City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 333 Lin Kaiwu discovers a shocking secret!

Chapter 333 Lin Kaiwu discovers a shocking secret!

After Su Chen teased Xiaobao, he raised his head and looked at Mu Ziqing who was thinking about it, thinking of the bold words that this little girl said just now, "I want to throw you down".

It reminded him of the meeting at the Warrior Exchange.

Her hungry eyes, and her behavior.

This sentence is quite in line with what she just thought.

If it weren't for the two pure babies in the car, he would have thrown her down as she wished.

No, there are two babies here, so he said to Mu Ziqing: "Ziqing, come and take the babies, I'll go drive."

Mu Ziqing blinked quickly, and replied in a daze, "Okay."

Su Chen flicked on her forehead when she was still in a daze, and after her eyes focused on him, he turned around with a smile and got out of the car.

Mu Ziqing felt like a deer bumping around in her heart.

Yay, Brother Su Chen is so good at flirting.

What if she really couldn't help teasing her like this.

Su Chen drove Mu Ziqing, Dabao and Xiaobao home.

the other side.


Lin's mother, Lu Biyun, shouted in the living room, "Haha! Well done! My son-in-law is awesome! Haha, I won! I won!"

"My son-in-law is the strongest son-in-law!"

Lin Kaiwu let go of his raised heart, suppressed a smile and said to Lu Biyun: "Look at you, isn't it normal for a son-in-law to win? Do you have to shout so loudly? Everyone outside the yard can hear it." Alright, out of style."

Lu Biyun cut to Lin Kaiwu, "If you have the ability, don't call Mu Shengming to brag!"

"Do you still need me to call Mu Shengming?"

As soon as Lin Kaiwu finished his sentence, his cell phone rang, and then he showed it to Lu Biyun in a loud voice, "Look, Lao Mu called me!"

"I have to take this call."


Smiling, Lin Kaiwu answered Mu Shengming's call.

As soon as the call was connected, Mu Shengming said congratulations, "Old Su, congratulations, such a wonderful son-in-law, I am so envious that my mouth is watering."

"This kid is okay, he has a bit of my style back then." Lin Kaiwu suppressed the joy in his heart, and said calmly.

"It's just okay, isn't it? Lao Lin, you're old in Versailles! I won't fall for your tricks." Mu Shengming laughed.

"Let me also tell you a happy event, I feel that my family Ziqing is in love!" Mu Shengming put a big bomb, and said in a very loud voice.

"How did you find out?" Lin Kaiwu asked.

I thought, if you are in love, your son-in-law is not as good as my son-in-law!
Hum hum!
When the time comes, there will be a son-in-law competition, Lao Mu, you will know how awesome my son-in-law is!

Mu Shengming was very excited about this, "Didn't she tell me a few days ago that she was going back to the outside world tomorrow? Her mother and I were quite worried about her, and wanted her to stay at home for a few more days."

"But she just refused. Unexpectedly, I received a message from her early this morning that she will not return to the outside world tomorrow. She will not return to the outside world until the 24th of this month."

"Then, she moved! She must have fallen in love, and then moved in with her!"

"Before I suddenly said that I would go back to the outside world tomorrow, I guess it was a cold war with the other party, and after the cold war ended, it became gluey again! Haha!"

"Before, her mother and I were so worried about her marriage that our hair turned gray, but it's fine now, haha, we don't have to worry about it."

Lin Kaiwu asked quietly: "Then do you know who Zi Qing's boyfriend is?"

There are also comparisons among the elderly, and he also wants to know who the other party's son-in-law is.

Mu Shengming said with a cheerful smile: "I don't know yet. Originally, my mother asked me to check it out, but I refused. I understand my daughter too well. If the two of us get involved in this kind of thing again So we will wait for Ziqing to bring her son-in-law back to see us, anyway, we will see each other sooner or later, haha."

"Besides, our son-in-law is definitely handsome."

"How do you know?" Lin Kaiwu asked quietly.

What I thought in my heart was: no matter how handsome my son-in-law is!


Mu Shengming chuckled and said, "Because he is Dabao and Xiaobao's biological father, you can tell from Dabao that my son-in-law must be super handsome!"

"Speaking of which, my wife and I discovered something today, haha."

"What's the matter?" Lin Kaiwu recalled Dabao in his mind, and it was the Dabao he saw when he went to Mu's house to drink the full moon wine. At that time, Dabao was really cute.

But handsome? ?
It's so small, how can it be seen!

Huh, Dabao?

Thinking about it carefully, why does he feel that Dabao looks like a person!
Mu Shengming said directly, "We found that Dabao and your son-in-law Su Chen look quite alike. I reckon that my son-in-law and your son-in-law may be cousins, or cousins."

"Haha, then our two families will get closer to each other again."

Lin Kaiwu had a bad premonition in his mind, because he thought that Su Chen's hometown was in Shao City, Hunan Province, and Mu Shengming's wife's hometown was also in Shao City, Hunan Province.

In addition, he knew that Mu Ziqing grew up in Shao City, Hunan Province.

However, Su Chen has no cousins ​​or cousins ​​at all!

Is it—

An amazing idea appeared in his mind.

"Old Lin, Lao Lin!" Mu Shengming shouted excitedly again, "I just got the news that the reason why Su Chen fought with that foreigner today is because the younger brother of that foreigner is William Hilton, and this foreigner is called Charl Hilton! "

"William has been pursuing my daughter before, but my daughter doesn't like him at all."

"Then William was beaten into the hospital some time ago, his legs were completely disabled, and then this Char wanted to avenge his brother!"

"It happened that Su Chen was there at that time. He helped my daughter fight with Char!"

"Old Su, your son-in-law is really kind, he has helped my family Ziqing twice!"

"Whenever I'm free, I must treat your whole family well! Thank you very much!"

After listening to these words, the astonishing idea in Lin Kaiwu's mind became stronger. He put on his face and said seriously: "Let's talk about the meal later. Today, the official and the public popularized warriors. Next we have more thing to do."

"I'm going to hang up first."

After speaking, Lin Kaiwu hung up the phone without waiting for Mu Shengming to reply.

Then he went outside, sat down on the bench, and smoked in a depressed mood.

Lu Biyun saw it, leaned over and asked, "What's the matter?"

No shadow is just a matter of speculation, Lin Kaiwu didn't say anything, he took a puff of cigarette, then pressed down the cigarette butt vigorously, stood up and said to Lu Biyun: "My wife, last time my son-in-law came to my house, you didn't seem to give him a red envelope, and you didn't give him a red envelope." He packs things."

"Prepare carefully, we are going to the son-in-law's house tomorrow, so we can't go there empty-handed."

"I'll go to my parents' place."

He couldn't wait until Saturday to take Su Chen to meet his parents, and then his parents gave Su Chen a gift.

He will take his parents to Su Chen's house tomorrow night, and give Su Chen the meeting gift prepared by his parents.

The meeting ceremony prepared by his parents must be a good thing!

(End of this chapter)

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