City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 332 Kissed Mu Ziqing [3 more]

Chapter 332 Kissed Mu Ziqing [3 more]

Su's mother glanced at the scene that was constantly receding in front of her, and typed on her mobile phone with a smirk, "Now sit in the car, it's almost here."

She was right.

It is indeed sitting in my own car, but instead of sitting in a taxi and going to the airport, I am going to the imperial capital~~
Su Chen: "Okay, when the plane arrives in the imperial capital, call me."

Mother Su: "OK."

I have a big surprise for you.

Hehe ~
Mother Su: "Son, were you injured just now when you fought with that foreigner?"

Su Chen: "No."

Mother Su: "OK."

After arriving home late, she showed her son herself to see if he was injured.

"Honey, let's get out of the car and change to another car." Lin Wanxue said to Su Chen.

Because there were too many people in the square before, Lin Wanxue took Su Chen into the ambulance. Now that they are far away from the square, they can change to another car.

Su Chen put away the phone and nodded.

He and Lin Wanxue got out of the car and got into a hitchhiker.

The driver was Lin Wanxue's assistant Zuo Fang.

"Lin sir, all the baby and maternity supplies are in the trunk, where are we going now?" Zuo Fang asked for instructions.

"Go back to the A3 parking lot of Wanda Plaza." Lin Wanxue said.

This is where Su Chen's car is.

When sending Mu Ziqing into the elevator, Mu Ziqing told her.

"Okay." Zuo Fang turned her head and glanced at Su Chen with suppressed excitement in her eyes, then turned her head and drove excitedly.

He really deserves to be the husband of his own goddess, he is invincible!
Driving all the way to the A3 underground parking lot of Wanda Plaza, Su Chen and Lin Wanxue got out of the car. When Mu Ziqing saw Su Chen in the car, she immediately pushed down the window and waved to Su Chen and Lin Wanxue.

"Brother Su Chen, sister Wanxue, here."

"Here we come~" Lin Wanxue replied with a smile.

At this moment, Su Chen has already picked up the mother and baby items in the trunk.

Lin Wanxue told Zuo Fang to wait for her in the car, then took Su Chen's Fang Tian painting halberd, and went with Su Chen to Su Chen's Alpha car.

This Fang Tian painting halberd is 2.4 meters long, and it can be placed in the aisle of the rear seat without pushing down the rear seats.

After getting into the back seat, as soon as the car door was closed, the two babies took a step ahead of Mu Ziqing, sitting on the child seat excitedly kicking their calves, waving their little hands, making gestures for the baby, and shouting in a baby voice : "Papa, hug..."

"Dad, hug..."

Mu Ziqing smiled and took the mother and baby supplies from Su Chen's hand, and put them on the seat in the last row, "Brother Su Chen, Dabao and Xiaobao have been arguing to see you."

"Dabao and Xiaobao, Daddy is here, come on, Daddy give you a hug." Su Chen smiled and unbuckled the seat belts for Dabao and Xiaobao, and then picked up the two babies.

The two liberated babies threw themselves into Su Chen's arms, kissed Su Chen's face from left to right, and made a loud 'MUA' sound.

The entire trunk laughed happily because of the mua of the two of them.

Lin Wanxue smiled and said, "Honey, Ziqing, I still have business to attend to, so I'm leaving first."

"Husband, about the police holding a press conference, I have to invite you to appear at that time, is that okay?"

"Yes." This is his duty as a citizen of Dragon Kingdom.

"Okay, the exact time of the chance press conference has not been determined yet, I will go back to the police station for a meeting first, and call you when the time comes." Lin Wanxue said.

"Okay, don't be too tired." Su Chen entrusted.

"Don't worry, I'm not tired at all, I'm full of energy now~~" Especially thinking of playing a nurse-patient game with Su Chen at night, she is very energetic.

Lin Wanxue blinked her right eye at Su Chen, then smiled and got out of the car.

Su Chen smiled helplessly.

Fortunately, his kidneys are super strong, so he has no problem controlling Lin Wanxue.


After Lin Wanxue left, Su Chen didn't go to the driver's seat to drive immediately, but played with the two babies in the back seat and talked to Mu Ziqing.

"Brother Su Chen, you were really amazing just now!" Mu Ziqing said to Su Chen with eyes full of admiration.

She has suppressed these words for more than ten minutes since she saw Su Chen win against Char, and now she can say these excited words.

While teasing Xiaobao, Su Chen said, "Brother Su Chen, I still have a lot to offer."

"That's just one aspect."

"What else is there?" Mu Ziqing asked casually. Immediately after she asked, her little head wanted to tilt, and then her little face automatically turned red.

Eyelashes fluttered slightly, and even his neck was pink, and he didn't dare to look directly at Su Chen.

From the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help looking at Su Chen's trousers.

Ah, she is horny~~~
"Brother Su Chen, that's right, that..." She wanted to change the subject, to resolve the slightly rising temperature, but her mind became a mess, and she didn't know what she was going to say at all.

It becomes, "That, this, ah..."

Su Chen looked at her super cute appearance, put down Dabao and Xiaobao, and fastened their seat belts.

Then came to the back seat where Mu Ziqing was sitting, the tall figure enveloped Mu Ziqing, leaned over, raised her to look left and right but didn't dare to look at his little face, and lowered her head to face the surprised The pink lips kissed down.

I was very satisfied to see Mu Ziqing's eyes widened in shock again.

At this moment, Mu Ziqing really wanted to turn into a beast, throw Su Chen down, and eat him up.

At this moment, all the cells in her blood are screaming and roaring, like a beast that has just been released from the cage and has been hungry for more than 20 years, wishing to tear Su Chen apart and eat him immediately.

I really can't help it!
She is really going to explode!

The next second, the next second, if Brother Su Chen is still kissing her, she will really explode! ! !
After Su Chen kissed Mu Ziqing, he let go of her, smiled lowly and patted her blushing little face, "Little girl, kiss me, what are you thinking?"

Mu Ziqing looked at Su Chen with a green light in her eyes, she couldn't control it all of a sudden, and said the truth, "I'm trying to throw you down."

"Papa... Papa..." Xiao Bao couldn't see Su Chen, so he started to shout.

Mu Ziqing also came to her senses because of her daughter's soft voice, and after realizing what she said, she wished she could find a hole in the ground and hide it.

Ah, how embarrassing.

She actually showed her lust for him in front of brother Su Chen without concealing it at all.

Will he think I'm a pervert?
Sister Wanxue is so pure, men must like pure girls.

She looked at Su Chen quietly, and saw that Su Chen had gone back to the front to tease Xiaobao.

She breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Brother Su Chen probably didn't take what she said just now to heart?
She should be reserved, reserved, and be a pure girl.

Not a porn girl.

But brother Su Chen is really handsome and has a good figure, even his breath is so sexy and pleasant, and he is so domineering.

She really couldn't do it without bowing down under his slacks! ! !
I can't bear it! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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