Chapter 1060 Suzaku Strikes Four!

(I'm sorry, the order of the two chapters updated yesterday is reversed, and the tears have been adjusted~~)
"Damn boy, today I will let you know what gap is, and I will let you know what despair is!" Giant Ape Peak shouted and rushed towards Su Chen.

Looking at the Giant Ape Peak rushing towards him, Su Chen showed a disdainful smile.

"Hehe, it's just you? You're not qualified to be my opponent."

"After all, you are my defeat!" Su Chen said with a sneer as he looked at the giant ape peak rushing towards him.

"Really? If that's the case, then let me see your strength!" The Giant Ape Peak became angry when he heard Su Chen's words.

Immediately, he launched an attack again, and a sharp claw grabbed at Su Chen's chest.

Su Chen watched Giant Ape Peak's sharp claws grabbing at him, but he didn't hide, but stood upright on the spot.

The sharp claws were as fast as lightning, and they came to Su Chen in an instant.

Then the monster violently grabbed Su Chen's chest.

And that Giant Ape Peak didn't expect that Yang Xin's kid would be so stupid that he wouldn't dodge.

Seeing that the sharp claws were about to touch Su Chen, but at this critical moment, a white light burst out suddenly, and then rushed towards the sharp claws of the giant ape.

With a puff, the white light collided with the sharp claw, and the sharp claw was pierced by the white light.

The giant ape peak suddenly let out a scream, and then the whole body flew back and fell to the ground.


Seeing that their companion was defeated by Su Chen, the other monsters couldn't help but gasp.

Their eyes were full of disbelief, obviously they never thought that Su Chen would have such powerful combat skills.

But Su Chen's expression didn't change at all, still indifferent.

And the white light that appeared just now was emitted by Su Chen controlling Fang Tian's painting halberd with mental power.

This time, Su Chen used the mind control technique, and then used the white light condensed on Fang Tian's painted halberd to pierce the sharp claw of the giant ape.


The pierced Giant Ape Peak let out a painful roar, and then stared at Su Chen with a pair of scarlet eyes, which were full of anger.

Giant Ape Peak looked at the other monsters and gave orders angrily

Said: "Don't be dazed, all of you, let me kill this kid!"

Those monsters hesitated for a while when they heard the order from their giant ape peak.

But at the next moment, the iron-skinned bull took the lead and rushed towards Su Chen, and all these monsters looked at Su Chen fiercely one by one, and then rushed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at the monsters rushing towards him crazily, with a sneer on his face, then he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his body rose into the air.

Holding his Fang Tianhua battle halberd, he began to attack those monsters with Suzaku's four ultimate moves.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in Su Chen's hand, flashes of dazzling sword light flashed across the air.

"Suzaku's Four Great Killing Moves!" Su Chen roared, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand erupted with terrifying power instantly.

"The first trick, restraint!" Su Chen shouted loudly, and then Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand instantly released a strong red light, covering the monsters.

After those monsters were shrouded in red light, they all stiffened involuntarily, and their movements began to slow down.

Seeing this scene, the iron-skinned ox suddenly turned pale with fright, and his face turned ugly.

The other monsters also showed shocked expressions.

"The second move, lore!" Su Chen yelled again, and the light on Fang Tian's painted halberd burst into a brilliant glow again, and then the glow rushed towards the group of monsters. The group of monsters were completely covered.

And when Su Chen hadn't shouted the third move, the group of monsters just now also lost their sense of autonomy at this moment, and their bodies lay quietly on the ground, unable to move.

Su Chen couldn't help grinning when he saw the state of this group of monsters. Did this group of monsters like this kind of trick?Then you can play with them too!

Su Chen's figure quickly landed on the ground, and he came to the side of the group of monsters.

Those monsters were all lying on the ground quietly, motionless, as if they were dead.

Su Chen squatted down, then carefully inspected the status of those monsters, and then smiled softly.

It's really fun.

And the monsters lying on the ground held their breath and dared not vent their breath, because they knew they couldn't defeat Yang Xin, so they could only pretend to be dead on the ground.

But they were afraid that Yang Xin would kill him on the spur of the moment, so they all kept the same posture and didn't dare to move.

Su Chen looked at the group of monsters pretending to be dead and said tauntingly: "Hey, why are they all dead? I haven't opened my heart yet, oh~ I'm so weak! It's just a bunch of jumping clowns."

"But that's good too, so you don't have to bully people all the time."

Hearing Su Chen's words, the faces of all the monsters twitched twice. They were very aggrieved in their hearts. Their majestic monsters were actually insulted by Yang Xin!
But now they can't refute it.

After Su Chen finished speaking, he waited for a while and then shouted loudly: "Eh? That's not Su Chen! It's like letting me see Su Chen! If I help the fifth princess catch Su Chen this time, even if it's time The fifth princess knows that I have killed so many monsters, so the fifth princess will definitely help me settle it!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he pulled his legs and left.

And just after Su Chen walked 100 meters, he muttered in a low voice while walking: "Isn't Su Chen following that gourd vine!"

"Damn it! Then Su Chen went underground! It must be several hundred meters away!"

"No! No! I can't figure it out, I have to call the fifth princess to come over! Otherwise, Su Chen will run away!"

Su Chen muttered in a low voice, then walked back with his mobile phone.

And the group of monsters who just pretended to be dead, when they heard the name Su Chen, all of them listened with their ears up.

After all, the name Su Chen is no stranger to every family now!

This is the person the superior ordered to find!
And when they felt Su Chen walking towards them, they immediately returned to normal one by one, and then continued to pretend to be dead bodies there.

After Su Chen approached, seeing the appearance of these monsters, he couldn't help curling his lips.

He didn't pay much attention to this group of monsters, and directly dialed the number of the fifth princess with his mobile phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of the fifth princess came from over there in surprise: "Yang Xin! What's wrong with you calling me now? Could it be that Su Chen has already been captured?!"

Hearing the happy tone of the fifth princess, Su Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and cursed in his heart: "This woman, I really can't wait!"

Su Chen paused for the fifth princess, and then said: "Fifth princess, I have tracked down Su Chen's location, but he is too cunning, and now he has already drilled into the ground, and besides him There is also the fierce plant of gourd vine, I can't deal with him alone, so I need your help now, princess."

(End of this chapter)

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