Chapter 909 Choice Appears Again
"Just like that kind of Starscream, we won't be afraid of a few more waves, okay! There's nothing to be afraid of, there's no pressure at all to kill a wave!!" Jiang Guangsong also retorted.

Later, Jiang Guangsong added: "But what you said is also right. We will definitely not take the road below lightly. You definitely don't need to remind us of this. We must know about it."

Bai Qian looked at Jiang Lijin and Jiang Guangsong and hummed.

However, after Bai Qian finished speaking just now, the voice of the system sounded in Su Chen's mind at the same time.

"Ding... It is detected that the spider queen in the half-step free travel realm is furious, and is about to attack and kill the host. Congratulations, the host is facing a choice."

"Option [-], kill the spider queen, and reward the host with four special martial arts upgrade cards that can be designated by others."

"Option [-], escape from the Spider Queen's pursuit, and reward the host with an intermediate Thunderbolt Fist."

Su Chen looked at the two system options that suddenly appeared.

The reward for choosing one is four special-grade martial arts upgrade cards. This special-grade martial arts upgrade card can be assigned to your father and wife. After all, we are about to climb Daotai Mountain here, and we must grab the Daotai at that time Yes, at that time, I definitely couldn't help my father and wife. I still had to rely on them, so I had to raise their realm.

But for the reward of choosing [-], Su Chen didn't know the power of the Thunderbolt Fist. He asked the system in his mind: "What is the Thunderbolt Fist?"

"Host, please wait a moment." The system replied.

After the system finished speaking, Su Chen saw the Thunderbolt Fist being demonstrated on the computer screen that only he could see.

After reading it, Su Chen retracted the computer screen.

This choice two rewards Thunderbolt Fist, which is also a very domineering attacking fist, which can be used when fighting monsters.

Su Chen was weighing the pros and cons of option [-] and option [-] in his mind, and at the same time he was a little surprised that this spider queen had already reached the realm of a half-step escape!

This is really remarkable. It may be a little difficult to deal with it at that time, and the Thunderbolt Fist should be usable by then.

However, if those four special martial arts and martial arts upgrade cards are given to my wife and father, they will definitely be able to fight for the Dao stage with ease, and at that time, I can't help them, and I can only rely on them .

As for this spider queen, there are so many of us here, and it has not yet reached the state of freedom, so we can always kill it by joining hands together.

Su Chen finally chose option one.

"Let's go, let's continue up the mountain!" At this time, Jiang Yunfeng said.

After Su Chen made his choice, he nodded and looked at everyone to remind him: "Wait a minute, I have to remind everyone that there must be a queen behind those red spiders just now, and we killed so many red spiders just now, probably The Spider Queen behind them should also be here soon, so don't relax behind and be vigilant, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

"Well, we know, but it's true. We didn't expect it. We just went underground at the foot of the mountain, and we just went up the mountain. There are so many dangers." Jiang Yunfeng nodded and looked at Su Chen and said.

"Yeah, I don't know how dangerous it will be when we get to the middle of the mountain and the top of the mountain." Jiang Jingjie also said worriedly at this time.

Jiang Lijin patted Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Jingjie on the shoulders and said with a smile: "Oh, what's there to worry about? There are so many of us, what's there to be afraid of!"

"That's right, we're afraid we won't be able to beat others!" Jiang Guangsong said in agreement.

Su Chen nodded and said, "Well, let's be careful when the time comes, and take one step at a time!"

Jiang Yunfeng and the others nodded, and everyone set off again to continue walking up.

When Su Chen and the others reached the middle of the mountain, the sound of "rumbling" came.

"Everyone be careful!" Su Chen reminded everyone aloud.


Everyone be alert immediately!
"Look!" Jiang Yunfeng pointed to the depths of the forest and shouted.

Su Chen and all of them immediately looked over there, and saw a super big spider with a diameter of about two meters crawling out from the depths of the forest over there.

"My God! It's so big!" Bai Qian said in surprise looking at the huge spider.

"Damn it, this spider has grown into a spirit, isn't it? It's grown so big!" Jiang Guangsong sighed as he watched the Spider Queen coming towards them from the forest.

Everyone was very shocked, this spider queen is so big!
"Be careful! It's speeding up and coming towards us!" Jiang Guangsong looked at the spider queen and shouted.

Su Chen and the others were all on alert. Su Chen had already pulled Lin Wanxue and Su Ye behind him and stood still.

"Wife, Dad, you two will find a place to hide later, be careful, and try not to appear in the sight of this spider queen!" Su Chen looked at Su Ye and Lin Wanxue and said.

Su Ye and Lin Wanxue nodded. They both knew that if they didn't hide well, Su Chen would definitely be distracted to take care of them, which would hinder Su Chen.

"Then husband, be careful, don't let yourself get hurt!" Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen nodded, touched Lin Wanxue's head and said, "Yeah, I got it!"

"Teacher Bai, please take care of Xue'er and the others when the time comes." Su Chen was worried, so he turned his head to look at Bai Luo and instructed.

Bai Luo looked at Su Chen and nodded lightly, then she frowned and looked at the Spider Queen who was not far in front, she was worried, after all, she had just sensed this Spider Queen, she felt that she was almost on her way out The realm has reached, and it is estimated that it will be enough by then.

In the blink of an eye, the Spider Queen had already started attacking Su Chen and the others!

Su Chen, Jiang Yunfeng and the others barely escaped, but Su Chen noticed that the spider queen's spider silk was corrosive!I just saw the place where the spider queen's spider silk was touched, and the flowers and plants were quickly corroded.

"Be careful, the spider silk it spits out has its saliva, don't touch it!" Su Chen looked at the corroded flowers and plants and reminded everyone.

"Damn, this spider queen is really powerful!" Jiang Guangsong looked at the spider queen and said fiercely.

Su Chen glanced at Jiang Guangsong calmly, then he opened his mouth and looked at them all and said, "Of course, this Spider Queen has already reached the realm of half-step wandering."

(End of this chapter)

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