City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 401 Lin Kaiwu Shocked: What?My son-in-law kicked the Grandmaster to death!

Chapter 401 Lin Kaiwu Shocked: What?My son-in-law kicked Grandmaster to death!
Grandmasters also have a chat group, which is usually used to exchange information and resources. In this chat group, there are also some sixth-rank warriors with very good qualifications who are expected to become grandmasters.

Just like, in a group of great writers, there will also be other lesser writers.

At this time, in a guru chat group.

: "(picture) who is this person?"

No one took photos of Su Chen and the others fighting just now, but a master quickly found Su Chen's photos.

Because Su Chen is very popular these days, he conducted a national live broadcast.

: "Su Chen, what's wrong?"

When Su Chen and the others fought, only the nearby grandmasters sensed it. The other grandmasters who were farther away, even the grandmasters outside the imperial capital, did not sense the battle.

: "Su Chen? I seem to have heard of this name before. This young man is incredible! He's going against the sky!"

: "It's Su Chen! It turns out that he is Su Chen! I just said, why is this young man so awesome? He turned out to be the official spokesperson for the Warrior University."

: "What nonsense are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word? Lao Zhao, please speak clearly!"

Lin Kaiwu: "This is my son-in-law, what's wrong?"

: "Xiao Lin, is this your son-in-law?"

: "Xiao Lin, come, add a friend."

: "Xiao Lin, bring your father-in-law into the group, he is the master!"

"Xiao Lin, bring your son-in-law into the group. Although he is neither a grandmaster nor a sixth-rank martial artist, he kicked the middle-level grandmaster to pieces! With this strength, he can definitely join the group!"

: "To be precise, he kicked the middle-level grandmaster to death!"

: "!!! God! What? Xiao Lin, your son-in-law is so tough? Kick the middle-level grandmaster to death?"

: "Xiao Lin, tomorrow seems to be your 60th birthday, I happen to be free, so come over."

: "I've been moldy at home recently, and I'll go to Xiaolin's birthday tomorrow, it's very lively."


Lin Kaiwu, who was looking at his mobile phone at this time, was shocked.

Except for him, everyone in this group is talking about the master!

On weekdays, he only knows how to dive in this group, he never dares to be bubbly, and he respects everyone in the group.

Because most of them are grand masters, only a small number of them are like him, sixth-rank warriors who are expected to break through and become grand masters.

I didn't expect the news in the group to explode today.

They were all talking about his son-in-law Su Chen!
He also said that Su Chen kicked the middle-level grandmaster to death!

what is happening?
And he also said that his eldest brother is also a master!

Could it be, what happened?
Immediately, he stood up abruptly, and shouted to you Lu Biyun: "Honey, call your daughter quickly and find out what happened."

Lu Biyun thought that Lin Kaiwu wanted her to ask where her daughter was now, so she looked at her watch and said, "No need to call, you should be home soon."

"It's not about this! Something happened! Chenchen kicked the middle-level grandmaster to death, something must have happened!" Lin Kaiwu said in a hurry.

"What?" Lu Biyun was shocked. With trembling hands, she took out her mobile phone and called Lin Wanxue.

Lin Wanxue has already entered the Lin family.

There is a distance from the entrance of Lin's mansion to her parents' house.

"Mom, we're at the gate, we're almost there." Lin Wanxue said with a smile after answering the phone.

Lin Kaiwu leaned over Lu Biyun's cell phone to listen to the voice.

After hearing what their daughter said, the couple looked at each other.

Lu Biyun covered the receiver and said to Lin Kaiwu, "Should we wait for our daughter and son-in-law to arrive before asking?"

"I can't even ask on the phone."

Lin Kaiwu nodded, and then he ran out to pick up Su Chen and the others.

If it wasn't for the serious expression on Lin Kaiwu's face when he said that Su Chen kicked the middle-level master to death, Lu Biyun would have mistakenly thought that Lin Kaiwu was lying to her, just to see what gift Chenchen brought him.

"Okay." Lu Biyun smiled back at her daughter, and after hanging up the phone, she followed her out.

At this moment, Su Chen and the others were walking towards Lin Kaiwu's house, and they were almost at the door.

Suddenly, Lin Kaiwu was seen running out.

As soon as Lin Kaiwu saw Su Chen and the others, he immediately ran towards Su Chen and the others, and asked Su's father, Su's mother and Su Chen with concern, "Brother, sister-in-law, Chenchen, are you all right?"

She didn't notice at all that Mu Ziqing was holding Dabao and Xiaobao beside her.

Su's father said with a smile: "Do you think we are people who have something to do?"

"Let's go, let's enter the house and talk." There were other members of the Lin family outside, and Lin Kaiwu didn't want to let the news out when he didn't know the specific situation.

Lu Biyun also arrived.

We entered the house together.

Lu Biyun noticed that Mu Ziqing came with Dabao and Xiaobao, she didn't think much about it, she thought she just ran into them outside.

Because Mu Ziqing and her family Wanxue are good best friends.

She beckoned everyone to sit in the living room.

The topic fell to the matter of Su Chen kicking out the middle-level grandmaster.

Lin Kaiwu said that he heard the news in the master group, and also showed the news in the group to Su's father, Su's mother and Su Chen.

Su Chen told Lin Kaiwu about meeting the killer sent by the Hilton family on the road just now.

Lin Kaiwu and Lu Biyun were terrified when they heard it, and after listening to it, they slapped the table angrily.

Lin Kaiwu cursed, "The Hilton family is lawless! They even sent an intermediate master assassin to assassinate you, Chenchen!"


After a while, he will go to his father himself and tell his father about it.

Do you really think there is no one in their Lin family?

Even his son-in-law dared to assassinate him!

Lin Kaiwu will never give up!
Su Chen told the old father-in-law not to be angry, he had already sent someone to express the head of the middle-level grandmaster killer to the Hilton family, and they would receive this 'return gift' the day after tomorrow at the latest.

After hearing this, Lin Kaiwu and Lu Biyun's anger dropped a little bit.

Then the two said all kinds of cruel words, and they will definitely make the Hilton family look good in the future!

Then the couple were shocked by the fact that Su Chen kicked the middle-level grandmaster to death.

Then I found out that Su Chen had broken through and advanced to the fifth-rank elementary!

Another celebration.

Finally, when Lin Kaiwu saw Mu Ziqing and Dabao Xiaobao, he suddenly thought of his previous prediction.

Then I thought about the afternoon, when Mu Shengming posted that he had obtained an awesome son-in-law in the circle of friends.

Could it be that this son-in-law——!
Really is--!
When Lin Kaiwu thought of this, he immediately got up in a hurry, pulled Su Chen over, and said that he had something to talk to him alone.

The two went to the study.

Lin Wanxue knew that her father wanted to discuss something with Su Chen in the study.

She also saw Mu Ziqing's nervousness, she held Mu Ziqing's hand, and said to Lu Biyun: "Mom, I have something important to tell you."

in the study.

Lin Kaiwu straight to the point asked Su Chen, "Chenchen, what's the matter with Ziqing? Tell me the truth, although I am old, my heart can bear it."

(End of this chapter)

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