City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 899 Jiang Family Tianjiao Shocked: Su Chen, Damn it!You practice riding a rocket!

Chapter 899 Jiang Family Tianjiao Shocked: Su Chen, Damn it!You practice riding a rocket!

The Supreme Elder Sheng Yun listened to Sheng Guangchao's analysis, nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "Well, don't act rashly in this matter, after all, we don't have complete evidence to prove that it is Su Chen. After Chen and the others come out of the secret realm, we will collect the evidence and seek justice for our Sheng family!"

"Dare to kill our Sheng family's Tianjiao, it's a bear's heart and a leopard's guts! Even if the Jiang family can defeat our Sheng family's Tianjiao, they will not kill them!"

"Su Chen simply doesn't take our Sheng family seriously!"

Sheng Guangchao nodded. He also knew that this matter should not be too impatient. He still understood that "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry".

"Okay, Elder Taishang, I know, I won't act rashly until I find enough evidence to prove that Su Chen killed our Sheng family's Tianjiao. In addition, I will also collect evidence secretly, and I must arrest Su Chen as soon as possible." Take it down!"

"Our Sheng family can't have no one in the Good Fortune Academy!"

"Well! This is inevitable! Our Sheng family is the top-ranking big family, and none of them have been able to enter the Good Fortune Academy. It is too embarrassing to say it! Moreover, our Sheng family produces the most resources in the Good Fortune Academy. If one family doesn’t enter, all of them will benefit from other families? Impossible!” Sheng Yun was very angry when he heard Sheng Guangchao talking about Good Fortune Academy here.

Sheng Guangchao also saw that he had achieved today's effect, so he looked at Sheng Yun and said, "The Supreme Elder is right! Then the Supreme Elder, I will step down first."

"Okay, you go back first, and let me know if there is any situation." Sheng Yun looked at Sheng Guangchao and waved his hand.

Sheng Yun nodded, then quickly exited Sheng Yun's study and left the home of the Supreme Elder.

A gleam flashed in his eyes, "Su Chen, this time, even if you have the Jiang family backing you up, but if you maliciously kill our Sheng family's Tianjiao in the secret realm, the Jiang family will not be able to keep you!"
On Su Chen's side, time passed quickly. Originally, it took three days to get to the foot of Daotai Mountain, but it took two and a half days.

Because Xiaobai ate well and slept well along the way, he ran with great energy and speed.

So arrived early.

When Su Chen and the others arrived, it was already night in the secret realm, and Jiang Yunfeng, Jiang Muxue, and Jiang Lijin had already met here.

Su Chen asked the little white fox to stop 3000 meters away from the place where Jiang Yunfeng and the others met, and then they ran over instead. Su Chen took the little white fox into the spirit pet space.

Because his spiritual pet space was expanded last time, there are two spaces, and two spiritual pets can be placed.

Now in the spirit pet space, there are Xiao Jiu and Xiao Bai.

After putting Xiao Bai away, Su Chen took his wife, father and Bai Luo to the meeting point.

For them, the distance of 3000 meters is still very fast. If it is Su Chen himself, it can be reached in three seconds, or in one breath.

But he took care of his family, so he didn't use his magical powers, and ran at a normal speed, and he arrived in 3 minutes.

"Su Chen! Su Ye! Lin Wanxue! You are here!" Jiang Lijin was the first to see Su Chen and the others, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Bai Luo?" Jiang Lijin was very surprised when he saw Bai Luo.

Unexpectedly, Bai Luo would go with Su Chen and the others.

Then she thought about it, it seemed that during the meeting in the base, Lin Wanxue said that Bai Luo was her master.

Thinking about it this way, it's easy to understand that Bai Luo and Su Chen are together.

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Muxue already knew that Su Chen and the others had arrived, because they sensed the presence of a strong man. From the previous chat with Su Chen, they deduced that Su Chen should have arrived.

Because the place where they met was at the foot of Daotai Mountain, but it was not the only way to climb Daotai Mountain, but chose a hidden place.

Meet here first, and then go to Daotai Mountain together.

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Muxue got up and greeted Su Chen and the others.

Jiang Muxue and Bai Luo also nodded.

Both of them are very beautiful. If there is a school flower in a school, then Jiang Muxue and Bai Luo are the two fairy flowers in the world of cultivating immortals.

After greeting each other, Jiang Lijin and the three of them were shocked when they saw the state of Su Chen's family!
"Fuck, Su Chen, you're in the late stage of Life Soil!!! Fuck, what's going on? I was really shocked to death!"

"I remember very clearly. Before entering the secret realm, Su Chen, you just broke through to the early stage of burning lamps! Why, this is the late stage of life soil? It's only been a few days!"

"This is approaching the realm of collecting herbs!"

"Did you find the great treasure in the secret realm? Yunfeng, Mu Xue, and I haven't improved our realm at all!"

"If there is no comparison, there will be no harm!"

Jiang Yunfeng said: "Su Ye and Lin Wanxue also broke through. Su Ye has reached the late stage of the fog, and Lin Wanxue has reached the middle stage of the fog."

"Bai Luo's realm didn't move, Su Chen, after you arrived at the secret realm, you broke through to the later stage of Life Soil, is it because the aura here is more suitable for you to cultivate?"

He still wouldn't believe it if he found a great treasure in the secret realm.

After all, this is the first time everyone has entered the secret realm, and there are monsters inside. If there is a big treasure, there must be super powerful monsters guarding it. of.

Therefore, the only possibility he can guess is that the aura here is suitable for Su Chen's cultivation.

Because the aura here is different from their aura in the world of cultivating immortals.

Although they can also be absorbed into the body for cultivation, the speed of cultivation is similar to that of the world of cultivating immortals.

It makes no difference.

Anyway, after reaching their level, it is not a matter of cultivating for ten days and a half months if they want to raise another small level.

It is usually several years, even more than ten years, and there are still several decades!

Su Chen's improvement is too terrifying. In just four days, Su Chen has crossed so many realms, from the early stage of burning lamps to the late stage of Mingtu.

The speed of this cultivation is really terrifying. Even he, who is the first pride of the Jiang family, was shocked when he saw it.

Su Chen said: "No, we met a chance, so we each made some breakthroughs. My cultivation talent is better, and I can break through faster."

When Jiang Yunfeng and the others heard Su Chen's words, they understood. It really was a chance.


They never met!

After envying them, the three of them didn't ask Su Chen what the secret realm they encountered. After all, Su Chen didn't take the initiative to say such things.

It is also inconvenient for them to ask questions, and they have a sense of boundaries, and it is easier and more comfortable for everyone to interact with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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