City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 901 Tianjiao was shocked again: Su Chen, you have room for spiritual pets!

Chapter 901 Tianjiao was shocked again: Su Chen, you have room for spiritual pets!

"Master, the Lun family is really annoying, the Lun family is not a chicken, ouch~"

"Okay, I know you are very powerful, but the master didn't mention you. The master said Bazhen chicken, you just eat meat obediently. The master has two spiritual pet spaces, where you live and a Bazhen chicken." Chicken." Su Chen sent a voice transmission to the little white fox.

The reason why he didn't tell the Jiang family about Xiaobai was because he had known Jiang Yunfeng and the three of them for less than a week.

Not sure if it's credible or not.

Different from Bai Luo, Bai Luo was Lin Wanxue's master, and Bai Luo also participated in the robbing of the Sheng family's coffin treasure.

Therefore, he naturally regarded Bai Luo as one of his own.

Jiang Yunfeng and the others are different.

When he killed the three Tianjiao of the Sheng family, Xiaobai was there. Sheng Yantang and Sheng Guanghui who fled back had both seen Xiaobai incarnated as the main body.

He hasn't left the secret realm yet, so he doesn't want to cause trouble yet.

So, in the future, he will not let Xiaobai play again.

Otherwise, as soon as others saw Xiao Bai, they would know that it was Su Chen who killed the three arrogances of the Sheng family after leaving the secret realm.

Of course, he is not afraid of being known, but he hasn't left the secret realm yet, and his family members are outside, and the Sheng family is the top family in the world of cultivating immortals. Sheng Zhenwei and the others don't know what they will do to avenge their son kind of thing.

Therefore, it is better to keep a low profile for the time being.

As for the Bazhen Chicken, the spiritual pet, when he participated in the competition in the Wuliang Mountains, he got a Bazhen Chicken, and everyone in the world knew about it.

But what he brought this time was not Bazhen hen, but Bazhen rooster.

He is not sure whether it is a rooster or a hen.

Blur the past.

Jiang Yunfeng and the others knew that Su Chen had Bazhen Chicken, because when Su Chen came to Tongtian Island to participate in the competition, Bazhen Chicken was one of the participating members.

However, they remembered that when they signed up for the selection competition of the Good Fortune Academy, Bazhen Chicken did not sign up.

Su Chen probably wouldn't have kept the Bazhen Chicken in the base, that is to say, Su Chen brought the Bazhen Chicken in, but kept it safely!

Where is it placed? ? ?
This is what shocked them the most!
Immediately, Jiang Lijin couldn't help asking: "Su Chen, why did you bring the Bazhen Chicken? Our space can't hold any living things at all!"

Even ordinary chickens, ducks, geese, and live poultry cannot be loaded.

Then how did Su Chen bring Bazhen Chicken in?
Su Chen said: "I have a storage space for spiritual pets, but only one spiritual pet can be placed. I put Xiao Ba in it. Xiao Ba is the name our family gave Bazhen Chicken."

"Spiritual pet space!" The three arrogances of the Jiang family were shocked in unison!
Said these four words in unison.

Bai Luo also looked sideways at Su Chen.

She had seen Su Chen take away the little white fox before, and she was wondering where Su Chen put the little white fox.

But she didn't ask much at the time.

At this moment, Su Chen mentioned the space of spiritual pets, which really shocked her.

Because of such things, even her father, grandfather, and great-grandfather didn't have them.

She only saw it once at her ancestor's place.

Can put two monsters.

Moreover, the ancestor also said that even the ancestor of the Sheng family didn't have this thing, and he refined it by chance.

From now on, there will be no space for spiritual pets to be refined.

Because if you want to refine the spirit pet space, you not only need to control the sense of space, but also need to comprehend the law of the void, the law of aura, and so on.

Like refining, it depends very much on luck.

It is much more difficult than simply refining storage space.

I didn't expect Su Chen to have a spiritual pet space!
Can hold a spirit beast!
Moreover, she knew that Su Chen was pretending to be a little white fox, not a chicken.

But she didn't say anything about it, because the matter of the little white fox must not be revealed, otherwise, after leaving the secret realm, everyone will know that a five or six-year-old child sat on a nine-tailed demon fox and killed three members of the Sheng family. Man, it's Su Chen!
This is not a good thing for Su Chen who has not yet grown to be absolutely powerful.

Because even geniuses are afraid of dying.

The three of Jiang Yunfeng were also shocked, because they knew that the space to install a spiritual pet is simply too rare. Even the ancestors of the Jiang family didn't have such a thing!
Unexpectedly, Su Chen actually had it! ! !
Jiang Lijin said: "Ahh! I'm so envious that I'm about to explode, what's the matter? Brother Su Chen, did you refine this spirit pet space? Or something?"

"Do you know, this thing is super expensive! In the future, you must not say it outside!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid that others will kill you to seize the treasure!"

Su Chen was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect that this spiritual pet space was so rare.

Because he had never asked Jiang Weihai before, and besides, he had just entered the world of cultivating immortals not long ago.

Because there was a space ring in the world of cultivating immortals, he thought that the space that could hold spiritual pets should also be refined by experts.

Unexpectedly, it was not one of them!

That's right, when Sheng Susu was robbed last time, Sheng Susu's storage space was bubbling with poverty.

Regardless of the top-grade spar or the size of the space, they are very petty, and there is no room for spiritual pets.

Su Chen said: "I found this in the dead land in the boundless mountains."

"The dead place in the immeasurable mountains!!!" Jiang Lijin shut up.

There is no way, because that place, even for them, is a place of death!

Therefore, even though they knew that there might be a space for spiritual pets inside, they didn't dare to go in and look for it.

After all, people still have to live before they have the right to enjoy treasures.

Jiang Yunfeng patted Su Chen's shoulder with emotion and said: "Su Chen, your luck and courage are also first-class. You dare to enter the dead place in the boundless mountains. I really admire you."

"So you got this baby, and you deserve it."

"Come, drink and eat meat."

Continuing to drink and eat meat, the atmosphere became even more heated.

After dinner, we chatted for a while, and talked about tomorrow's arrangements, and planned to start climbing at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Jiang Lijin also said that they came here first, so they had surveyed Daotai Mountain in advance and found that this mountain was very unusual.

Unlike the mountains they climbed before, there are restrictions on this mountain, and there is a layer of fog shrouded in it. Even if they try to penetrate that layer of fog with mental power to see what is on the mountain, they can't see it.

I can only wait for tomorrow to climb the mountain in person, and then adapt to the situation.

But definitely be careful.

In addition, Jiang Yunfeng also said that the other seven members of the Jiang family will arrive one after another tonight and tomorrow morning, and they will all arrive here before six o'clock in the morning.

Then they climb the mountain together.

Many people are powerful.

I don't know if there are any monsters on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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