City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 400 Arriving at the Lin family, Su Chen advances to rank 5 warrior! 【3 more】

Chapter 400 Arriving at the Lin family, Su Chen advances to rank five martial artist! 【3 more】

"The white light that can heal wounds that appeared in the killer's heart and lungs is a newly developed factor with mysterious substance C."

"I heard that it was only in the research and development stage, but I didn't expect it to be put into practice."

"The thing about his shrinkage is that he has practiced a special martial skill, which can make his whole body shrink like a person who has practiced bone shrinking skills in martial arts novels, and can shrink his bones and internal organs."

"But there is a price to pay, that is, when he recovers, he can only recover to about 90% of his previous height. That is to say, if he was 1.8 meters tall before shrinking and recovering, he can only recover to 1.62 meters. Or so, your martial arts strength will also drop by 10%."

"People who have practiced this kind of martial skill will not use this kind of martial skill until special occasions."

Su Chen nodded after listening to Papa Su's explanation.

It seems that the world of martial arts is even more mysterious than he imagined.

But no matter how mysterious it is, or what miraculous things will appear, Emperor Su Chen is not afraid!
He is a systematic man!
The rewards obtained by easily making a choice can kill an intermediate grandmaster with one kick.

Afraid of a ball!
In the world, I, Emperor Su Chen, have the final say!
"Ding... Congratulations to the host for making the choice. The head of the middle-level master killer has been packaged and is being sent to the Hilton family in the Eagle Kingdom by international courier. The host will be rewarded with an intermediate martial arts upgrade card."

Hearing this voice, Su Chen knew that his father-in-law Mu Shengming must have sent a notice to his subordinates to pack that head.

The father-in-law moved really fast.

"May I ask the host, do you want to activate the card now?"


I don't know if I can advance to the fifth rank after using this intermediate martial arts upgrade card.

As the activation began, he felt that the five bridges built by the five internal organs that had been tempered all over his body were exuding majestic energy and blood.

Immediately afterwards, the five bridges connecting the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney and five internal organs evolved again.


Inside the five internal organs, five golden bridges appeared again!
These five golden bridges form a flowing pentagram shape within the original five bridges.

The spleen leads directly to the kidneys, the kidneys to the heart, the heart to the lungs, the lungs to the liver, and the liver to the spleen.

The internal circulation of the five internal organs is completely achieved, and the life is endless.

The five internal organs have been tempered and have broken through to the primary level of the fifth rank.

Start to refine the six internal organs and the meridians of flesh and blood other than the five internal organs.

After breaking through to the fifth rank, he felt that his five internal organs were coated with a layer of vajra body. He even had a feeling that if the spiritual consciousness was also within the internal circulation of the five internal organs, even if only the five internal organs were left in the whole body Yes, that can continue to survive!

Warrior, the more you go up, the more terrifying it is!
If he allowed himself to practice purely, he might not know when he would be able to cultivate to the level of a master. However, with the blessing of the system, he thought that he would become a master Su in a short time! ! !

He opened his eyes, and sure enough, everyone in the car was looking at him in shock.

Even Dabao and Xiaobao blinked their big black eyes and looked at him curiously.

Seeing that Su Chen opened his eyes, everyone spoke in pleasant surprise.

"Son, you have broken through to the fifth-rank realm!"

"Son, your promotion speed is really amazing! Just after a fight, you advanced! This talent is against the sky!"

"Chenchen, you are too strong! You are the most talented! According to your advancement speed, it is estimated that you will be able to advance to the Grand Master within a few years!!"

"Husband, you are too powerful! You are a fifth-rank junior warrior! You are even stronger than me!"

"Brother Su Chen, you're great! I'm going to work hard too!" Mu Ziqing was very emotional. Not long ago, she wanted to cover Brother Su Chen, but now, Brother Su Chen's level is even higher than her.

She really has to work hard and work hard.

Strive to advance to the fourth-rank advanced as soon as possible!
Catch up with Brother Su Chen and Sister Wanxue!
"Dad, you are amazing!"

"Dad, you are amazing!"

"Dad is a fifth-rank martial artist! It's too strong! I'll be able to advance and break through like Dad at any time."


The whole family is in a state of excitement.

The tension brought by the killer gradually dissipated after Su Chen broke through to the fifth-level junior level, and the family arrived at the door of Lin's house all the way.

Su Chen and the others got out of the armored vehicle, and their car was sent to the parking space in front of Lin's house by the soldiers.

"Dad, we're all at the door, let's go in together." Su Chen said to Mu Shengming.

Mu Shengming looked at the two big characters "Lin House" written on the gate of Lin's house, and really wanted to go in.

For example, tell Lin Kaiwu loudly that Su Chen is also my son-in-law, just now he just exploded and kicked the middle-level grandmaster to death!
For another example, the better my son-in-law is, the happier I am. I'm different from you.

and so on.

He took a drag on his cigarette, and really took a step forward.

It's just the second step, and I can't move anymore.

He felt a little floating.

After thinking about it, he patted Su Chen on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "I won't go tonight. I have to deal with these killers. I don't feel at ease if I don't clean them up."

"Tonight, you can properly celebrate your father-in-law's birthday."

"Have fun."

After finishing speaking, he turned around without hesitation and got into the passenger seat of the armored vehicle, letting the driver drive away.

Looking in the rearview mirror, the Lin family was getting further and further away.

He took a drag on his cigarette.

Let's wait for the son-in-law to deal with Lin Kaiwu before he can be arrogant again.

Now it's still the first to develop obscenely.

I really look forward to the moment when Lin Kaiwu will show off his son-in-law in front of Lin Kaiwu!

With the son-in-law's ability, this moment shouldn't take long!
After thinking about it, he called his superior and reported to him that Su Chen was publicly assassinated by the killer sent by the Hilton family.

What he said was very serious.

It is emphasized that this time, all the people who have been arranged by the Hilton family in all parts of the Dragon Kingdom must be uprooted.

Be an example!

Moreover, in the future, foreign master-level masters will need to go through multiple inspections and declarations before they can enter the country.

Thinking of the boss he just met in the afternoon and the son-in-law he just met, and the fact that the boss and his son-in-law's family were assassinated on his site in the evening, although he killed the leader of the other party in the end, he was still extremely angry.

His superiors approved his plan.

Tonight is destined not to be dull! ——
The grandmaster-level battle that took place on the Yanshan Avenue not only alarmed the troops stationed in the imperial capital led by Mu Shengming, but also alarmed the major masters in the imperial capital.

The masters can perceive this competition through the spiritual field from a long distance.

If other people want to see it, they need to pass through the unmanned aircraft, but before the unmanned aircraft reaches the battlefield, they will be crushed by the invisible force formed by the battle between the masters.

Therefore, apart from Su Chen and the others, only Grandmaster watched the battle.

At first, they were still surprised when there was such an awesome master as Pa Su in the imperial capital.

Surprisingly, with the power of a junior grandmaster, he can capture an intermediate grandmaster.

Finally, they were dumbfounded when they saw Su Chen, with the power of a fourth-rank senior martial artist, kick out the middle-level grandmaster with one kick!

This family is against heaven! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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