Chapter 171
Then she won't have the opportunity to torture Qian Xue in the future, no, as long as she marries her cousin and becomes the general's wife, she will have the capital to teach Qian Xue a lesson.

Lin Ganghai was so angry that he almost didn't eat the fat in his hands, and let Qianxue kick his life. He was about to marry Qianxue back and torture her severely. Qian Xue promised to be the number one scholar, and the Ninth Prince would not be able to offend him, but this number one scholar and his Liang Zi got married!

Now that Qianxue can appear in the No. [-] Scholar's Mansion openly, the cooking and cleaning will be arranged by the master of ceremonies as a matter of course.

Qianxue was in a very good mood today, she came to Zhuangyuan Mansion early in the morning, tidied up the Zhuangyuan Mansion with the master of ceremonies, and waited for Yi Shuihan to come down.

"Shui Han, when are we going to worship?" Qianxue said in a coquettish voice.

Yi Shuihan shuddered, really couldn't take it anymore, shook his head, strode into the room to pour a glass of water.With a sigh, she never thought of getting married in her life, even if the person she married was at least a man.

"It's wronged you to worship with me?" Qianxue said with a resolute expression on her face.

"Miss, I won't follow your example."

"Che, you can't just play around." Qianxue rolled her eyes and reached out to peel the peanuts.

"Master, is morning fun?" asked the master of ceremonies.

"Fun? Not only do you have to get up early every day, but you also have to stand upright all morning. Fortunately, I am in good health, otherwise I would have been exhausted. I don't know how those old men can stand it." Yi Shuihan thought of those old men standing still, and got down There are also many people who are unstable and fall down.

Yi Shuihan said again: "Also, let's take a break for the gambling house and shops, Ningcheng has been a little unsettled recently."

The curiosity of Qianxue and the master of ceremonies was completely aroused.

"Master, I've heard it too, is it the emperor?" the master of ceremonies whispered.

"It's none of our business, it's better to be reasonable." Yi Shuihan reminded after taking a sip of tea.

Qianxue put away her curiosity immediately, she knew that too much curiosity was very dangerous.

"However, the water is cold, and the business of the shops cannot be slowed down. Most of the shops in the imperial city are owned by thousands of families. We are now struggling to move forward. We can't get involved at all. It is difficult to expand." She has been thinking about this issue for the past few days. How can we catch up with Qianjia, which has a long history? There are also cases in the 21st century, but I don’t know if it will work here.

"Even the royal family can't deal with Qianjia, so it's up to you?" Yi Shuihan smiled strangely.

"Qianjia is really so powerful?" Qianxue asked in surprise.

"A business empire that has been standing for a hundred years can't stand for a long time just relying on a little business on the surface, and the unknown things in the dark will scare you to death."

Qianxue shuddered, she thought of Patriarch Qian's sinister face, his eyes were like poisonous snakes.

But Yi Shuihan is not worried yet, she has a hunch that this Qianjia will fall into Qiannuo's hands sooner or later.

"Hiss, ah" Qianxue suddenly covered her stomach in pain.

"What's wrong?" Yi Shuihan and the master of ceremonies looked at Qianxue worriedly.

Qianxue waved her hand, "It's okay, it's okay."

The master of ceremonies nervously said: "Why are you all right? Your lips are white from the pain. I'll go see the doctor."

Qianxue called to stop the master of ceremonies, "Come back, I'm really fine."

The master of ceremonies didn't believe it, and worried: "Are you really okay?"

"Just help me get a hand warmer, go quickly!"

The master of ceremonies responded, and immediately went out of the room to find a hand warmer.

(End of this chapter)

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