City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1059 This barbecue is delicious, do you want some?

Chapter 1059 This barbecue is delicious, do you want some?

The iron bull looked at Su Chen with an angry look in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, but looked straight at Su Chen, as if he wanted to see what he was doing from Su Chen's face to all of this.

And when the iron bull looked at Su Chen, Su Chen also looked at him with a smile.

Seeing Su Chen laughing like this, the Iron Man Bull suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but he couldn't say it out.

However, the young young masters they brought were all so proud and arrogant, how could they be frightened by this sentence.

So although they felt the strength of this Yangxin, they were not afraid in their hearts.

After all, they have so many theories, they can't deal with Yang Xin alone.

And this Yang Xin must not be taught by the fifth princess face-to-face, otherwise how could there be such a powerful force, if it is only face-to-face, it will not be like this.

But now they have to beware of this Yang Xin, so as not to trip him up.

So they all looked at Su Chen, wary of him.

Su Chen looked at the appearance of these teenagers who were wary of him, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Su Chen looked at the iron bull and said with a sneer: "Why, don't you plan to eat together now? Then I have to continue eating!"

Hearing what Su Chen said, the tin-skinned bull suddenly smoked from his nose. He looked at Su Chen, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be arrogant, you will cry later!"

"You're right, I really want to see how you beg for mercy later." Su Chen said with a light smile, looking calm and breezy.

Hearing Su Chen's words, the iron bull became even more angry from embarrassment.

And all the monsters present can also see that this Yang Xin doesn't seem to take so many of them seriously at all, and he doesn't take so many of them seriously at all. Extremely outraged.

Lingxiyuan snorted coldly, then looked at Su Chen who was sitting there eating barbecue, and said, "Huh, I don't know how high and earthy you are, I will definitely take care of you!"

"That's right! How is it? Did you kneel down and beg for mercy or what?" the Wind Saber looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen continued to eat the barbecue in his hand, ignoring them.

Seeing Su Chen's virtue, those monsters were furious immediately, and rushed up one by one, as if they wanted to teach Su Chen a lesson.

However, at this time Su Chen stood up suddenly, and then clapped his hands. He looked at the many monsters and said coldly: "I'm full, but since you are all rushing to seek death, then I will fulfill you today!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, those monsters were stunned for a moment, and disdain appeared on their faces. They thought that Yang Xin was simply too arrogant and rampant, and dared to say such rampant words. It's simply boring.

"Hmph, lifeless thing, today I must make you kneel and confess!" Giant Ape Peak snorted coldly, and then looked at Su Chen with cold eyes.

Su Chen looked at the appearance of those monsters eager to try, then smiled slightly, and said, "If that's the case, then you all go up together!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, all the monsters were stunned, looked at Su Chen in shock, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, this guy is really crazy!"

"Is this guy sick in the head! He is really crazy to challenge so many of us by himself!"

"Stop talking nonsense with this person, just swarm up and kill him!"

All the monsters looked at Su Chen, roared in unison, and rushed towards Su Chen.

Giant Ape Peak saw these monsters rushing towards Su Chen, and then followed suit.

"Hehe, I said it, you idiots go up together, it's just what I want, let's die together!" Su Chen looked at the monster rushing towards him and sneered, and then rushed towards him.

"Hmph, arrogant boy, don't blame me for not telling you when you die later." Giant Ape Peak looked at Su Chen and said with a sneer.

"You monsters really don't have a long memory. Have you forgotten how I taught you a lesson today?" Su Chen looked at the monster rushing towards him, with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes.

Su Chen just taught them a lesson today, and today they don't have a long memory and want to seek abuse, so don't blame yourself for being cruel.

"Hmph, let me see how you teach us?" When the giant ape peak heard Su Chen's words, a sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Su Chen charged forward with his Fang Tianhua halberd.

Seeing Su Chen rushing up, those monsters roared angrily one by one, and then also rushed towards Su Chen.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, Su Chen rushed towards the group of monsters. His speed was so fast that all the monsters felt dazzled, as if he saw afterimages shuttle among the group of monsters.

Although the speed of those monsters was slower than Su Wan's, but because of their large number, they temporarily had an advantage. They swarmed up and surrounded Su Chen, attacking Su Chen non-stop.

Those monsters are not stupid, they know how to strike first, so they didn't choose to fight head-on, but used their sharp claws or fists to attack Su Chen.

They are all monster beasts in the realm of free and unfettered travel, with strong bodies, great strength, and sharp claws. When the claws are swung, they make a sound of piercing the air.

And Su Chen's body is not weak, he dodged the attack while counterattacking, every time he swung the halberd in his hand, he pierced one of the monsters.

While fighting, Su Chen observed the strength of those monsters, then found their weaknesses, and then used his most powerful moves to attack their weaknesses, severely wounding them one by one, making them lose their fighting power.

Before he knew it, Su Chen had already defeated several monsters, and he himself was slightly injured.

"Roar~!" Suddenly, a giant ape beside Su Chen raised its head and roared, and then rushed towards Su Chen, trying to tear Su Chen to pieces.

Seeing this giant ape pounced towards him, Su Chen narrowed his eyes, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a sneer.

Afterwards, Su Chen flipped his palm, and a wave of energy surged out from Fang Tian's painted halberd, and instantly condensed into a small sphere. The small sphere rushed towards the giant ape beast, and with a bang, the giant ape beast It flew out, fell heavily on the ground, vomited blood, and passed out.

Those monsters were stunned when they looked at their companions who were knocked out by Su Chen.

This Yangxin kid seems to have something!

Just be careful!
And so many of them haven't taken him down now, it seems that Yang Xin's realm must be very high.

And when the giant ape peak saw that his companion was defeated so easily by Su Chen, he was suddenly annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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