City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 900 The Gobbling Jiang Family Talents

Chapter 900 The Gobbling Jiang Family Talents
Jiang Lijin patted Su Chen's arm, and said: "Su Chen, let's stop talking, let's eat first, it's already eight o'clock in the evening, and I haven't had dinner yet, my stomach is already croaking with hunger."

"Ever since I heard that you ate rabbit meat that day, I have been greedy. I can eat bread like a brick."

"Tonight, I have to treat my stomach well."

Su Chen said, "No problem, I'm the best at cooking."

Jiang Yunfeng said: "I just happened to beat a monster on the road, let's try this tonight."

"But it's very big, Su Chen, can you make it work?"

Jiang Yunfeng heard that when Su Chen was in the Wuliang Mountains, he had roasted rhinoceros beef in the live broadcast, so after learning that he was going to join Su Chen and the others, he saw a white bull monster, and immediately thought of eating a roasted whole cow up.

So he hunted down the monster, put it in his storage space, and brought it here.

Su Chen said, "Take it out and have a look."

"Okay." Immediately, Jiang Yunfeng immediately moved out a piece of monster meat from his own space, looked at Su Chen and said, "Can you do it?"

Su Chen glanced at the white beef brought out by Jiang Yunfeng, and remembered that when he contacted Jiang Yunfeng a day ago, Jiang Yunfeng said that he had killed a big white cow, and it seemed to be this big white cow.

"No problem! How do you want to eat it? Do you chop it up and make soup, stir-fry it, or bake it?" Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin and asked.

Jiang Lijin looked at Su Chen with a smile and said, "You can make barbecue for us directly, it's convenient and fast."

Jiang Yunfeng also agreed, "If you eat it roasted, you can directly roast this large side of beef, and it will be very convenient. Otherwise, Su Chen, you will be too laborious to cook soup or stir-fry vegetables."

Jiang Muxue nodded, "I really want to eat barbecue."

"Su Chen, do you have any seasoning for barbecue?"

Su Chen said, "Yes."

Then he said, "Okay, then we'll have roast beef tonight."

Jiang Lijin, Jiang Yunfeng and the others nodded immediately, and began to work together in division of labor.

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin immediately dragged the half of the big white cow to rinse it off, while Su Chen lit a fire in an open place.

"Come on~" After a while, Jiang Lijin ran up to Su Chen with the big white cow that had been rinsed.

Su Chen smiled, then motioned to Jiang Yunfeng who was following behind, and the three of them put the big white beef on the grill together.

"Honey, do you want to cook some other dishes?" Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and asked.

Su Chen thought that this big half of buffalo meat would be enough for everyone to eat together, but it would be too monotonous to eat just this, so he nodded and looked at Lin Wanxue and said, "Okay, what do you want to bake? I'll bake it up for you, and start another stove."

"Then roast some vegetables, so that you can eat both meat and vegetables. The combination of meat and vegetables is healthy and nutritious." Lin Wanxue said, "Husband, you can pick any vegetable at random and release it from your space, and I will wash it."

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin next to these words naturally also heard them, and they immediately looked at Su Chen and Lin Wanxue and said, "Su Chen, let the two of us handle things like washing vegetables, and let your wife do it quickly." It’s good to rest by the side.”

Su Chen looked at Lin Wanxue with a smile and said: "Honey, I can leave it to the two of them to wash the vegetables. You just need to have a good rest by the side. By the way, when you cook the rice, cook a little more, otherwise it may not be enough." .”

"Okay~" Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and nodded, then added some rice and cooked it according to what Su Chen said.

After a while, after the three of them had a busy meal, everyone could finally start eating.

"Wow, it smells so good." Lin Wanxue exclaimed after smelling the roast beef in front of her.

Jiang Yunfeng, Jiang Lijin, and Jiang Muxue swallowed their saliva when they smelled the smell of meat for the first time in a few days.

Su Chen naturally observed the movements of the three of them. He looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Okay, let's start eating."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded, and then began to move their chopsticks.

Jiang Yunfeng, Jiang Lijin and Jiang Muxue picked up the beef and put it in their mouths.

The inner thoughts of the three people are all: it's so delicious! !

However, the three of them wanted to maintain a little image in front of Su Chen and his family, and there were beauties present, so they naturally still had some face.

However, after Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin tasted the other meals made by Su Chen, the two of them no longer cared about their image and began to gobble it up, fearing that the food in front of them would be gone if they ate it a second later.

"It's so delicious! Su Chen, you are simply amazing!"

"Su Chen, I will always follow you from now on, the food you cook is simply delicious!"

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin talked over there while eating, and when it came to the last compliment, only the four words "It's so delicious!" were left.

Jiang Muxue, who was next to her, watched the two of them eating like this, and unknowingly let go of the reserved look just now, and started eating like crazy.

Su Chen, Lin Wanxue and the others were eating and smiling at the three of them, as if they hadn't eaten for a week.

However, Xiaobai, who was just put into the pet space by Su Chen, also smelled the aroma of barbecue at this time.

So, Xiaobai began to transmit voice to Su Chen in the spirit pet space and said: "Master! Master! I want to eat barbecue too!"

"Okay." Su Chen replied.

Then, in an instant, the barbecue in Su Chen's hand was in Xiao Bai's hand.

When Jiang Lijin and Jiang Yunfeng raised their heads, they found that the barbecue in Su Chen's hand just now had disappeared.

"Su Chen, where is the meat in your hand? Why is it gone? Did you eat it so fast?" Jiang Lijin looked at Su Chen and asked suspiciously.

Su Chen looked at him and replied, "No, it was eaten by the pet."

Jiang Lijin, Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Muxue all looked at Su Chen in shock when they heard what Su Chen said. Jiang Yunfeng choked in shock, and Jiang Muxue who was next to him immediately handed him water to drink.

Soul pet!Su Chen actually has a spiritual pet!
Too bad!
After Jiang Yunfeng took a sip of water and took a breath, he asked in shock, "Spirit pet?!"

"Bazhen chicken." Su Chen looked at the three of them and replied casually.

Lin Wanxue smiled softly when she heard Su Chen's answer.

And Xiaobai, who was holding the barbecue in the spirit pet space, was eating deliciously, when he heard Su Chen say this, he suddenly felt that the barbecue in his hand was not delicious.

It hummed aggrievedly at Su Chen through voice transmission: "Master, you actually said that I am a Bazhen chicken! Aww, the Lun family is a nine-tailed white fox, and grandpa also said that I have the blood of a sky fox in my body. Maybe you can advance to become the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox~ The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is the purest bloodline of ancient fierce beasts in our fox clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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