City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1089 Sheng Zhenwei's Conspiracy

Chapter 1089 Sheng Zhenwei's Conspiracy
"This Su Chen is really not easy! He was able to come out alive! And he also defeated the monsters of the abyss clan, which is very rare!"

"Yes! Su Chen is really amazing!"

However, Elder Kaidama sat aside and snorted coldly and said: "Huh! What you should worry about now is how that kid named Su Chen is so powerful. After all, we are not all the way with him!"

After Elder Kaidama finished speaking, everyone stopped talking.

Elder Kaidama is telling the truth, they and Su Chen are not on the same road.

After all, their Al Qaeda family is attached to the Sheng family!
These elders are very clear about the Sheng family's attitude towards Su Chen!

They don't want to offend the Sheng family!

If they offend the Sheng family, their fate will be very miserable!


On the other hand, Sheng Zhenwei's news is also well-informed. Not long after the news of the situation on the No. [-] battlefield was reported to the Sheng family, someone came to report to Sheng Zhenwei!

"How's the situation over there?" Sheng Zhenwei looked at the man in black standing in front of him and asked.

The man in black said in a low voice: "Reporting to the master, the battlefield of the eighth realm has won!"

Sheng Zhenwei was shocked when he heard this.

He originally thought that he would lose in the No. [-] field battlefield, after all, Bai Yongfeng of the Bai family had fallen.

Unexpectedly, the battlefield in the eighth realm was won!
This surprised him very much!
"What!? The No. [-] Realm Battlefield has won!? How is this possible!?" Sheng Zhenwei said with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief.

Then the man said: "Yes! It seems that it is said that the young man named Su Chen led the human race to victory! The abyss race also promised to withdraw from the border battlefield for 1 years!"

Hearing the news, Sheng Zhenwei couldn't help but gasped, his eyes full of shock.

I didn't expect Su Chen to be so amazing.

"Su Chen?!" Sheng Zhenwei said in shock.

"Isn't he already dead!?"

Hearing Sheng Zhenwei's words, the man frowned and said, "I don't know, but he came out of the abyss castle alive!"

Hearing this, Sheng Zhenwei was even more shocked.

He didn't expect that Su Chen actually came out of the abyss castle alive.

And this time, the No. [-] field battlefield has led mankind to achieve such brilliant results!

"It seems that Su Chen is getting more and more difficult to deal with!" Sheng Zhenwei murmured.

Although he hated Su Chen very much, because this Su Chen didn't want to come back to Sheng's house!They have a hostile relationship with their Sheng family!
But I have to say, Su Chen is really amazing!

Such a monster-level talent is really incredible!

Afterwards, Sheng Zhenwei looked up at the man in front of him and said, "Okay, step back first, and continue to pay attention to the situation over there."

The man nodded and left.

Seeing the man leave, Sheng Zhenwei remained silent.

It can't go on like this, Sheng Zhenwei thought of Su Chen's two children again!

If Su Chen can't come, then these two children must be brought back to the Sheng family!
He believed that a monstrous child like Su Chen would definitely

It is also very impressive!
If Su Chen's children can really be raised in the family, then their Sheng family will definitely be able to jump into the dragon's gate in the future!
Thinking of this, a sinister smile appeared on Sheng Zhenwei's face.

Sheng Zhenwei thought about this, and immediately stood up to discuss it with Sheng Yuanxiong.

Sheng Zhenwei came to Sheng Yuanxiong's residence.

"Father, I have something to tell you!" Sheng Zhenwei said.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Sheng Yuanxiong waved his hand to signal Sheng Zhenwei to enter the room quickly.

Sheng Zhenwei didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Father, do you know what happened on the No. [-] battlefield today?"

Sheng Yuanxiong nodded and said, "I heard from my servant that the battlefield in the eighth realm has been won!"

"That's right, but this time the No. [-] field battlefield was able to win, it was Su Chen who led the human team to win!" Sheng Zhenwei looked at Sheng Yuanxiong and said excitedly.

"What!? How is this possible?!"

"How could he have such great strength!?" Sheng Yuanxiong said in astonishment.

He didn't expect that it was Su Chen who defeated the monsters of the Abyss Clan.

How powerful is Su Chen!
"Father, you don't know, this kid Su Chen is not simple!This time on the No. [-] battlefield, he even killed most of the monsters of the Abyss Clan!Moreover, this time he killed several high-level monsters of the Abyss Race!Moreover, he also beheaded two high-ranking monsters of the ninth rank of health masters! "Sheng Zhenwei said with a very exaggerated look.

Hearing this, Sheng Yuanxiong's expression changed suddenly.

"What!? He actually killed those ninth-stage monsters, the life-preserving masters of the Abyss Clan!?"

Sheng Zhenwei nodded, and said, "Yes, father, I didn't expect that it was those monsters that Su Chen killed this time, which surprised me!"

Sheng Zhenwei didn't expect that Su Chen would be so powerful!

"Do you think this news is true!? That Su Chen has such great strength!?" Sheng Yuanxiong said with a puzzled face.

Although that Su Chen is indeed powerful, it is impossible for him to kill so many health master monsters, even health master nine-stage monsters!
Sheng Zhenwei nodded and said, "It's true! I never thought that Su Chen would have such terrifying strength!"

When Sheng Zhenwei said this, Sheng Yuanxiong was also stunned.

This Su Chen's strength is so strong!
It just made him unbelievable.

He never thought that Su Chen would possess such terrifying strength.

If this Su Chen can kill the monster beasts in the realm of health masters of the monster beast clan, wouldn't it mean that Su Chen's realm has reached the middle stage of health masters, and may even have reached the late stage of health masters!

How could he not be shocked by this!
He never thought that this Su Chen had such great strength!

"Why is this Su Chen so strong!?" Sheng Yuanxiong asked with a frown.

The stronger Su Chen's ability is, it won't do them any good!
You must know that Su Chen is now in a hostile relationship with the Sheng family!
This Su Chen is unwilling to return to the Sheng family, and he still has such strength, then they have no way to control this Su Chen.

If this Su Chen suddenly switches to other forces or forces, it will not be good news for them.

After all, Su Chen is so powerful now, it will be even more difficult for them to subdue him!
Sheng Zhenwei also knew what his father was worried about, so he said with a smile: "Father, don't worry, I have sent someone to watch Su Chen, Su Chen should not have left the battlefield of the eighth realm now, we just need to wait and see what happens That's enough! When it's time to go to the birthday party of the eighth elder of the Jiang family, it's time for us to make a move!"

(End of this chapter)

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