City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 910 Fighting the Spider Queen in the Half-Step Getaway Realm

Chapter 910 Fighting the Spider Queen in the Half-Step Getaway Realm
Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin looked at the Spider Queen again in shock when they heard what Su Chen said.

Half-step getaway realm? !

So awesome, a spider queen!
"I'm going, this spider queen has completely become a spirit, and this has already reached the half-step wandering state!" Jiang Lijin said, looking at the spider queen in shock.

"This realm is higher than mine!" Bai Qian also looked at the spider queen and said a little sour at this time.

Jiang Yunfeng frowned and looked at the spider queen, and said worriedly: "Then everyone, be careful, when the time comes, everyone will go up together!"

Su Chen and the others nodded, but while they were talking, the Spider Queen attacked them all again.

In order to avoid being hurt by the Spider Queen, everyone had no choice but to dodge.

Jiang Yunfeng, Jiang Lijin, and Jiang Muxue looked at each other, and led the Jiang family's elites to attack the Spider Queen.

But what makes them helpless now is that the speed at which the spider queen spins silk is simply too fast, and they simply have no way to get close to the spider queen's body now.

"What can we do, this spider spirit spins silk too fast!" Jiang Guangsong said, looking at Jiang Yunfeng and the others, frowning.

Jiang Yunfeng has no thoughts now, they can only defend now, but this is not the way to continue, he thought for a while and looked at Jiang Guangsong and the others and said: "Let's retreat first, don't get close to it, and then think of a way!"

Jiang Guangsong and Jiang Jingjie nodded, and then the Jiang family's Tianjiao immediately dodged and backed away.

Jiang Yunfeng led them back to Su Chen and the others, after finding a place where they could avoid the spider queen's attack.

Jiang Yunfeng looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, we can't get close to this spider queen at all. It spins silk so fast!"

"Well, then let's hide and observe, this spider queen must have a blind spot!" Su Chen frowned and looked at everyone and said.

"That's the only way to go." Jiang Guangsong said worriedly looking at the spider queen who was still spinning around not far away.

Su Chen observed the spider queen's attack range for a while, then turned his head to look at Jiang Yunfeng and the others and said, "Uncle Yunfeng, I'll take the lead later, and when I reach the head of the spider queen, you will see the opportunity later." Act on it!"

"Su Chen, is this okay? We couldn't even get close to the spider queen just now!"

"Well, I'll try it, it should work." Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng and said.

Jiang Yunfeng nodded, looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, how about I come with you."

Su Chen nodded and didn't refuse, because at least in this way, two people can go up together to distract the spider queen.

"Okay, then I nod and we'll go!" Su Chen looked at Jiang Yunfeng and said.

Jiang Yunfeng nodded, and Su Chen watched the spider queen getting closer to them. He first summoned his halberd, then watched Jiang Yunfeng nodded, and the two rushed out together.

The Spider Queen immediately spotted Su Chen and Jiang Yunfeng, and then attacked them. Su Chen used his halberd to block them, but found that they were not corroded.

"Uncle Yunfeng, I'll go up first!" After Su Chen realized this, he yelled at Jiang Yunfeng.

Jiang Yunfeng said: "Okay, I'll cover you!"

Su Chen nodded, then used his magical powers, and began to dash towards the Spider Queen quickly, then flew to the Spider Queen's head, picked up his halberd and began to chop the Spider Queen.

As soon as the Spider Queen was in pain, she started spinning frantically all around. Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Guangsong couldn't bear it even more. What was even worse was that the Spider Queen's spinning range expanded, and some went straight to Lin Wanxue and Su Ye. side went.

Seeing that things were not going well, Bai Luo immediately dodged in front of Lin Wanxue and the others, and began to lead them back while resisting the Spider Queen's attack.

At the same time, Bai Luo had to find the hiding place for Lin Wanxue and the others. While hiding, she looked around. Suddenly, she saw a large stone on her left side.

"Xue'er, hurry up and go behind the big rock on the left, I'll cover you!" Bai Luo said to Lin Wanxue.

Lin Wanxue nodded, and took Su Ye to walk over there quickly. Bai Luo was in front of them reaching for the silk spun by the Spider Queen. When they were about to reach the big rock, suddenly the Spider Queen threw a The tree was knocked down and knocked down.

"Xue'er, be careful!" Seeing that the tree was about to hit Lin Wanxue, Bai Luo said anxiously.

Then, Bai Luo immediately ran towards Lin Wanxue, pulling Lin Wanxue behind her, the tree hit Bai Luo directly when it came down, and she had just forcefully activated the force, and the pain in her body The poison seems to be rampant again!

"Master, are you alright?!" Lin Wanxue saw that Bai Luo was hit by a tree, she immediately turned around to look at Bai Luo and asked anxiously.

Bai Luo took Lin Wanxue behind the big rock and looked at her, "Xue'er, I'm fine, you guys hide here first, don't run around at will!"

"Master, it must have hurt just now, let me see your back." Lin Wanxue asked anxiously while looking at Bai Luo's sweaty forehead.

Bai Luo shook his head, then looked at Lin Wanxue and said, "It's okay Xue'er, you stay here obediently, I have to go out and help."

"Are you really okay? Master!" Lin Wanxue looked at Bai Luo and asked in disbelief.

Bai Luo looked at Lin Wanxue and shook his head, then turned around and went out to help Jiang Yunfeng and Su Chen.

Now the Spider Queen was in a state of rage, Su Chen could hardly stand on top of it, and Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Lijin were more or less injured.

Bai Luo went over immediately and started to deal with the spider queen together. At the same time, she was worried that the spider queen would hurt Lin Wanxue and the others again.

"Su Chen, you take Xue'er and everyone to retreat first, and I'll finish the job!" Bai Luo looked at Su Chen and said loudly.

Jiang Lijin who was next to me heard it and said, "Yes, we can't fight this Spider Queen head-on now, we definitely can't beat it, but, Bai Luo, don't try to be brave, we'll be fine after we're done, you take everyone with you." Walk!"

Not long after Jiang Lijin finished speaking, he was suddenly hit by the Spider Queen, hitting the ground, and then stretched out a leg to stab him.

"Lijin!" Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Muxue looked at Jiang Lijin and shouted anxiously.

Seeing this situation, Su Chen frowned, and he flew down from the Spider Queen's head with his halberd, and slashed at the Spider Queen's leg with the halberd.

(End of this chapter)

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