh, I hope he can return safely." The elder of the Bai Family Taizu also sighed.

The elders of the Bai family knew that Su Chen was very powerful, although he and Su Chen didn't have much contact.

Bai Yun knew that Su Chen also had little hope, and she also had some regrets in her heart. After all, if Su Chen died, no one would take their Bai family into the fairy tomb later.

Thinking of this, Bai Yun became sad again.

Compared with the regrets of the Huo family and the Bai family, the Al Qaeda family is very happy.

These days, Su Chen made the Al Qaeda house a mess, and Su Chen also beheaded their Al Qaeda family's arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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