City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1090 Invitation to Birthday

Chapter 1090 Invitation to Birthday

Sheng Tianxiong nodded and looked at Sheng Zhenwei and said, "Yes, when the time comes, we will bring Su Chen and his sons and daughters back to the Sheng family. I believe that with Su Chen's talent, his sons and daughters will not be bad. When the time comes, we will bring them back to the Sheng family." Bring it back to the Sheng family and cultivate it well, and it will definitely be able to compete with Su Chen in the future!"

"That's right! Even if Su Chen can't return to Sheng's house, he can be used to threaten Su Chen at that time!" Sheng Zhenwei looked at Sheng Yuanxiong and said cunningly.

"Well, I understand what you mean, I will arrange someone when the time comes!" Sheng Yuanxiong nodded, agreeing with Sheng Zhenwei's idea.

Sheng Zhenwei nodded, and then said: "That's fine! We can go to Jiang's house when we are ready, otherwise it will be too late!"

"Okay!" Sheng Yuanxiong nodded and said, "Then we've made a deal! I'll make arrangements now!"

Immediately, Sheng Yuanxiong and Sheng Zhenwei rushed towards Jiang's house together.


On the other side, Jiang Qingyang, the eighth elder of the Jiang family, was instructing his subordinates to prepare for his birthday party.

At this moment, a man walked out beside him, and the man said respectfully: "Elder, there is news of victory in the realm battlefield!"

"Oh? You actually won?" Jiang Qingyang was taken aback. He didn't expect that good news came from the realm battlefield at this time!
The human race actually defeated the abyss race this time!
"Yes!" The man said again: "I heard that it is a man named Su Chen. He is very powerful. He led our human race to defeat the monsters of the abyss race until we retreated to the abyss." At the gate of the castle, in the end, the Elder of the Abyss Clan came out and promised that the Abyss Clan would withdraw from the No. 1 battlefield for [-] years before ending the war!"

"What!? Su Chen is so terrifying!" Jiang Qingyang said in surprise.

He really didn't expect that Su Chen's strength could be so powerful.

He even didn't expect that Su Chen could force the Abyss Clan into such a mess.

"I didn't expect this Su Chen to be so powerful!" Jiang Qingyang said with a smile.

The man nodded and said: "Yes! That Su Chen is not only powerful, but I heard that he also defeated the health-preserving master monster! It's really too powerful!"

"Well, I see!" Jiang Qingyang nodded slightly, he glanced at the man next to him and said: "You go down first!"

The man nodded, then backed away.

The corner of Jiang Qingyang's mouth curled into a smile, and he said: "It seems that our Jiang family really met a good monster this time, but if that's the case, I have to win this person over as soon as possible!"

He secretly thought in his heart that it would be good if he could get along well with Su Chen, but if he didn't get along well, that's okay too.

It's better than offending a monster with great potential.

After all, in the Jiang family, they still count on this Su Chen to help them!
Thinking of this, Jiang Qingyang smiled.

Afterwards, Jiang Qingyang picked up his mobile phone and called his daughter Jiang Linglong.

"Hello, Father." Jiang Linglong's sweet voice sounded from the phone.

"Linglong, come to the study and look for me right now!" Jiang Qingyang said with a smile.

"Oh, yes!" Jiang Linglong agreed and hung up the phone.

She knew that her father must have something important to explain to her!
Jiang Linglong then rushed towards the study where Jiang Qingyang was.

"Father, what do you want from me?" Jiang Linglong said as soon as she entered the study.

Jiang Qingyang looked at Jiang Linglong and said, "Daughter, you must know the situation on the No. [-] battlefield. Now we have to try our best to win over this Su Chen. He has a bright future!"

Hearing her father's words, Jiang Linglong nodded. She also knew that the reason why the No. [-] battlefield was able to win this time was entirely because the Bai family and Su Chen joined forces to deal with the Abyss Clan. The strength of the family is not the opponent of the Abyss Clan at all!
And she also heard that if it wasn't for the last one named Su Chen to turn the battle back, it is estimated that the human race would have been defeated on that battlefield this time.

"Well, I know too! What does father want me to do?" Jiang Linglong nodded, then looked at Jiang Qingyang and asked.

Jiang Qingyang said with a smile: "Su Chen hasn't come back yet, but I want to win over his family first through this birthday party. Don't Su Chen's mother, wife and children live with our Jiang family? Then you go Personally invite them all to come to my 180th birthday party, so as to win relationships!"

"I see, father, I will do it as soon as possible, and I will definitely invite Su Chen's family!" Jiang Linglong nodded and said.

"Okay, then father will wait for your good news!" Jiang Qingyang said with a smile.

"Well, I'll go right away!" Jiang Linglong nodded and said.

"I'll get someone to prepare things for the birthday party later, you go first!" Jiang Qingyang waved his hand.

Jiang Linglong agreed and walked out.

After Jiang Linglong came out, she immediately went straight to Jiang Weihai's mansion.

Jiang Weihai's mansion was not far from Jiang Qingyang's side, and Jiang Linglong arrived soon.

The servants of the mansion saw the person coming and greeted him immediately: "Miss Linglong, why are you here today?"

"I want to meet Miss Jiang Yuxiu and the others. I have something to discuss with them." Jiang Linglong said with a smile, looking at the servant.

"It turned out to be this matter! I'm going to report it now!"

"Then Miss Linglong, sit here and wait for a while." The servant nodded and said, and immediately ran inside.

Soon the servants came to Jiang Yuxiu and the others, knocked on the door, and told Jiang Yuxiu about the matter.

After hearing the news, Jiang Yuxiu was slightly taken aback, and then asked: "Why does the Eighth Elder's daughter want us?"

The servant shook his head and said, "I don't know, Miss Linglong didn't say anything."

Afterwards, the servant looked at Jiang Yuxiu and said, "It seems that the Eighth Elder's birthday is the day after tomorrow, so that's probably what happened."

Hearing the servant's words, Jiang Yuxiu immediately stood up and said, "Okay, I understand, you can go down and entertain him first!"

"Yes, miss!" The servant nodded, then turned and left.

Jiang Yuxiu remembered Jiang Weihai's words in her heart, now it's not safe outside, and she doesn't know if the Eighth Elder is a Hongmen banquet this time.

Then, Jiang Yuxiu turned her head and looked at Mu Ziqing who was next to her and said, "Ziqing, go down and entertain Miss Linglong first. You don't have to agree but don't refuse yet. Try to delay as long as possible. I'll call Chenchen and the others first. , see how this matter is handled."

Hearing this, Mu Ziqing nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll go down first!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Ziqing walked out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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