Chapter 172
Yi Shuihan was shocked, she had already guessed what happened to Qianxue, but she...
"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Yi Shuihan's face, Qianxue seemed not very well.

"Qianxue, why do you have a stomachache?" Yi Shuihan still asked incredulously.

"It's a menstrual holiday, maybe I ate too cold yesterday."

"." Yi Shuihan's surprise turned into shock again.

"Hey, Shuihan, what's the matter with you?" Qianxue asked worriedly, she had never seen Yi Shuihan with such a dignified expression.

"My body is very good, I know it very well, but I haven't had a period since I came to this world." Yi Shuihan said this fact reluctantly, if she didn't know that Qianxue had her period today, she would have really forgotten that women have a period The thing about periods.

Qianxue wasn't too surprised, just a little puzzled.

"Maybe you are not from Beiming Kingdom." Qianxue could only come to such a conclusion.

"Do people from Beiming Kingdom have anything to do with menstruation?" Yi Shuihan asked angrily, which pot was not mentioned and which pot was turned on.

"Women in Tianshui Kingdom and Xiyue Kingdom don't have menstruation, there is a world of women." Qianxue explained, she was shocked for a long time when she first found out, but now she is used to it and doesn't feel anything, on the contrary, she is quite normal .

In Tianshui Kingdom and Xiyue Kingdom, women are respected, and the status of men and women in Beiming Kingdom and Donglin Kingdom is completely reversed. The highest authority in the country is Her Majesty the Queen, and all the officials who enter the court are women.The status of men is low, and they can only match their wives and teach their daughters.Polyandry, even childbirth is a man.

After Yi Shuihan heard this, she was so excited, she completely overturned her previous thoughts, and the world became more and more chaotic.Maybe her previous suspicions were correct, and this body is not hers in the 21st century, so it is this body that is the problem.

"Don't be so shocked, just get used to it." Qianxue patted Yi Shuihan's shoulder, she was already used to it, and she still wanted to go to Tianshui Kingdom and Xiyue Kingdom.

At this time, the master of ceremonies brought the hand warmer, and Qianxue put the hand warmer on her stomach, which made her feel much more comfortable.

The master of ceremonies saw that Qianxue's expression changed, so he asked, "Just say what you just said and get used to it."

"Master of ceremonies, go find a few books on history, humanities, geography and customs, about all countries." Yi Shuihan said, only now did he realize that she didn't know anything about this world.

"Master, would you read these boring books?"

"I told you to look for it, so much nonsense."

The master of ceremonies scratched his head and left the room. Since when did he become a servant of the Zhuangyuan Mansion?They are very rich now, why don't they hire a housekeeper or something like that.

After a while, the master of ceremonies came in with a pile of books.

"Master, you are the number one scholar now, and your monthly salary is quite a lot, enough for you to hire many butlers, why don't you hire one butler?"

Yi Shuihan didn't say anything, just read the book, there are so many people, so much trouble.

Qianxue smiled like a fox: "Aren't you the best housekeeper, why would you spend that money on a housekeeper?"

"Please deduct the housekeeper's money from my monthly salary, okay?" the master of ceremonies gritted his teeth and said, Yi Shuihan and Qianxue are both iron cocks, and they don't pull out any hair.

"No, I'm not used to having strangers around."

"It's not up to you to decide whether it's okay or not, the master has the final say."

But at this time, there was no sign of Yi Shuihan, and the pile of books disappeared together. Yi Shuihan thought the two of them were too noisy, so he took it back to his room to read.

(End of this chapter)

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